Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday July 21 News Updates

Friday, July 21, 2023 / ג׳ אב תשפ״ג Friday, July 21, 2023 / ג׳ אב תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת דברים
Candle lighting 8:03pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:21pm
Weather today 81° Thunderstorms. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 81F Chance of rain 100%.
Shabbos day hi 85  clouds and sunshine

- לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל continued tefillos for gedolei Yisrael in need of Rachmei shamayim
Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא מלכה
Rav Shmuel Deutsch ברוך שמואל הכהן בן לאה
Rav Shmuel kamenetzky שמואל בן איטא עטיל

- Bde: Petirah of R' Chaim Hersh Goldberger Z"L Boro park/Monsey/Lakewood he was a Hatzolah volunteer was I'll over last few years he was 52. Levaya in Kiryas Yoel today 3:30pm

- Eisemann defense reveals purposeful ‘Foul Play’ in Brief to State’s Supreme Court. The documents that prosecutors begrudgingly released last month after being forced to do so by a judge show that prosecutors willfully withheld evidence, lawyers for SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann wrote to the state’s highest court this week. Prosecutors were hit with a Brady Act violation for failing to disclose exculpatory evidence before the trial, evidence that was revealed to be in their possession when they included a single page in a post-trial filing. A intentional Brady Act violation can be grounds for not only the convictions to be dismissed, but for the entire case to be permanently dismissed, without the prosecutors being able to bring the case to trial again more Here

- Judge sets Trump classified documents trial for  May 2024, months before election The trial will take place in U.S. District Court in Fort Pierce, Florida, Cannon ordered. The ruling on a middle ground between the requests of Trump’s legal team and the Department of Justice, which had pushed for the trial to begin in late 2023.

- Mega millions jackpot is $720 Million drawing tonight 

- A Maamad Tikkun chatzos to cry over the churban will take place Sunday night into Monday morning at KZY 175 Sunset rd Lakewood with participation of the Mara D'asra Rav Dovid Merling shlita and a live hook up shmuz by Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz shlita followed by the recital of tikkun chatzos 

- Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita was officially proclaimed as Gaavad Eidah hachareidis last night at Yartzeit event marking a year since the petirah of the previous Gaavad Rav Tuvia Weiss zatzal. The announcement was made by the zkan rosh hayeshiva and eidah member Rav Elyakim shlsinger shlita via conference  call from London. He said Yerushalayim needs a rav and gave the title of Maara Daara Dyisrael to Rav Shternbuch shlita who until now was serving as Raavad. The central committee has to formally vote on it.  

- A proposal to construct warehouses up to  one million sq feet  on a 100 acres site at the Lakewood Howell border t the intersection of Randolph Road and Oak Glen Road has been canceled as the property has ben sold faanews reports here 

- Lakewood residents received Several anonymous robo calls against Hotlines that deal with shalom bayis and marriage issues claiming the gedolim due not approve of it.

- Shabbos yerushalayim: Thousands of protestors are marching today on the Jerusalem Tel aviv highway to protest the government's judicial reforms. Those traveling to Yerushalayim for shabbos are making alternate plans to avoid get stuck on the highway

- Conservative pundits: Bill Barr knew about everything going on in the Hunter Biden investigation and did nothing about it

- NJDOH Commissioner Persichilli is retiring next month reports she was  N.J.’s public face of the COVID 19 and introduced by Murphy as the woman who needs no introduction


  1. Rav Shternbach as Gaavad Yerushaliyimid FAKE NEWS.

    1. As reported, it still needs to be voted on. The more conservative faction will not approve it, and there will likely be another year without a Gaavad.


  3. He went against R' ZL from Satmar, so they will never let him become Gaavad
