Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday July 7 News Updates

Friday, July 7, 2023 / י״ח תמוז תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת פינחס

Candle lighting 8:10 pm

Shkiah/sunset 8:28 pm

Weather: 86°  Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86. Shabbos day 85° scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Chance of rain 50%

Mega Millions, Powerball jackpots amount to over $1 billion combined ahead of weekend drawings. Mega millions jackpot $450 million Friday night's drawing Powerball Jackpot $615 million drawing Motzei shabbos

-Shidduchim:  LNN reports Three new guidelines have emerged regarding the challenges of shidduchim from the meeting between a delegation of Roshei Yeshiva  in Eretz Yisroel 
1) Bachurim should not go to EY later than Pesach of their 3rd year in beis medrash.
2) Girls should not start dating at all until at least half a year after they return from seminary.
3) If either of these conditions are not kept the other side is void also.
So for example, if the boys are still leaving later, the girls would not be bound to wait. The idea of this is to cut off  a half year from the boys side and half year from the girls side to close the age gap between them. Read more

- Distributor of the rolling candy dipper  24 six foods llc has recalled the product from stores after incidents  of  choking telling stores to remove it off the shelf.

- Today  18 Tammuz, marks the first yahrtzeit of Rav Shmuel Yehuda Levin zt"l,  Rosh HaYeshiva Telshe Chicago and Rosh Agudas Yisroel in Illinois. 

- Tefillos for Rav Elchonon Schwimmer shlita R"Y Orchos Meirt in E:Y who is in critical condition name is אלחנן בן חוה לאה 

Chacham David Yosef shlita will be spending shabbos with the  Syrian community in Deal, NJ.

- Free ice cream scoops at Gourmet Glatt south 11-4 pm

- Redoel Kenig Lakewood residents and police chaplain B"H recovering after donating. Kidney to a fellow yid

- National  school lunch program will now once again  be providing cholov yisrael cheese to yeshivos after the Agudah and kosher cheese industry giot involved

- R' Aaron Lang says Gov Murphy is trying to delay the funding formula case in Lakewood as he sets eyes on national office "We're almost certain that governor's trying to delay resolution of the matter until 2026. The SFRA is his signature accomplishment and he likely has eyes on national office. It will be a blow to his educational platform if the Court finds the SFRA is the cause of no T&E in Lkwd"

Also filed motion before the Commissioner to comply with the specific instructions of the Appellate Division to consider the constitutionality of the funding formula applied to Lakewood.

Matzeiva of Rav Shmuel Yehuda Levin(MKY)


  1. LNN posts new shiduch guidelines, boy should go to EY earlier, and girls should start dating later.

    Basically next pesach will have close to twice as many boys going to EY as previous years, so more boys won't get into briske. Then a yr or two later twice as many boys will come from EY so there'll be about a yr surplus off boys, couple that with girls waiting 6 more months. End result will be many younger boys in 1-2 yrs dating older than the current average age girls.


  3. Why would they not release an official kol kore or statement instead of this innuendo on websites

    1. They are testing the waters to see if there will be mass push back before officially releasing.

    2. So religious decree -"politics is the art of the possible"

  4. These guidelines look like 'same old same old'.

    Let's pretend to do something while doing nothing.

    But if we call it 'Landmark News', somebody might actually believe that.

  5. Is this going to be like the Aguda chasuna takanos of 20 years ago, where the rich decided it doesn't apply to them? What if they implement this, and in 3 years there is still a crisis, will they review and modify? And how does delaying girls for 6 months help anyone? This sound like just an appeasement. Why do the boys need so many years before going to Israel. We all know that in reality the boys are all itching to move on.

  6. Which girl will turn down a shidduch that is redd before 6 month out of sem

  7. Who decides if boys or girls are keeping to the "takana." Doesn't sound very serious.

  8. There is no question that the governor is calling the shots.

    At any rate, see the April 18, 2023 Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee Hearing at:

    The Appellate Ruling on the funding formula was a once or twice in in a century event and the Commissioner had no clue because she had so many other cases. She did not know if they were going to appeal to the Supreme Court. She did not know who was going to represent her.

    She still does not know. If you see our papers that we submitted to her yesterday the Deputy Attorneys General that we have been dealing with since the decision cancelled a conference with us (after we got them to stipulate two weeks earlier, which they now deny, as to the scope of the Commissioner's review of Lakewood), because they said they are really not representing the Commissioner, they only talked to us as a courtesy, and they don't know who is representing the Commissioner. It is bizarre, bottomless bag of tricks.

    See the Politico article:

    Aaron Lang

  9. I'm curious to know more about how the Roshei Yeshiva plan to practically implement these guidelines. What steps will they take to ensure that bachurim adhere to the suggested timeline.

    1. If the Roshei Yeshiva decide they WANT to go along with it, it won't be so hard to enforce. Simply make a rule that bochurim can not remain in the Yeshiva after Pesach of their 3rd year in beis medrash unless they sign that they won't go to Eretz Yisroel later on. Enforcing that no girl can go out until six months out of seminary seems impossible. Unless of course you want to dump the responsibility for that on Yeshivas too, with a rule that no kollel can accept someone engaged to someone he had started going out with when she wasn't six months out of seminary

    2. Should I tell you what the purpose of 'signing' is?

      There is an expression in Yiddish 'der naar mitt der shtar'.

  10. 3) If either of these conditions are not kept the other side is void also. How can you enforce or judge such a thing. If one girl goes out less than six months after seminary does one boy stay further in Yeshiva? Who is keeping track of this?

    1. There's no way to enforce how long a bochur stays to learn in eretz Yisrael. The yeshivos will not chase them out

    2. They choose which boy by goral. All names go into a hat, and someone else, presumably also chosen by goral, gets to choose who stays longer in Eretz Yisroel.

  11. Issues: 1)Impossible to enforce 2) For girls to be Shtark it is better they get married younger.


  13. What about a girl that doesn’t go to seminary? Is she going to wait 18 months before dating? And if not, will more girls start skipping seminary year?!

  14. Point is, the gedolim are saying both sides need to comprise, and we aren't going to change boys yeshiva schedules unless the girls are willing to shtel tzu.

  15. These "Gedolim" you refer to seem to think that there are two teams, boys and girls. There are two teams. These girls are our daughters. Whether they keep their "side" of the deal should be irrelevant.

    But I don't blame Roshei Yeshiva. I blame the gvirim. There is no reason why they aren't willing to seriously incentivize boys going out earlier. You don't need to incentive every boy. As long as two boys per shiur get married young, it will set a new trend. It will become normal for a boy to get married at eighteen, as required by Orthodox Judaism, unlike the Reform, Conservative and Yeshivish branches, which don't listen to Hashem.

    1. Orthodox Judaism does not require a boy to get married by 18, that's your new religion called shiduch-judaism, enjoy your religion, but don't pretend to be orthodox.

    2. See, Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer siman 1.

  16. Just make the girls start later. For the most part its the girls suffering. My heart pains but if they won't do anything then how can you expect the boys to do it?

  17. I really don’t understand what the big deal is to shift the system and have boys go to Eretz Yisrael a year or more earlier. My own son went straight out of Mesivta, was there for 3 years, and BH is now ready to date - and bli ayin hara, he’s a gem of a Ben Torah, turning 21. Why can’t more boys do this? I honestly believe that all the delays are kneged Torah.

    1. You son is an exception. Your belief that this is keneged torah is very foolish, which leads me to believe you your son is not a ben torah, and you wouldn't know a ben torah if landed on your head.

    2. You sound like a Reform Jew.

    3. & You sound like a Kara'i.
      Come into a town,ignore our long distinguished oral tradition &throw it out since you force me to follow what you insist it states even if that wasn't how it is supposed to be

    4. Sorry, sir. The Karaim are the ones who don't follow Chazal. I do. You don't.

  18. We should follow the mehalech of many Litvishe Gedolim in EY that Bochurim Bnei Torah get married at 20-21.Not only the Chazon Ish and Mishpachas Kanievsky hold this way. Getting married earlier saves Bachurim from Chet and allows them to learn Bkedusha ubtohoro.

    1. "Getting married earlier saves Bachurim from Chet" huh? which chet does it save them from?

    2. Bad hasty marriages causes already worse for both genders & kids down the road

    3. If everyone would wait longer..

  19. These guidelines will not work. There is no way to have oversight on girls complying to this.

    Better ideas, IMHO:

    1) Have boys start school to be bar mitzvah in the eighth grade, (as it was 30 years ago.) Leave the girls to turn 13 in 7th grade. That will lower boys beginning dating by one year.
    Enforceable by having Yeshivos not accepting boys older than 4 for primary.

    2) Have boys go to E”Y for one year only. It is not good for them anyway. E”Y is too distracting. They do not learn enough Nashim veNezikin to be accomplished in that, nor enough Kodshim to be accomplished in that. Nisht a hin un nisht a he’er. 30 years ago not everyone went to E”Y. It is not a din to go and leave a yeshiva a boy is happy at and shteiging at. This will have boys back and begin dating another year earlier.
    Enforceable by having Eretz Yisra’el Yeshivos not allowing American and other chutznik bacharim to stay longer than one year. All are welcome to return after marriage. After marriage, Avreichem are more settled and less distracted by E”Y from learning. It is also a strong way to start off a marriage, without parents close by, and the young couple bonding and needed each other more. (The young woman may “cry” that first month. But encourage her to stick it out that first month and year, and she will do great.) Of course, this is dependent on being able to afford it.

    This will cut down 2 years, and have boys start dating at 22, as opposed to the current age of 24. Reducing the mathematical issue of the shidduch crisis. Also, preferable al pi yiras Shamayim to have men married earlier than 24.
