Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pesach pricewars

Competition is a good thing. Pesach food shopping is in full swing and the price wars have begun. The Lakewood supermarkets and grocery stores are advertising sales and specials on many products. Stores also are selling cheaper by the case at discounted prices. Options of ordering in bulk through the likes of Moadim L'simcha or local shuls also help ease the financial burden. Special Pesach circulars were sent out with many sale items for yom tov shopping. The addition of new supermarkets in Lakewood at least for now has brought down food prices and forced other stores to be competitive. Eventually prices will go up but for now food shopping has become somewhat affordable. 


  1. When is KRM and Moishes cheap and affordable supermarket opening up in Lakewood?

  2. Gourmet glatt prices very cheap, cheaper than many advertised npgs items.

  3. For example what is gg cheaper on?

  4. Shloimys Kosher has great sales on Meat items.

  5. eggs!!!
    GG is $.79
    NPGS is $.89

    im sure there are many more. .10 cheaper on such a basic item is pretty good.

  6. HV, Please post the various supermarket flyers. Thank you.

  7. Sale items in gg are cheaper but what about non sale staple items like juice and butter. Could be 30 cents more in gg. Shop a bit here and a bit there and save.

  8. Seasons I found has the best prices on meat.

  9. GG was cheaper than moadim lesimcha on many items

  10. For the very shortsighted, price wars are a good thing. But if it were your husband or wife who loses their job because a store that is not even making the minimum markup is forced to lay off employees, you would see it's not a good thing. and if the stores that previously supported various Tzedokos can no longer do it, then who, pray tell will? And what if tuitions aren't going to be paid because you bought your Pesach oil at $2.00 below cost? How will the schools pay their Rebbeim? A healthy economy cannot exist when the only factor fueling it is a price warrather than the genuine needs of the community taken inot account.

  11. The problem isnt the store . The root of the problems are the wholesalers and manufacturers. Thers no reason on earth why flanken costs 15 dollars a pound. Thers no reason why butter costs 4 dollars. Prices must come down not from the stores but from wholesalers, distributors and manufactures.
