Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thursday fast of 17 Tamuz

 ושבעה עשר בתמוז הפך לנו ליום ישועה ונחמה
Thursday, July 6, 2023 / י״ז תמוז תשפ״ג
תענית י״ז בתמוז
Fast is over at 9:19 pm (50 minutes) One who finds fasting difficult may eat at -9:09 PM according to Rav Moshe Feinstein.

Weather: 89°  Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High 89F. 

- Tehillim for An 8-yearold Lakewood boy  in critical condition after choking  on a roller candy today. Please daven for Dovid Aryeh ben Bracha. 

- Those Traveling to the catskills there's lots of cops on route 17

- B"H: Son and son in law of Satmar Rebbe R Zalman have been released from hospital after they were involved in a serious car accident this week

- Kashrus alert some packages of Spring Valley Potato Blintzes actually contained cheese blintzes (non-Cholov Yisrael). This alert only applies to LOT# 1513MMR7831RE. it not affect all packages in this lot  If you have a package at home, please check it before preparing it to be sure it is potato and not cheese.

- Live teleconference by Gedolei Yisrael shlita on the dangers of Artificial intelligence and ChatGPT presenting Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Yeruchom Olshin, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Moshe Sternbuch,Rav Yitzchok Sorotxkin, concluding with Kabolas Ol Malchus Shamayim by Rav Yitzchok Kolodetsky.  Starting 3:30pm call in numbers 712-832-5661, 5663, 5665,5666,5669

-Divrei chizuk tonight by Rav Dovid Schustal shlita, Rav Yitzchock Sorotzkin shlita at Ateres Esther hall downstairs of B"M Bais Yitzchok 7th and Privateway 7:40 pm followed by Maariv bzman.

- Parlor meeting today for Yeshiva Chayei Olam Monsey Harav Yaakov Yankelowitz shlita Rosh Hayeshiva, at Tiferes Hall 613 Oak st Lakewood Shiur 8:30 pm Maariv 9:05 pm divrei Bracha Harav Avrohom Kammer shlita Rav Central Court shul  9:50 pm

- Inaugural yeshiva learning program at B"M Skulen Lakewood today אגרא דתעניתא for yeshiva bochurim from 4:00pm Sedaris of 2,3 or 4 hours with matanos given to the participants mincha 8:55 followed by Maariv and a seuda with the Skulen Rebbe shlita.

 - Terror continues an Israeli soldier was shot  and died of his wounds after a car with terrorists approached the settlement of Kedumim  the palestinian terrorist was shot dead by security forces

- Two firefighters were killed when they became trapped while battling a fire that broke out Wednesday night aboard a cargo ship at Port Newark, NJ

-Lakewood resident Refoel Kenig "Rafi king" a  Local police chaplain  has donated a kidney today to another fellow yid. 

Weed and Marijuana now available in Ocean county
- Ocean County's first legalized cannabis business has opened as of July 5, Bloc Dispensary, located at 501 U.S. 9 South, is a purely medical cannabis facility, You need to have a medical marijuana card to even enter the store.

- The Social Leaf will open its doors to the public on Friday, July 7th. It will be the first recreational use marijuana dispensary to open in Ocean County. South Toms River

- Rats or mice in Bnei Brak nibbled and tore a  Sefer Torah R"L


  1. A dvar Torah for Pinchas
    A look at the mechanics of yerusha

  2. Just wondering
    Does the Marijuana come with a Leil Shimshi special
    Will there a soft i-opening with Beril Weber or Lipa ?
    What about toimahu event with a marijuana rolling expierance with a wine bar ?
    Or a special pre pesach event how to substitute your juror with marijuana ?

  3. What's this new Minhag of Kabbalas ol Malchus Shamayim at every time people gather?
    We say Shema twice a day, that is what was sufficient for many hundreds of years. Why the newfangled minhagim?

  4. Why is weed news for this blog. I guess you may be a shutaf, vos tut men nischt far parnososo

  5. Happy Independence Day!
    Did you know that...
    July 4th 1776 was 17 Tamuz, so actually today is truly the anneversary of the signing of the declaration of independence.

    1. This year is 247
      That is the complete Jewish calender cycle 19x13 since Independence

  6. I feel like weed and sushi are first cousins.

    1. They are cousins though marriage, sushi's maiden name was seaweed.

  7. I heard that Trump planted Cocaine in the White House before he left, to frame Hunter Biden. What a narcissist this Trump dude. On his way out he thought of framing his successor! And Trump should leave the kids out of politics.

  8. Guess they didn't have R Shayala hanging

  9. They have to put a picture of Reb Shayala on the mantel

  10. We just filed a motion before the Commissioner to comply with the specific instructions of the Appellate Division to consider the constitutionality of the funding formula applied to Lakewood, if anyone is interested. I say this because the Commissioner is delaying, ostensibly to not take a chance of losing in the NJ Supreme Court, where the case will eventually end up, in a matter that will endanger his legacy for education by getting the amendments to the SFRA passed. At the least, we got all our emails to the Deputy Attorneys General and their bottomless bag of tricks into the record in case we need it when we finally get back into court.

    1. "His legacy" means the governor, "in a matter that will endanger the governor's" legacy for education. Biggest problem of a sole practitioner, is proofreading. You change a sentence so many times that what you had to begin with disappears, and any changes are just glossed over by your eyes because you have read it so many times.

      It is the governor that is calling the shots in our case.
