Friday, August 30, 2024

Israel At War Friday Aug 30

 Israel at war  day 329

- Over 40 rockets were fired into the Golan tonight by Hezbollah landing in open areas

- Palestinian terro attacks in the west bank today IDF says it killed two Palestinian terrorists as two suspected car bombs were detonated in the Gush Etzion area of the West Bank this evening, in the first incident, a car exploded at a gas station near the Gush Etzion junction. Two men were moderately and lightly wounded by gunfire amid the incident, medics say, likely as a result of friendly fire while forces shot the alleged terrorist dead. In the second incident, a Palestinian terrorist rammed a car into a guard at the entrance to the settlement of Karmei Tzur, lightly injuring him, according to medics. The IDF says troops dispatched to the scene shot dead the terrorist, and are continuing to search for additional possible suspects.

-A senior source in Hams told the Lebanese al-Mayadeen channel: "The round of talks in Doha has failed and is on the verge of collapse. The meetings failed to dissuade Israel from its insistence on remaining on the Philadelphi corridor and removing the veto on 65 Palestinian prisoners who were sentenced to life imprisonment."

- Lebanese media reporting the ceasefire talks with Hamas in Qatar have collapsed.

- On CNN, Kamala Harris refuses to answer whether or not she supports an arms embargo against Israel.

-IDF wraps up 3-week raid in south Gaza; 250 terrorists killed, 6 km of tunnels destroyed

-IDF says is carried out joint drill with security forces to prepare defense of north

-Cabinet approves IDF remaining in Philadelphi Corridor, Gallant objects

- The IDF, Shin Bet, and police eliminated Wissam Hazem, the commander of Hamas’s military wing in Jenin, during clashes and drone strikes earlier this morning. 
Hazem and two other terrorists were killed after troops spotted them in a car in Zababdeh

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