Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Assemblyman Schnal Says Lakewood Turrned Away from Trump Vote

Assemblyman Avi Schnall, NJ, addresses the Agudath Israel DNC convention event in Chicago to discuss the electoral power of Lakewood NJ. " Nobody should take the votes of our community for granted, and nobody should ever write us off"
Lakewood went from Trumpiest town in the country to voting democrat by electing him to office in a campaign of only 3 weeks.


  1. I'm gonna go wayyyyyy out on a limb and predict that Trump 2024 wins Lakewood over Harris in an even bigger landslide, Schnal's (meaningless) election notwithstanding.

    1. While we'd like to be on record as a President Trump supporting town, all NJ electoral votes will go to VP Harris, unless she gets caught with her liquor, then this Governor Weiz gets the votes.

  2. Schnall is a lying Democrat

    who gave you a right to speak on behalf of our community. You never had a foothold in our town and for good reason.
    What a chutzpah of you Agudah to drag the Lakewood community into the limelight at the DNC no less, just so you can show off to politicians that you control our vote.
    This is disgusting and shameful after the bullying and threats that twisted the community's arm to vote for tuition relief Schnal.
    We don't believe in your hashkafos we don't befriend politicians who were silent while jews are slaughtered in the holy land.
    Did assleemblyman schnall speak out about what went on at Rutgers, or the anti Jewish pro hamas protests in Teaneck and Bergenfield?? Or when phil Murphy criticized Israel and didn't even call for the release of hostages..All we heard was crickets.
    The Orthodox lakewood community will vote big time for Trump על אפם וחמתם of the arrogant agudah elitists

  4. During the Schnal campaign we were told that it is only a local election and we are not voting or supporting the democrats.
    Well here we are a year later and Agudah and schnall are already dragging the entire frum lakewood community into the dirty national politics into the DNC and national democrat party.
    What a chilul Hashem and Gneivas Daas of a צבור יראי השם

  5. A bigger percentage of registered voters in Lakewood came out to vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020 than those who voted for Schnall in 2023

  6. I know from inside info that Schnall refused R' Ashe Eisemann's request to help him get a pardon with the governor.

  7. Shnal lies that lakewood changed from Trump just to vote for him

    Oh did Avi also mention the report that his campaign manager was possibly involved with the RUOC Facebook group as a false flag set up which terrorized lakewood jews for a few years

  8. So what exactly did schnall and his puppeteers deliver
    Tuition? NO
    Less traffic on rt 9? NO
    A pardon for Rav eisman? NO
    Spoke up against anti semitisim in the dnc? NOOO

  9. Wow. All the critics are out today. I guess bein hazmanim brings out the best in us

    1. Usually i agree with you that people commenting here are overly critical. But in this situation, after telling everyone that he is not really a democrat, to use that in a speech to a national audience, is as ugly as everyone as saying,

    2. Tomorrow he turn around in our communities & claim it was a joke & shouldn't be taken as serious.
      Stay tuned..

  10. He has no shame to lie and mislead the public about his personal election as if the entire lakewood us anti Trump.
    He failed on the false promise of tuition relief and now goes to the democrats and brags that he and his handlers will get then the Lakewood vote
    What a despicable speech

  11. Schnall was only voted in by force and a million dollar campaign that fooled the entire lakewood community. Youngeleit were threatened with losing kollel checks and rabbonim were bullied. The Roshei yeshiva were forced to write a letter against their youngeleit who didn't buy into the schnall narrative. It was a black stain on Lakewood
    All those involved are עתידין ליתן את הדין

  12. Who asked schnall to go speak at the DNC
    He was elected not for any political reasons but only to help improve the quality of life for his constituents in Lakewood.

    What chutzpah to make our voting bloc as political bate for the democrats.

    The roshei yeshiva who endorsed him never approved of this and stated specifically that he is not to be a career politician.

    His going to Chicago and selling the Lakewood vote should be condemned by all those who wrote letters in support of his tuition relief hoax.

    What the aguda did here is inexcusable and a abuse of Lakewood residents who never voted to give any power to askanim to dangle our vote to political parties.

  13. OR the aforementioned from top to bottom are all in cahoots & complicit

  14. I’m proud to be part of the 13% that used their head when voting. Sad that it was only 13%.

    1. And me. Noone had to vote for him. No one ever knows who you voted for so no one can say that you were forced to do anything. Own your vote.

  15. Send him back to NY where he came fromAugust 21, 2024 at 7:03 AM

    Enough of this clown show. Send him and Agudah packing.

  16. He phrased it that way to bring out his point to the audience that he was speaking to, however, his point was well taken that politicians should be aware that our community will vote and come out in support of those who will take care of our needs. I really don't think he deserves the bashing that he is getting.

    1. That is not what he did
      He was clearly winking to the democrats that he has the power to swing the Lakewood vote away from supporting Trump to vote for them if they give agudah and his handlers what they want.
      Why didn't he make the same speech at the RNC. and what did Avi Schnall do for Lakewwood besides false promises of a snake oil salesman
      Don't be fooled this was a sad attempt by Agudah and other balei batim to show that they are finally moving the frum community away from the influence of talk radio hosts such as Limbaugh and Hannity to vote Democrat.
      Shame on shnall
      Shame on agufah

    2. Then why is he kissing up to Phil Murphy who did absolutely nothing for lakewood

    3. I hear what you're saying.

      חכמים, היזהרו בדבריכם....

      Which talmud chochom approved his speech? Rav Moshe Scherer, in his early years, would discuss and plan with members of the moetzes. Did he do this before giving this speech?

      I'm not so concerned about anyone living in Lakewood being influenced by his speech. What about our brethren who have been violently shaken by the envents of the last year? A certain 'frum' school has the first time in a long time not sent any of its graduates to Columbia University. (The same school which did this https://www.change.org/p/ramaz-school-rabbi-lookstein-you-may-speak-for-trump-but-not-in-our-name )

      How are they influenced by his speech? Do they ח"ו get the impression that even the 'ultras' in Lakewood still see the leftist avoda zara as something we can ח"ו identify with?

      I hope he seeks out a true talmuch chachom to advise him and guide him. Many of the members of the moetzes can help him.

    4. One of the Moetzes members who vouched for Schnall told us on video "that he (Schnall) won't make a move without Daas Torah"

    5. Ha ha. Afterwards R'A Feldman walked that back ,though he admitted it was too late already

      The same DT that told people to vote Carter in 1980

  17. Who is Schnall to argue with Rav Avigdor Miller and we vote based on favors
    The reason he was voted in is because the vaad said so and they promised free tuition.

    1. Who is Schnall to argue with Rav Avigdor Miller

      Did any gedolim argue with Rav Avigdor Miller? So, don't blame that on Schnall.

      The issue here is more about how he made his point.

      However, utilizing this as an excuse to simply beat up on him or to advance your personal agenda, is simply wrong. Period.

    2. Did any argue with??
      Short answer: Amongst those who were involved,From our persuasion, In our circumstances - No !

    3. Schnall lied.
      He straight up said publicly that his vote in Lakewood meant we are moving away from voting for Trump. That was his message to the democrats
      Everyone in Lakewood and in the frum world knows that what he said is simply not true and a distortion of facts that happened.
      He should publicly apologize for abusing the Lakewood voting block to further an agenda

  18. Sorry everyone, but facts are that approximately 90% of orthodox Jews live in Democratic leaning states, and we need Democratic politicians to listen to us. You don't have to agree with everything Schnall does or says, but to burn bridges with the democratic party is a bad, and dangerous mistake.

    Btw, the Aguda did have a delegation to the RNC.

    1. Agudah had no problem burning bridges with the best president for Jews in the history of the US when they publicly attacked Donald Trump.
      Democrat Cuomo went after the yeshivos and frum community. Stop with your paid to troll agudah talking points the olam is smarter and sees through your bluff
      Ocean county is heavy republican yet Shnall election burnt that bridge.

    2. Ahhh,the old phony.
      You made the nest ,then preach to us to make the most of it!
      & you also vote for a choice in a fascist or an elected nazi country between a couple of fascists because..!
      Anything for some immediate bragging benefit?
      Have you any scruples at all?

    3. "Btw, the Aguda did have a delegation to the RNC"

      Oh, is that so?
      Did agudah post any pictures or videos of their delegates there like they went all out for DNC?
      Was there a event about anti semitism or the power of the Lakewood vote?
      Did they bring any frum republican politicians to speak?

      Please answer

    4. a.This may be a stunning surprise to many ,but aino yehudim even in other states get cues from our communities' preference even in such non-swing states.Hard to explain?So be it!
      b.political # voting is of much less import.
      Our stupid political associations make far more of a difference wherever we are.

    5. Anonymous 10:45 AM:

      No bridge was burnt between ocean county GOP and our community, same with President Trump. Unlike what some on this forum would like to happen between our community and the mainstream Democratic party.

      Anonymous 10:54 AM:

      Not sure what you mean....

      Anonymous 10:56 AM



  19. https://vinnews.com/2024/08/20/rabbi-avi-schnall-warns-dnc-lakewoods-electoral-power-shouldnt-be-overlooked/

  20. Hahaha Schnall warns dems if they don’t offer tuition relief, he will flip back to a republican

  21. The frothing at the mouth of some commenters here tells me:
    1) They have no real claim. They can't calmly, coolly, and collectedly, explain precisely what Mr. Schnall did wrong here.
    2) Their lives are quite depressing and empty, and without the ability to hock in BMG, some Kollel, the place they found a part time shteller, or outside Bagel Nosh, they have little to occupy their lives. That's why Bain Hazmanim brings this out in these people.
    3) They have little understanding of the issues at hand, taking individual details and making the rule out of them.
    4) The chances of any of them actually producing something the world needs is close to zero.
    5) They believe the newspapers that they are shoved, and then think that they have arrived at an opinion.
    6)They really need to find a life for themselves. They can join Hatzalah/Chaverim/LBA or even the Gemach Vayechulu. But they need a life.

    1. There's nothing worth responding to your arrogance and hate but you just proved all the commenters right by your gaavah and condescending opinions of talmidei chachomim and Lakewood youngeleit.
      This is why they despise the agudah balei batim and the schnall camp.
      Watch your words Mr smart alek
      Chazal said very strong words on someone who says מאי אהני לן רבנן

    2. This is Hillary and the "despicables" comment all over again. If I don't agree with you then I must be insane. Sorry the gaslighting doesn't work.
      You did nothing to address the actual points and just attack the people.
      I didn't realize the Democratic trolls are active on this site.
      Mr Schnall and his cronies are trying to control the narrative, and it's sites like these that scare them.

    3. you seem to be unable to understand the very, very basic point. the entire lakewood community was told that they had to vote for schnall because he would do practical things to help our community. he has not done anything to help our community. now people are upset about being bullied and used as pawns. what exactly are you unable to understand?

    4. If ppl were that stupid, they deserve this. I didn't vote for him.

    5. When people were angry at Schnall for running as a Democrat, some came to one of the great Talmidei Chachamim in Lakewood. He laughed as he told me about it, describing the naivete of those who came to complain. As though askanim were all a bunch of chafetz chaims.

  22. @anon 1:06
    I disagree with the bashing of Schnall In these comments and I have already left a comment to that effect earlier today. But, the tone of your comment is equivalent to saying "הני רבנן" for which one is considered an אפיקורס. See סנהדרין דף ק

    1. Wow! A new pshat in the Gemara. What does רבנן mean? Angry commenters on Hefkervelt.
      Who would have known?

    2. Wrong. Happen to be close to some of those mentioned but so what? Porsin on rashei am kodesh goes on such people too.
      We've been here before. The wreckage is strewn all round us.
      That they could flagrantly demand obedience without any chinuch in klal is little different than R'zecharia ben avkulos,etc.etc.

      Nothing will change for better until people are less afraid of the consequences of bucking the system than they are of the consequences of continuing to play along.

  23. Wow, that speech was so cringe!
    How could Schnall not be embarrassed to show his face in Lakewood now?

  24. Anon 4:03 you are trying to spin and minimize the sinas am haaretz to talmidim chachomim of the schnal defenders

    1. Where's the Talmid Chacham over here? Rabbi Schnall? Or Rabbi Circle?

  25. Spin the dial back the other way.Those who follow like sheep the born again manhigim without mesora are the amei ha'aretz

  26. HefkerveltcommenterAugust 22, 2024 at 8:19 AM

    Schnall is a liberal elitist. He pushed for the vaccine and is known to be good friends with George Soros. He also is cheap and controls the weather.

  27. Who appointed Avi schnall to become a apokesperson for the Lakewood community?
    Nobody asked him to speak on our behalf at the DNC
    He was tasked to stay local and get tuition relief
    He made it political by speaking ay DNC and talking stupidity
