Thursday, August 8, 2024

Shiurim Thursday 5 Av

New! Shiur in Bitachon by Reb Osher Eismann shlita 10:00pm at 416 Monmouth Ave Lakewood 

- Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977


  1. Any hookup number for R’ Osher?

  2. The fact that bitachon shiurim only start after the person gets the yeshuah, and not while the person is going through it, tells you all you need to know about them . .

    1. That's not nice.

      Your comment dosent need a response, however perhaps contemplate that the subject is a big baal madrigal and could give the shiur before the yeshua just as after however before he was very tarud and therefore didn't organize a public Shiur. Now with his newfound yishuv hadaas that he has now and he is able to organize more calmly, but the shiur he could've given before as after.
      C'mon. It's lowly stupid comment.

    2. No, it says more about us as an audience. He would have been prepared to give the shiur before, but people wouldn't have been clamoring to hear it from him.

  3. How about a shiur on Chitas

  4. Finally we in Lakewood Ir HaTorah dont have to come onto the celebrity Lubavitch to hear a Shiur in betachon

  5. When is R Oshers book and new mosad on betachon coming out

  6. So, there's a new shiur on bitachon! But some of us have jealousy/bitachon issues and need to actively seek to degrade it. Got it.

    So sad. I would love to learn at this shiur! Thank you for posting it

  7. To 9:15 and 5:37 (and everyone else), I was referring to the shiurim—not the people that experienced the yeshuah. My point is that people don't want to hear about the sort of bitachon that is strongly faithful to HaShem during the tzarah (a la CI) without the fairytale ending and desired result (a la novardok), it is telling about what people are looking for with bitachon, namely, as another segulah, which, to use the talmudic idiom, הרבה עשו כחזון איש ועלתה בידם, כנובהרדוק ולא עלתה בידם, it unfortunately holds out bitachon as a false promise for a yeshuah, leaving folks more disillusioned than before . .

  8. It's the Nine Days. A period if intense mourning and reflection. Please, can there be filtering of malicious and spiteful comments? This is ostensibly a site visited by frum people who actually yearn for the Geula!

  9. I think the flyer about the shiur was a parody
    please confirm if the shiur actually took place

  10. Please, Frum people who yearn for the geulah r not wasting there time on this dumb web site

    1. -What were they involved with a couple generations ago or in last generation?
