Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sunday July 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 87° Mostly cloudy early. Isolated thunderstorms may develop this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. Chance of rain 80%.

NWS: There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind is the greatest threat.

- The New Jersey Senate has failed to hold a vote on what was previously heralded as a "revolutionary" school busing bill. Faa reported This is a massive blow to Agudath Israel of New Jersey who worked hard on the bill, along with a broad coalition of private schools and advocates including a number of Catholic schools. The state’s largest teacher’s union, NJEA, has opposed the legislation. See more


- Eiseman case update The prosecution has reached out to the Supreme Court of NJ to overturn the court ruling vacating the guilty verdicts and not allow a new trial

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Deal ot Ohel Simcha on Park Avenue

- Chanukas Habayis for the new bais Medrash building at camp Oraysa for yeshiva Darchei Torah camp is located in Woodbourne 

- BDE: Petirah of  Mrs. Chana Rochel Stern A"H,45 of Miami (nee Pruzansky) wife of Reb Yekusiel shlita Levaya will take place in Lakewood Sunday  at the chapel on 7th street 4:30 pm. Daughter of Rav Moshe ZTL, brothers R Ben ,R' Zev Chaim passsaic. She leaves over 5 children. A fundraiser has been launched by the N. Miami beach kollel donate HERE

 - Gov Murphy  signed A5587/S3771, which eliminates fees, liens, and warrants issued for public defender services in the state.The law also wipes out past costs for low-income residents. (Sschorr)

- Attorney  requested that Lakewood Township's Planning Board reconsider an application that would add 500 cars to the Cross and Street area traffic. Without notification to neighbor according to report by Faanews 

- Shidduchim: Letter in Yated by single following up on the chizuk of Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita to beseech Hashem  several girls in the parsha have found  clarity that the approach is not statistics and having boys date earlier but to turn to Hashem and only with his help will they find their bashert.  The letter states they prefer a boy fully developed in his learning and mature enough to get married.Why tell boys not to listen to their roshei yeshiva and rebbeim who advocate for the current yeshiva system when the girls themselves aren't for it? It's painful to see so many girls waiting for years to find their bathers but the approach of days Torah to strengthen one's bitachon and increase zechusim is a better avenue.

LAKEWOOD TOWNSHIP FIRE DISTRICT #1 PETITIONS FOR FIRE COMMISSIONER - FOR GENERAL ELECTION NOTICE is hereby given that Petitions for candidacy to the Board of Fire Commissioners, Fire District #1, in the

Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, are now available. Voting will take place during the General Election taking place on November 7, 2023. Voters will be asked to elect two (2) Commissioners for three (3) year terms. Candidate Petitions for Fire Commissioner can be obtained by contacting the Ocean County Clerk's Office, Election Services Division, 118 Washington Street, Toms River, NJ, 08753. All candidates seeking Fire Commissioner seats in the upcoming November general election must contact the Ocean County Clerk's Election Office at (732) 929-2153 or email Supervising Election Clerk Cheryl L. Hopkins at The deadline to file the petitions is Monday, July 31, 2023, by 4:00 p.m. HARRISON PFEFFER, CLERK Board of Fire Commissioners Fire District No. 1 Township of Lakewood Dated: June 30, 2023


  1. If she prefers a boy who is "prefer a boy fully developed in his learning and mature enough to get married," then she should only give a yes to an older boy! Why should we stop boys from dating because she wants to date an older guy? Who's stopping her from going out with an older guy?

    Of course, she should daven. But since when does davening supplant hishtadlus? She sounds like an apikorus.

    Regarding Roshei Yeshiva, nobody is telling boys not to listen to their Rosh Yeshiva. Rather, we are asking boys to go to a different Yeshiva, where shidduchim are encouraged, not punished. If someone, for example, goes to a Chabad Meshichist Yeshiva (assuming, for the sake of the argument that there is something wrong with Chabad Meshichistim), could the boy say, "I'm simply following my Rosh Yeshiva!" Of course not. It was his decision to go to this sort of Yeshiva.

    1. You are not as smart as you think. You are just plain twisted, in yeshiva you would be labeled as Krum!

    2. It a Lubavitch yeshiva, you would be labeled as krum.

    3. So basically, we should go heter shopping.

    4. Such a perverse strawman ,you stood up.Maybe your daughter Should date a bonafide meshichist
      & We're need to take you even half seriously?

  2. I think I need to take a chizuk trip...

  3. R Elya Ber said the math has to make sense also

  4. When Roshey yeshiva will stop labeling boys will price tags on their heads, then the shidduch crises amung the yeshiva community will stop

    1. My research has shown clearly that the crisis is all money related.

    2. Not really. Most boys ,even good learners want support. While I agree that even that is out of the ability of most fathers of girls, it's not called a price tag .it's a fixed dollar amount for 5 ,7 or 10 years depending. Price tag is the ones who want to marry rich girls. There are very few half decent learners who are willing not to get any support for a fixed number of years . I agree it's a big problem, because once people undertake support ,especially fir mire than 1 daughter, then they stop paying fir anything else like tuitions and start falling apart financially .

    3. So it's the Rosh Yeshiva's fault! What awful human beings they are! Thank you for pointing that out.
      You, on the other hand, are a paragon of virtue. Your ceaseless toil on behalf of the klal drinking coffee and hocking on the internet is what will bring Moshiach.
      Somehow, when I get up to heaven after 120, I'm hoping I'll be where the R"Y's are and far from any place you and your kind are going to be in.
      But of course, you are the solution and they're the problem.
      Words don't suffice to describe your worthlessness, you miserable bum.

    4. The campaign on the poop and Nasie propaganda has been targeting the Roshei yeshiva from day one. Bh hundreds of Lakewood Jews have unfollowed and stoped clicking the sites and social media accounts after the bizayon hatorah.

  5. New krank in these Lakewood satellite kehillos is the Moitze Shabbos, Volleyball or basketball ball games. Why don't their spineless RUVS speak out against this???

    1. So in your opinion going to the movies would be better? Not everything needs to be "spoken out" about.

    2. When Lakewood Rabbanim will put an end to LBA and other organized sports, something all previous gedolim were against, then we can worry about people letting of steam with a basketball game.

    3. Who says they don't? Who says speaking against something helps?

    4. Halevie, I lived in a kehila where Moitze Shabbos Volleyball or basketball ball would be important enough of an issue for Rabonim to worry about it. And I live in Lakewood proper.

    5. Either the q is rhetorical
      occasionally the alternatives might be possibly worse

    6. LBA is causing a churban ro Lakewood kinderlach it's not just sports it's a culture and consuming the minds of our impressionable young children and the weekly ads in the voice and poop add fuel to the fire.
      The schools should shut it down. It's not a kosher outlet when it is a full fledged league
      And forget about not wearing yarmulkas and tzitzis

    7. Oh nebach. It seems as if you’re jealous and haven’t really thought through your comments. So what you are really saying is the yeshiva you send your kids to are intentionally murdering them by allowing them to have recess where they are introduced to a ball. And you further allow the genocide to take place by giving summer vacation. Wait until your kids or grandkids need healthy outlets and every professional suggest organized sports. Do you really think Hashem would allow the internet asifa 15 years ago to fail? Do you think Hashem would allow such a dangerous outlet as you suggest with so many yidden and rabbonim involved succeed? These are priceless yiddeshe souls that need outlets and parents that need this for their children and for themselves. Yes you can pick on lots of issues but as a whole you are just plain wrong and it’s ok to be that person. Because without people like you we just walk around not realizing how we take so many things for granted.

  6. We are ignoring the true cause of the crisis, because we don't know how to face the results of our experiment. This is similar to the new realization that Aspartame is a carcinogen. The crisis is a result of our chinuch experiment of allowing kids to dictate, not disciplining because they might go off the derech, and any boy still in yeshiva thinks he's entitled. The result is boys that the girls don't want to marry. This is the true crisis, and it may take a generation to fix.

    1. It's amazing how everyone 's pet peeve is THE problem.

    2. And how exactly is your comment adding value to the conversation?

  7. What isn’t the township utilizing their allotted space on the billboards? Why are they wasting taxpayer money using their own mini billboards advertising the fireworks display?
    According to the terms for the billboard:
    Each operator or owner of a digital billboard shall provide the Township of Lakewood access up to a maximum of ten (10%) percent of the static display panels in addition to an eighteen (18) inch high LED message board for public messages and public service announcements. This will include a minimum of two (2) hours of total Township access time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. This time may be expanded during Federal or State declared emergencies in the interest of public safety.

    The township can utilize that space to announce upcoming meetings, garbage schedule changes leaf pickup etc.
    You have to wonder if the township is scared of the operator lest they get on their bad side and they won’t get their platform on the website??

    1. The township doesn't want anyone to know about their
      (remote only) meetings.

  8. Bring this up with the township let's see if they respond

  9. I guess the chachomim on this site who believe they can be machria between talmidei chachomim who disagree, need to also find the daas torah which shtims with their daas baal habayis. It sounds like you are still stuck with meshichist macrochos. So your yiddishkeit consist of סור מרע and what is the עשה טוב?

  10. Get out,& Co-opt them.pretty easy


    1. I'm not the biggest supporter of the Covid vaccine and agree that it's side effects are being falsely played down (although I did take it and would take again) but it's ridiculous to accuse the Israeli government of wanting their citizens dead by pushing for it. At that point in time everyone wanted the vaccine. I remember the oppisite accusations as well. Saying De Blasio and Cuomo were antisemites for making the vaccines available in Jewish neighborhoods last

    2. That site is filled with nonsense.
      The first point, that 'nobody died of Covid under the age of fifty without other co-morbidities' is chilling in its lassez-faire attitude to death. People with co-morbidities do not deserve to die, and protecting them from covid should be a priority. How dare someone suggest that a cancer patient's life is worth less than other people's?

      There are many whoppers in there, but that is an extremely important one.

    3. Thumbs up.Thank you for standing up

    4. To the person commenting on people with comorbidities who died: You’re totally missing the point. Nobody’s life is worthless! The purpose of showing that no one under 50 without comorbidities died is simply to demonstrate that the government had their own nasty motives for forcing the covid vaccine on the young and healthy population, which had NO need of a substance which posed ANY risk whatsoever, to “save” them from a disease that posed zero risk of death to them.

      By the way, people with comorbidities do VERY well when they receive effective covid treatment early on - and this was denied them (another key way to realize something dirty was going on.)

      Also very important to note, is that the vaccine is NOT the answer to protect people with comorbidities, either. The vaccine does not improve immunity, it actually reduces it, and greatly increases all-cause mortality. This means, any person who did not get the shots has a better chance of not getting covid, of beating covid if he gets it, and of staying alive altogether.
      All these are facts proven with data.

      Also important to know, I have observed that people with comorbidities seem MORE likely than others to have negative effects, like disability and death, from the vaccine.

    5. Ok, Anon 10:19 aka Brucha Weisberger. You seem to be unable to sustain fact-based debate, preferring the echo chamber of your fans and sycophants. Many people are like that, but it is only your ilk that consider themselves 'those that do their own research'. It is that contradiction that shows up the fallacies in your reasoning.
      If you truly had the facts on your side, if you had honestly evaluated the evidence piece by piece, if you objectively considered the facts, you would not be afraid of people who were willing to disagree with you.
      But, Mrs. Weisberger, you have shown yourself to be just another one of those, someone who believed one side, and then chose the evidence. If that was the reason behind your personal choices, that would be foolish enough. But your public condemnation of people and organizations, based solely on your shallow 'under the tree in the bungalow colony' attitude, is contemptible.

    6. This whole comorbidity discussion is such nonsense. What percentage has no comorbidity, e.g., significantly overweight, high BP etc. That includes so many of us.

    7. To know Brocha Weissberger is to know more truth. You would be well advised to do Your research before you do your invalidating.

    8. Whoever is attacking someone standing up for yidden needs to deeply introspect.

    9. I have found that it’s the people who are pro who haven’t wanted to have a fact based debate. I have tried personally several times. Either way there is so much more information out there proving what was suppressed. while some may have seen it all along by now more it is more obvious even to those who weren’t aware.

    10. I just want to say that I don't think ANYONE has done more research into the harm of the Covid Vaccine than Brocho W.
      When she realized there was something very fishy going on when the government wasn't allowing Doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to those who had COVID she did not just sit back and do nothing.
      She took it upon herself to forge ahead and look into the matter very thoroughly.
      She even wrote a 95 page book "Look before you leap" about what was really going on during the "plandemic" and warning the public about the dangers of the so called "vaccine". She spoke to top Doctors and scientists about the dangerous components of the vaccine and the harm they cause.
      She has all her sources documented in her book.
      She had absolutely no ax to grind when she so selflessly decided to quit her job and focus only on trying to find out the truth of what was happening at the time of the "plandemic" so she would be able to help the public and save them from harm.
      This was actually a very big mesiras Nefesh on her part since her salary was very much needed for her large family bli"ah.
      She has worked tirelessly since the beginning of the pandemic to alert the public about the dangers of the vax and researching ways to help those that were duped into taking the vaccine .
      She has gone into debt in order to advertise to the public about the harm of the vax.
      She has also organized conferences with world famous Doctors and scientists to educate the public with real facts about the vax.
      All this and more Brocho has taken upon herself .She does not have any financial backing and has to constantly ask for help to pay off the debts that accrue from advertising and to pay for expenses involved when she organizes conferences.
      She has done so much for the Klal and we all owe her a debt of gratitude at the very least. Those that are financially able to should help her along as she continuously tries to educate the public in order to save lives.

    11. Yes, one side speaks out about the facts, says things how they are, which is not always how we WANT them to be, but we have to be able to handle the truth. On the other side, people just smear and vilify others, with half truths or outright lies.
      I stand with Bracha W.

  12. To the person claiming that “at that time, everyone wanted the covid vaccine” - well of course they did, because the government played their cards to MAKE everyone want it! Lock people down, scare them to death, and then produce and brand new product that offers freedom from lockdown and freedom from fear of death. Of course people came running! That doesn’t prove anything except that the government’s cunning propaganda succeeded.

    But also, you’re very wrong in saying everyone wanted it. Lots and lots of people did NOT want it but were FORCED for work, school, or travel. Sadly many of them died from the shots. Check this out if you don’t believe me:

  13. There is much more. This article did not even mention how hospitals were killing people with ventilators and medications like midazolam and Remdesivir.

    1. Whoever is still backing poison "medicine" is seriously brainwashed and is forgetting history. Nebach

  14. Brucha Weisberger you are incredible and have been speaking truth from the beginning. You have saved many lives in the process. Hashem should bless you with health and the ability to keep spreading truth!

  15. Wow the Paid Covid Vax Promoters still are at their vile game of attacking anyone who speaks any truth about the dangerous experimental fraud injections that Jewish Vax clinics got millions $$$ of dollars to give out.

    Brocha is a hero for alerting people to the dangers of the Pfizer shots and dangerous Meds they got billions $$$ for pushing. Pharma snd govt bureaucracy paid morons on social media to “counter vaccine hesitancy”and they still attack like vicious dogs anyone who speaks truth about this dangerous fraud.

    Anyone with a brain saw early on saw that people who “tested positive for Covid” were put on unmonitored HIGH PRESSURE VENTILATORS with RESPIRATORY SUPPRESSANT KILLER DRUGS MIDAZOLAM AND MORPHINE in hospital instead of given Antibiotics for their Pneumonia which was WITHHELD and KIDNEY DESTROYER REMDESIVIR was given instead. This caused the Death rate they needed to push their ineffective Dangerous genetic shots thats contain PEGylated LNP with RNA that lasts for months in your body producing damaging S Spike Proteins that FDA had to add a MYOCARDITIS WARNING SEVERE WARNING to the shots because so many men got heart attacks and strokes and Atrial fibrillation. These are facts. The Vax promoters Pfizer shills in our community are part of this fraud.

  16. I personally work with the elderly for many years and saw and continuing to see how the rates of death- sudden sharp increase after the govt pushed the COVID vax down our throats with all sorts of methods to get the nursing homes and everyone else for that matter to get the shots. I also personally know young people who have suddenly died after taking the shots. No, this has not been the trend in the past. Thank you for having the guts to spread the truth about what everyone else is too scared to say. And for opening the eyes of those around you. Shame that some people are so blinded or fooled to see the truth of everything that is going on. I would think people would be smarter than that by now. I guess it’s easier to stick one’s head in the sand.

  17. Brucha Weisberger is to be thanked, over and over and over again, for her tireless, unselfish and relentless work to get the TRUTH out to the unsuspecting public, as the truth filters through the cracks of his diabolical agenda of democide. She appeals to of ALL persuasions, to wake up, and save one's own life and SAVE AND PROTECT THE CHILDREN for Kiddush Hashem and for the entire future of Judaism and humanity. Personal attacks do not make an argument. Anger and insults do not make proof. An open mind is one without without fear. Fear G-d only. Reject evil. DO NOT COMPLY.

  18. Brucha Weisberger is saving lives, period. Her relentless work to bring truth to the public is to be commended over and over with each article. We can only daven for all good people to listen to her, with an open mind, and without fear.
