Thursday, September 18, 2014

צרכי עמך מרובים Many unemployed mishpachos before yomim tovim

With three 3 day yomtovs approaching there are many who are struggling to make ends meet. In addition there are many who were laid off from the special ed agencies or were cut from a 30 hour work week to a ten hour work week. Its time to help out the many yechidim who have no where to turn and are too embarrassed to ask. The sky rocketting tax hikes is only making matters worse. Its time to focus all our tzedakas on עניי עירך. Many of these families are not known to the Gaboei tzadaka and are on nobody's list. If you think of a neighbor a relative or friend that has been laid off recently try to help them out in a mechubadiker way.


  1. Your local grocery is probably choking on their bill.

  2. Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen spoke and gave chizuk to those who were laid off at a special meeting set up to be mechazek those who are out of work.
