Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday August 4 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: 82° Cloudy with thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High  Chance of rain 70%.
Erev Rosh chodesh Menachem Av
Shkiah today is 8:06pm
Minyanim for Yom Kippur Katan HERE

- Next  generation of Lakewood yeshiva hanhala as the children and sons in law of current roshei yeshiva  of Bais Medrash Govoha will be joining on as chavrei hanhala in a leadership roll beginning with delivering shiur klali in BMG. Starting with  Rav Aaron Olshin, long-time rosh chabura and son of the Roah Yeahiva Rav Yeruchom olshin who will deliver shiur klal tomorrow Monday at 12:45pm with the attendance of the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva. The other children andbsons in law will follow with delivering shiur klali.

- Flooding in Lakewood after heavy downpours and thunderstorms 

- Senior Israeli Officials reportedly told Bloomberg that the Iranian Attack is “Imminent” and could come from Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen.

- State police ticketing in Lakewood today

- Some Lakewood area restaurants will have private siyumim for the 9 days

- New The Zichron Mobile Pantry – offering kosher foods at 280 Oak Knoll Rd in Lakewood. Visit us on the 2nd Tuesday & 4th Monday of each month from 2:30-4:00 pm. Fulfill is proud to expand our reach & provide food to our  Jewish community

- Rosenfeld Ranch and farm in Howell open today feom 1-6pm You can buy feed for the animals, such as grain or lettuce, to enhance your visit. Come see us at 184 Kent Rd, Howell, NJ. For more information, call us at 929-326-2188 or 917-645-2188 (call/text/WhatsApp).
Price: $10 per person, children under 2 are free
Watch video of the farm Here 

-40 girls still not accepted to high school for next year

- Giyus update: Sefardi Roshei Yeshiva set up Agudas bnei Hayeshivos which will provide legal advice and resources to any bochur who gets a draft notice as they instructed to disobey the order and not show up.

- Keren Olam Hatorah campaign raises 10 million in London last week.

-Bein hazmanim boys learning lrogram today in neighborhood shuls before day camp begins this week

Please be mispalel for R' Yoni Abraham yonasson Asher Yehuda ben Michal a mohel from England who was arrested in Ireland for performing a circumcision and has been denied bail.

- A new CBS Poll reveals a tight national matchup, with Kamala Harris holding a slim 1-point lead over Donald Trump, 50% to 49%. When he exited the race, Joe Biden trailed Trump by 5 points - 52% to 47%. 

- Rescuers resumed the search Sunday morning for a kayaker who went missing on a lake in Jackson Township on Saturday afternoon, police say.Jackson police received a call at 2:25 p.m. saying a kayak had capsized on Prospertown Lake and that one of the two friends paddling together was missing, Chief Matthew Kunz said.


  1. Why is Kamala Harris willing to debate Trump on ABC, but not on Fox News:

    It is very simple, the Fox News is a setup and not all of the rules that ABC and CNN set up are to be honored.

    In the CNN and ABC setups both campaigns had access to the audio setup to assure that the voices tone and timber were not being messed with to the advantage of one side or the other. Fox News will not allow Harris engineers into the audio booth. They reserve the right to mix in audience reaction to the feed. They reserve the right to ring in the candidates audio. While they will not make Harris sound like Donald Duck, they will flatten her voice and raise her pitch like that have done many times in the past to make her sound whiney.
    In the CNN and ABC setups both sides got to have an engineer color correct as they saw fit the cameras. Trump in fact had his image mixed chroma down to avoid the orange baboon look that he is famous for. Both cameras in these two plans, one which has happened and one which is proposed, were to be set at an equal zoom ratio with candidates occupying the same amount of screen, with the cameras at eye level, and with the focus tight and check for back focus parameters. Fox News is famous for screwing with color to make people look different, using different length lenses and zoom ratios to exaggerate facial features, and showing their preferred subject in their news from a low angle while their opposed candidate with a high angle.

    1. Are we still discussing Trump?

      He's yesterday's news, עובר בטל

    2. So I guess you're voting for Harris who's done nothing positive these last 3.5 years?

    3. Neither Trump nor Harris is interested in a debate hosted by a venue that is usually hostile towards them. No need to believe any of the other spins and accusations that are being said to and by their respective party faithful's.

    4. Somebody is defending CNN &ABC ??
      These are guys who assume the audience here is ignorant how those channels skewed the Romney-Obama debates?
      The same CNN who in last recent debate made a new 7-minute gap so they could splice or tone however they want?

  2. Why is reb Osher going on coach Menachem show after he interviews guests who spew apikorsus and others with hashkofis not in line with bnei Torah and the Lakewood olam

    1. Rather narrow minded of you. So people should only speak for crowds whose hashkafos are exactly in line with the speaker? If you had your way, no one would ever have the opportunity to hear anything from anybody else, unless their opinions line up exactly. Not sure what the religion you practice but that's not our religion.

    2. Would depend what/how far this coach Menachem is. Who is coach Menachem

    3. The shiur on Coach Menachem by Rabbi Eisemann together with Rabbi Yisroel Brog was inspiring with lifelong lessons! I highly recommend it to all to listen to the recording at

  3. Looks like R Asher will become next celebrity following footsteps if Rabashkin. When is his book coming out??

    1. He deserves the attention. He was hounded for 9 years.

  4. Why want R Nueman at the BMG conference in Connecticut?

  5. Why do our hechsherim allow for this siyum for all ?
    They might as well be watching the Olympics
    This is all serious prep for the Tisha BAv Kimzitz

  6. shiur kloli: never in the 9 days, never in bais yitzchok, never without signs posted in every bais medrash Conclusively, this R Aron Olshin was not official
