The current state of the old Lakewood Cheder building is deemed unsafe and looks like crews are reading it for demolition.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Ad deadline for Ahavas Tzedaka
Dr. Shanik is a household name in the Lakewood community and surrounding areas. Together with his wife, the Shaniks are renowned for their accessibility and readiness to help at all hours and their deep concern for others. Ahavas Tzedakah was born out of this care and commitment to the growth of the community.
Dr. Robert Shanik has been a popular pediatrician for over 35 years and currently runs a private practice in Lakewood, NJ, with offices in Toms River, Manahawkin, Howell, and Brick.
Day camp begins
The camp spirit is here. B'H the children get to enjoy and have fun. With the girls schools ending last week, the day camps have begun today. The boy schools too have a day camp program keeping the kinderlach busy in these long summer days. Thanks to the many morah's and single girls who provide summer fun for Lakewood's kinderlach.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
$40 for $100 Dinner for 2 at Prime Ninety Five in Lakewood NJ
Groupon is offering a $100 voucher for $50, for Dinner for 2 at Prime Ninety Five restaurant, located at 95 East Kennedy Boulevard – Lakewood Township, NJ. Even better, get an additional 20% off, with code: THANKU20 = Final total $40.
Promotional value expires 90 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Reservation required. Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Limit 1 per table. Valid only for option purchased. Cannot be combined with any other offers. LINK
Promotional value expires 90 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Reservation required. Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Limit 1 per table. Valid only for option purchased. Cannot be combined with any other offers. LINK
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Lakewood mishpachos visiting the Para Aduma
On erev shabbos Chukas many took the opportunity to go and see the Para Aduma, the red Heifer in Nearby Howell, NJ at the Celler farm.
Friday, June 26, 2015
What to do with the kids today
-The annual farmival to benefit Hatzola will take place today at Glen Avenue (North) between Central Avenue and Knoll. from 12:30 - 5:00 PM
-Visit the Para Aduma off Squankum rd make a left at Bobs Deli by Oak Glen rd Celler farm is on the left side around 1.5 miles down.
-Enjoy one of the many Parks in Lakewood (while it is still not developed)
-Visit the Para Aduma off Squankum rd make a left at Bobs Deli by Oak Glen rd Celler farm is on the left side around 1.5 miles down.
-Enjoy one of the many Parks in Lakewood (while it is still not developed)
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Bobov Rebbe visits Lakewood
On Sunday it was The Bobov 45 rebbe who came, yesterday the Bobover Rebbe (48) came for a Chasuna at Neemas Hachaim hall and then went to daven at the Bobov Shteebel in Lakewood.
Off to camp
Many Lakewood mishpachos were seen in various parking lots loading buses, trucks and vans with luggage as the girls begin sleep away camp. In addition families are heading up to the Catskills to get away from the humidity and heat. Although bain hazmanim is a month away the summer quiet is settling in.
Petition calls for affordable grocery prices in Lakewood
While a few new stores plan to open in Lakewood shoppers are hopefull the prices would be affordable.
See it HERE
See it HERE
We, the people of Lakewood are desperate for a supermarket that will offer affordable prices in a convenient, nearby location. We don't need another fancy grocery store that will focus on selling expensive prepared foods and everyday groceries at convenience store prices.
KRM, we know good and well that you will be able to open an amazing supermarket as has been shown for many years in your current locations.
Please do us a favor (probably even a mitzvah) to the 99% of families that can't afford the current grocery pricing in Lakewood.
Supermarket update
Evergreen Kosher put up a sign at the construction site advertising they will be opening soon in Lakewood. Seasons kosher market is said to be opening at the newly constructed shopping center by the Woods on Cedarbridge Avenue. No word yet of an opening at the former ShopRite location rumored to be taken over by Gourmet Glatt. Aisle 9, is set to open its doors any day at the former Delta location Madison avenue and 10th street.
Monday, June 22, 2015
E.Coli Concerns Prompt NJ Statewide Bottled Water Recall
The company that supplies Wegmans, ShopRite, 7-Eleven, Acme and others with bottled water has issued a recall because one of its source springs may be contaminated with E.coli. New Jersey stores that sell the recalled products include including Wegmans, ShopRite, 7-Eleven, Acme and more, according to recall notices. According to Niagara Bottling, the water was produced at the Hamburg and Allentown, Penn. facilities between 3 a.m. June 10 and 8 p.m. June 18. for more info read here.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Squankum Rd hitching spot moves over
Due to the construction currently on Squankum road the designated hitching spot has moved further down past the whispering pines development.
BOE to fill two vacant seats tomorrow
Updated: MR. David Jacobovitch and Mr. Heriberto Rodriguez were voted in to fill the two vacated seats.
According to the Lakewood Township website -without a public vote It is expected that the Board of Education will publicly interview and appoint two candidates at the upcoming meeting on Thursday, June 18, 2015.
According to the Lakewood Township website -without a public vote It is expected that the Board of Education will publicly interview and appoint two candidates at the upcoming meeting on Thursday, June 18, 2015.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
NO homebound bussing for private schools tomorrow
The BOE has informed all private schools that they will not provide busing or transportation for the way home from school tomorrow. It has to do with the shortened day schedule at the public schools. Expect grid lock as many will be carpooling at the same time. The town will shut down between 12 and 1 pm. This could have been avoidable but the incompetence and self interest of others has led to this. Some schools will have early dismissal at 10:45 with transportation. The Igud have filed a law suit but as of now there will not be any busing.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Nur Simchas!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Events Rosh Chodesh Tamuz
1. Rav Ahron Shechter will be in Lakewood for a Yeshiva Chaim Berlin Alumni parlor meeting tonight on Primrose Ct.
2. C"k Admor M'Pinsk Karlin Shlita will feer a Rosh"Chodesh Mesiba tonight in Lakewood in Nadvorna Bhm"d on Monmouth Avenue.
2. C"k Admor M'Pinsk Karlin Shlita will feer a Rosh"Chodesh Mesiba tonight in Lakewood in Nadvorna Bhm"d on Monmouth Avenue.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Continued Tefillos for toddler struck by car
Please continue to daven for דוד בן אסתר who needs a reuah and yeshuah. Child was transferred from JSMC to have a critical surgery.
APP A toddler was severely injured Monday morning after being struck by a vehicle being backed out of a driveway, according to the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office. The toddler suffered severe injuries on his lower extremities from the accident at Tamarind Road, spokesman Al Della Fave said..... Local and county law enforcement are investigating. Della Fave said the circumstances appear to be a "tragic accident again highlighting how important it is before you pull out of a driveway, you take time to make sure that it's all clear behind you.
APP A toddler was severely injured Monday morning after being struck by a vehicle being backed out of a driveway, according to the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office. The toddler suffered severe injuries on his lower extremities from the accident at Tamarind Road, spokesman Al Della Fave said..... Local and county law enforcement are investigating. Della Fave said the circumstances appear to be a "tragic accident again highlighting how important it is before you pull out of a driveway, you take time to make sure that it's all clear behind you.
Free ride is over
Starting today the Lakewood shuttle knows as the ''L'' bus will cost $1 per trip $10 punch cards are available 2 purchase on the bus. 10$ buys 12 rides, You can still get a free ride from the former Shop rite parking lot to BMG during the construction on 7th street.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
DWI checkpoints this weekend in Monmouth and Ocean counties
The Monmouth County DWI Task force will conduct a DWI checkpoint in Deal to detect drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The checkpoint will run from 11 p.m. Saturday through 3 a.m. Sunday on Ocean Avenue. Task force members and Deal police will pull vehicles from the northbound lanes into the Deal Casino Beach Club parking lot to determine driver’s sobriety, according to Brielle Police Chief Michael W. Palmer, the task force coordinator. Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato, meanwhile, has announced that his department will bring back its annual countywide DWI checkpoint program.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Cream cheese shortage?
Local stores were out of J&J cream cheese this week. Other stores ran out of other brands as well. sources in the industry said they hope to restock in the beginning of next week.
Lakewood Simchas
Chasuna of the son of Lakewood Skulener Dayan grandson of the Rebbe
Pidyon haben einikel of Rav Malkiel KotlerUV index 9 -very high today in Lakewood
VERY HIGH | 8-10 | Protection against sun damage is needed. If you need to be outside during midday hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., take steps to reduce sun exposure. A shirt, hat and sunscreen are a must, and be sure you seek shade. Beachgoers should know that white sand and other bright surfaces reflect UV and can double UV exposure. |
Health screening for Men this Sunday
On Sunday June 14 Lev Rochel Bikur cholim will host its 8th annual community health screening for men. The screening will include blood pressure, oxugen saturation level, body mass index, glucose and cholesterol testing. the event will take place from 12:30- 6 pm at chemed 1771 Madison Avenue.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Kosher food, minyanim for those who use the Lincoln Tunnel
Located 5 blocks from the NJ entrance to the Linclon Tunnel is Sanz mesivta of Hudson county at 3400 New York Avenue, Union city, NJ. Mincha is at 6:45 last Maariv is 10:30 pm. There are vending machines with sandwiches at hthe Yeshiva. The shefa Chaim Kosher grocery is next door at 318 34th street.
Father of Four from Lakewood, NJ Donating his Kidney Now
Father of Four from Lakewood, NJ Donating his Kidney Now
Please be mispallel for:
Donor: Chaim Gershon ben Morsa
Recipient: Moshe Michael ben Aila
The recipient, Michael, is a father of 8 from South Africa. He reached out to Renewal as he was struggling getting transplanted locally. A search began for a matching live donor. The dialysis was truly grueling and unbearable. Today, that search and four and a half years on dialysis will IY"H finally come to an end.
Chaim Gershon, the donor, is a father of 4 learning in kollel in Lakewood, NJ. Despite his oldest child being only six years old, his wife has been extremely supportive throughout the process.
Please be mispallel for:
Donor: Chaim Gershon ben Morsa
Recipient: Moshe Michael ben Aila
The recipient, Michael, is a father of 8 from South Africa. He reached out to Renewal as he was struggling getting transplanted locally. A search began for a matching live donor. The dialysis was truly grueling and unbearable. Today, that search and four and a half years on dialysis will IY"H finally come to an end.
Chaim Gershon, the donor, is a father of 4 learning in kollel in Lakewood, NJ. Despite his oldest child being only six years old, his wife has been extremely supportive throughout the process.
NJ May Allow Sale of Home-Baked Goods
Good news for all those who bake at home.
(AP) - New Jersey residents could soon be allowed to sell baked goods made at home.
The state Senate’s Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee considered a bill Monday that permits residents to sell home-baked goods. They would have to have a placard indicating the items were not subject to state inspection.
(AP) - New Jersey residents could soon be allowed to sell baked goods made at home.
The state Senate’s Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee considered a bill Monday that permits residents to sell home-baked goods. They would have to have a placard indicating the items were not subject to state inspection.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Lakewood shuttle updates- Last week of free rides
Last week of free buses! Take advantage while it lasts. #ride the L On 6/15- $1 a ride. $10 punch cards available 2 buy on bus. 10$ buys 12 rides.
Due 2 construction @BMG we will provide free shuttle from shoprite parking lot to BMG till construction ends 9:15-10:30 2:30-3:15 3:30-4:30
Due 2 construction @BMG we will provide free shuttle from shoprite parking lot to BMG till construction ends 9:15-10:30 2:30-3:15 3:30-4:30
Breakfast is getting more egg-spensive
Breakfast is getting more egg-spensive. Its over $3 a dozen on Average in town.
The price of eggs is rising like a souffle — from $1.19 per dozen on May 5 to $2.62 last week — thanks to an avian-flu outbreak in the Midwest that has forced farmers to kill off nearly 45 million chickens.
The price of eggs is rising like a souffle — from $1.19 per dozen on May 5 to $2.62 last week — thanks to an avian-flu outbreak in the Midwest that has forced farmers to kill off nearly 45 million chickens.
How can we beseech Rachamim?
From a comment posted previously.
Lakewood has recently suffered many tragic losses of young people with untimely petiros. A 25 year old Kolell youngerman R"L a young kolell wife a one year old child, a Yeshiva bochur in his prime Lo aleinu all within the past month. We can not and do not know any cheshbonis from Shomayim hanistaros lahshem eloiykaynu, these events are beyond our control, understanding and comprehension. We listen to what the gedolim tell us, to do teshuva kol echad yefashfesh bemaasuv.
Its unfortunate though that there is an area where we do have the ability to control, yet its allowed to go on. The issue is the many living yesomim, heiliger innocent children that are made parent-less by our own doing.
Lakewood has recently suffered many tragic losses of young people with untimely petiros. A 25 year old Kolell youngerman R"L a young kolell wife a one year old child, a Yeshiva bochur in his prime Lo aleinu all within the past month. We can not and do not know any cheshbonis from Shomayim hanistaros lahshem eloiykaynu, these events are beyond our control, understanding and comprehension. We listen to what the gedolim tell us, to do teshuva kol echad yefashfesh bemaasuv.
Its unfortunate though that there is an area where we do have the ability to control, yet its allowed to go on. The issue is the many living yesomim, heiliger innocent children that are made parent-less by our own doing.
Shiva info for Chaim Rosenberg Z'L
The family of Kenny Chaim Rosenberg is sitting shiva through Friday afternoon at the Reisman home, 17 Hampton Court, Bergenfield, NJ.
Times for davening:
Shacharis Monday and Thursday: 6:20 am Shacharis Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 6:30 am
Mincha/Maariv: 8:15 pm
Times for davening:
Shacharis Monday and Thursday: 6:20 am Shacharis Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 6:30 am
Mincha/Maariv: 8:15 pm
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Over One thousand give kavod acharon to haBachur Chaim Yitzchok ben R' Yaakov Rosenberg A''H
![]() |
Chaim Rosenberg Z''L |
Over 100 friends went to the Kevurah in Paramus NJ where he was laid to rest next to his father obm.
The Lakewood Roshei yeshiva Horav Yisrael Neuman and Rav Yerucham Olshin were maspid the niftar. They spoke about his being mishtatef in others simcha as if it were his own. He made a point to attend all of his friends wedding not just to be there but to truly feel the simcha of others and share in it. It made no difference what the age, even bochurim who were much younger than him, it did not bother him at all, he was truly happy for them.
One of the Roshei yeshiva mentioned how chaim Z'L was moser nefesh for Torah. He was a living example of what it means to give away of oneself in order to learn Torah.
Sefer Torah campaign Liluy Nishmas Chaim Rosenberg A'H
לעילוי נשמת הבחור חיים יצחק בן ר' יעקב ז''ל
It was with great sadness we were informed about the Petirah of our close friend Chaim Rosenberg A” H. We would like to write a Sefer Torah and if able a dedication as well in his honor leilu neshmasoy.
Chaim was always eager and ready to help anyone out let’s be there for him.
You can contribute via the link provided HERE We are all in shock, plunged into mourning by the sudden petirah of our beloved friend and mentor R' Chaim Rosenberg A"H.
A true mentch and baal middos, he had numerous friends from all walks of life and endeared himself to all.
Who didn’t love Chaim? How could you not love him? He was so pure, so genuine, so kind.Chaim was always smiling and ready to share a good word with one and all. His love for other people was always apparent. Chaim had a huge heart and was always ready to do a favor for anyone at anytime. He thought of others and worried about their plight. His own situation was always secondary in his eyes. Chaim had a great sense of humor and was able to bring joy and happiness in almost any environment.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Levaya for Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z"L
Friday, June 5, 2015
Sudden petirah of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z'L
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of R’ Chaim Rosenberg z”l. Chaim was a beloved longtime talmid of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. He was just 36 years old at the time of his passing. R’ Chaim hailed from Bergenfield, NJ,originally from Washington heights and learned at YU and Yeshivas Mir-Yerushalayim before joining Beth Medrash Govoah. A true mentch and baal middos, he had numerous friends from all walks of life and endeared himself to all. One friend said after learning of his passing, “Who didn’t love Chaim? How could you not love him? He was so pure, so genuine, so kind. We are all in shock.” R’ Chaim was a picture of simchas hachaim, always smiling and ready to share a good word with one and all. His love for other people was always apparent, and his steady presence at Beth Medrash Govoha for so many years was a testament to his ahavas haTorah and his constant aliyah. A chavrusah of his told that he was always impressed by R’ Chaim’s diligence in learning, his ehrlichkeit, his pur values and strong hashkafos, and his meticulousness in keeping to his sedorim.
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of R’ Chaim Rosenberg z”l. Chaim was a beloved longtime talmid of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. He was just 36 years old at the time of his passing. R’ Chaim hailed from Bergenfield, NJ,originally from Washington heights and learned at YU and Yeshivas Mir-Yerushalayim before joining Beth Medrash Govoah. A true mentch and baal middos, he had numerous friends from all walks of life and endeared himself to all. One friend said after learning of his passing, “Who didn’t love Chaim? How could you not love him? He was so pure, so genuine, so kind. We are all in shock.” R’ Chaim was a picture of simchas hachaim, always smiling and ready to share a good word with one and all. His love for other people was always apparent, and his steady presence at Beth Medrash Govoha for so many years was a testament to his ahavas haTorah and his constant aliyah. A chavrusah of his told that he was always impressed by R’ Chaim’s diligence in learning, his ehrlichkeit, his pur values and strong hashkafos, and his meticulousness in keeping to his sedorim.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Glatt Kosher Chinese food opens on Clifton Avenue
Looks like a former restaurant is going Glatt kosher. Glatt Kosher chinese food at 105 Clifton Avenue (between first and 2nd streets) is now under the hashgacha of Rabbi Yehuda Shain Khal Lomdei Torah of Lakewood. A flier was mailed out to Lakewood residents it says they are open "half a day on Saturday" we can assume that means it would be open Motzei shabbos until midnight.
Prominent Brooklyn pediatrician- Lakewood is a disaster with unvaccinated children
Dr. Susan Schulman A prominent pediatrician spoke out in a recent interview to Ami living magazine about parents choosing not to vaccinate. She said in Boro park its not a huge problem but in Lakewood its a disaster. There is a huge number of people refusing to vaccinate there is an entire movement that's growing like a weed. They even published a magazine to further their agenda she said.
Water main break shuts Rt 9 s/b during morning rush closure anticipated till at least noon
Rt 9 S/B lanes closed are closed with a detour up Central to Sunset Route 9 in #Lakewood is currently closed on its southbound side from Central Avenue to James Street, due to a water main break. The closure is anticipated to be in place until at least noon; the northbound side is currently open to traffic.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Brooklyn Hatzolah: New Kids’ Radio Puts Deadly Block on Frequency
Does Lakewood also have this problem?
BROOKLYN - A new radio sold in toy stores for children goes beyond listening in to Hatzolah calls, and at times has actually caused potentially deadly interferences with the rescue outfit’s radio frequencies, a Hatzolah official charged.
Herzka Halpert, the coordinator of Hatzolah of Boro Park, told Hamodia on Tuesday that they are urging parents not to purchase any radio that has the ability to transmit on the Hatzolah frequency, and confiscate them if their children already have them.
“These kids have already blocked the communications on a very serious call,” Hertzka said.
BROOKLYN - A new radio sold in toy stores for children goes beyond listening in to Hatzolah calls, and at times has actually caused potentially deadly interferences with the rescue outfit’s radio frequencies, a Hatzolah official charged.
Herzka Halpert, the coordinator of Hatzolah of Boro Park, told Hamodia on Tuesday that they are urging parents not to purchase any radio that has the ability to transmit on the Hatzolah frequency, and confiscate them if their children already have them.
“These kids have already blocked the communications on a very serious call,” Hertzka said.
Tefillos for a Refuah shleima
Tefillos for the Lakewood Mashgiach Harav Matisyahu Solomon shlita who was taken earlier today to the hospital name to daven Matisyahu Chaim Ben Etel for a Refuah Shleima.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
GOP Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick visits Lakewood
Another potential 2016 NJ Gubernatorial candidate visits Lakewood. Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Union) attended a fundraiser at the home of republican activist Dr. Rich Roberts. He was also given a tour of Lakewood institutions including a visit to Beth Medrash Govoha. "Ive never felt at home anywhere as I do in Lakewood." he said , at home of Dr. Roberts. The assemblyman said he looks forward to traveling around the state throughout the year bringing the Assembly Republicans message of more jobs and less taxes to the people of New Jersey.
Lakewood township Committee Primary election results
Choice | Total | |
Menashe MILLER (REP) 49.27% | 679 | |
Michael BERMAN (REP) 47.68% | 657 | |
WRITE-IN | 42 |
Choice | Total | |
Meir LICHTENSTEIN (DEM) 47.84% | 409 | |
Marta HARRISON (DEM) 51,93% | 444 | |
WRITE-IN | 2 |
Bikur Cholim hits first goal in 9 hours
Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim reached their first goal of 300K in 9 hours. Meaning the donations were about 75k which the matchers quadrupled totaling 300k. The new goal now set is 360k.
Donate today to LRBC Every dollar you donate is QUADRUPLED
every single dollar YOU give to Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim will
be matched by 3 extraordinary groups of benefactors to help reach our goal of $300,000.
The campaign is ALL OR NOTHING –
we must raise the full amount or all the
donations will be returned.
Every dollar you donate is QUADRUPLED!!!
Monday, June 1, 2015
Nearly 38 percent of Ocean County residents paid at least half of their income on rent
Nearly 38 percent of Ocean County residents paid at least half of their income on rent and utilities. The figures might have been influenced by superstorm Sandy, which damaged about 10 percent of Ocean County's housing supply and increased the demand for rentals. Nearly one in three renters in New Jersey pay at least half of their income on rent, the second highest rate nationwide,
Free ride on the "L" bus ends June 15
Many new stops were added to the Lakewood shuttle bus knows as the" L"'. On the westgate route: The new stops are Forest Avenue and 2nd street, 4th and 14th Street. 14th and Case Rd. & Central Avenue and Freeman.
The Free bus rides are ending June 15! Take advantage now! Ride the 'L' on us (taxpayers) for the next 2 weeks!
The Free bus rides are ending June 15! Take advantage now! Ride the 'L' on us (taxpayers) for the next 2 weeks!
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