Saturday, July 8, 2023

Motzei Shabos Pinchos 5783 News Updates Lakewood

- update: 7:20 am situation is critical. He is sedated as doctors fight for his life.

Update on Condition of Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita he will undergo a medical procedure due to difficulty breathing.

- Tehillim: לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל tefilos for Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita who was hospitalized shabbos afternoon after not feeling well name is ר' ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא מלכא לרפו"ש. 

- In the early hours of Shabbos morning, a Jewish man of the Chabad community walking on the streets of Crown Heights was attacked and stabbed. He was treated by Hatzalah in stable condition they took him to the hospital and he returned home. Police are investigating  it as a possible bias crime.(CHinfo)

- BDE: Petirah of Rebbetzin Chavi Taplin A"H wife of Rav Yisroel Taplin shlita noted Talmid Chochom and Masmid of Lakewood yeshiva, Bochen at BMG and mechaber seforim particular on the international dateline and other topics. she was 81. Levaya tomorow morning 9:30 am at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st.

- Chasdei Hashem B"H: Update from thr family on boy who chokedon candy: Hodu Lashem Ki Tov...Dovid Aryeh ben Bracha is awake and is off ventilator and eating on his own and Iy"h may even be coming home tomorrow. Our family is extremely grateful to all that have continually davened and said tehillim. Mi K'amche Yisroel

- Seven people were taken to the hospital before Shabbos, some with minor burns, after lightning struck in Camp Sternberg in the Catskills. Baruch Hashem, they were all discharged and are doing well (Belaaz)

- Wildwood NJ, power outage: Residents go over 24 hours without electric after substation fire in New Jersey shore town 50,000 without power

 The Cargo ship at Port Newark that had a fire last week the Grande Costa D’Avorio, was listing, or tilting, three degrees toward the dock, and that a shift to five to six degrees is “the danger zone.” said governor Murphy.  Both the Coast Guard and a private marine firefighting company are “poking holes through the hull to let trapped water out.”

-A  judge has refused to block a New York law that bans guns in houses of worship, writing that the group of Orthodox Jewish challengers are unlikely to win their case. The plaintiffs, two worshippers and a synagogue, had argued that the law infringes on their constitutional right to bear arms, exercise their religion freely, and enjoy the equal protection of the laws.


  1. Mrs. Taplin was 81 years old (not 75 as in your posting)


  3. I thought the Gemara says that you cannot bring a k'li zayin into the bais medrash.

    1. Most poskim who discuss it say that if the weapon (or gun) is being taken into the shul for security issue it is not a problem. I can't even think of a single posek who explicitly says that one can not take a gun into shul when there is potential danger. Can you?

    2. Does potential danger include 'I read too many scary articles, and I imagine danger round every corner?'?

      Because now, there is no real danger

    3. potential danger- is however you want it to be.
