Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pirchei boys Melava Malka this Motzei Shabbos- $15 per kid!!!

                                                                 Why so expensive?


  1. This used to cost not more than $5 a kid how much does it cost to feed 2 hot dog buns, a fries and a soda. The $15 charge is besides for annual Pirchei membership which is $30. Why does this melava Malka have to be so expensive like a chol hamoed trip. The event is partially sponsored, what are parents with a few boys suppose to do? cant they get a discount?
    Is this a for profit event?

  2. For all Agudah related matters speak to Rabbi Avi Schnall

    1. Yes, Rabbi Schnall will be releasing a statement shortly

    2. Waiting for his video on the scoop

  3. Officially it's meant to offset Agudah's other programs but it's probably offsetting all the kids that go to Pirchei and don't pay membership. (Fyi members pay $13.00)

  4. People need parnasah than they will need parnasah again at the chanuka extravaganza.

  5. Some people complain about everything. Go do it cheaper yourself. They don't owe you anything.

    1. complain? are you out of your miond?? Pirchei is supposed to be something that each and every child can be a part of and enjoy. There is no doubt that certain individuals are proffiting off this melava malka. Parents should not have to burn a hole in their pocket for a simple melava malka that does not cost much and is mostly sponsored. If the Agudah wants to fundraise they should do so by going to baalei batim not by ripping off parents by charging $15 e kid besides for charging $30 membership.

  6. People with little or no income have no problem buying $600k houses, lease brand new cars, buy $1000+ strollers etc. Then they complain about $15 melava Malka? (Maybe someone can start a new organization/Keren to pay for pirchei melava Malka. "Tiferes Yankel l'melava. Malka")

    1. What in insensitive remark. You obviously live in your own little bubble oblivious to the plight of thousands of mishpachos in Lakewood who have a very hard time making ends meet. Maybe in your little development there is a rat race on spending beyond your means but there are youngeleit and others who are just surviving day by day.
