Joaquin Update: Updated evening track has shifted the landfall spot south of previous guidance with a target somewhere between North Carolina and just south of New Jersey. Winds are expected to peak near 120mph when it becomes a major category 3 hurricane in the next 48 hours. As we have said repeatedly, this will not be a Sandy like storm for the NY metro area. Regardless of where it makes landfall, rain will fall for everyone along the east coast but it will be off and on and there will be some breaks on the weekend
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Hurricane Joaquin may hit NJ
Shore towns are bracing for heavy rains and flooding that forecasters say might hit New Jersey in the next week, as Hurricane Joaquin continues to strengthen in the western Atlantic.
Joaquin might cause major coastal flooding, said Jon K. Miller, a coastal engineering professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken.
Stevens flood models show greater than moderate coastal flooding “pretty much up and down the coast, which is pretty significant,” he said.
Joaquin might cause major coastal flooding, said Jon K. Miller, a coastal engineering professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken.
Stevens flood models show greater than moderate coastal flooding “pretty much up and down the coast, which is pretty significant,” he said.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
2015 Succos KNA Chol Hamoed Carnival Thursday Oct 1st
The Succos Chol Homoed carnival is on schedule for Thursday in Pine Park. It will not take place on Friday.
Roberts, KNA Carnival scheduled for Thursday October 1st
Rain Date – Check Wednesday night for a possible change to Friday October 2nd if rain is forecasted.
FROM DR. KASRIEL (RICH) ROBERTS Regarding 2015 Sukkos Chol Hamoed Carnival Sponsored by Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc.
Overview – The 2015 Sukkos Chol Hamoed carnival will be for one day only, Thursday, October 1st from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM at Pine Park. Everything is free-of-charge.
Roberts, KNA Carnival scheduled for Thursday October 1st
Rain Date – Check Wednesday night for a possible change to Friday October 2nd if rain is forecasted.
Overview – The 2015 Sukkos Chol Hamoed carnival will be for one day only, Thursday, October 1st from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM at Pine Park. Everything is free-of-charge.
Nice weather over YT heavy rains expected for rest of the week
B"H the Lakewood Tzibbur were able to eat all the seudos in the Sukka over the first two days of Yom Tov. Despite the humidity it was nice with no rain. However the forecast now calls for thunderstorms and rain through the remainder of the week. Tropical Storm Joaquin is on the verge of becoming a hurricane, which can target the East coast. This evening it is expected for the rain to intensify starting 1 am.
Need a Sukka?
Those who are in need of a sukka, couples returning to work on Chol Hamoed and did not put up a sukka or if you live in apartment building with no sukka porches, are welcomed to use the sukka located at 422 3rd street.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Accident Heavy traffic on Rt 9 and James
Lakewood: James Off Route 9. FD & EMS o/s with a MVA, one patient pronounced DOA at the hospital. (non 613).
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Erev Sukkos, stores are packed
You wouldn't know shop rite moved the shopping plaza was packed Friday and Motzei shabbos as shoppers flock to get last minute Yom Tov purchases. Stores such as Judaica plaza, Center of town, Shoppers paradise and others attracted huge crowds. Clothing and Jewelry stores are open from motzei shabbos through erev Yom Tov. You can list store times in the comment section.
Slim chance of rain for first days of Yom Tov

Motzei Shabbos updated: The forecast now looks more favorable for the first two days with only 20% chance of rain for Monday and 30% chance for Tuesday. Temperatures will be in the high 70's.
previous forecast: Get those shlocks ready to roll. After a beautiful week and no rain, the forecast has rainy weather for Monday and Tuesday. Temperatures will range from the mid 70's to low 60's on Tuesday its expected to hit 80.
Management agency quick to send out eviction notices
A Management agency for one of Lakewood's largest developments has started to send out eviction notices as early as after a week of non payment for the rent. No warnings, no rachmanus, no grace period, no courtesy, even for tenants who have a clean record and always pay on time. These practices are not new, but its obnoxious that fun unzere would hire outside agencies who treat the tzibbur with no respect.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Daled minim shuk in full swing
The Daled Minim shuk is at full swing at BMG. The BMG Shuk is open since Motzei Yom Kippur and will remain open until Sunday erev Yom tov at 2 pm sharp. Shuk will be open early Friday Morning as well as Motzei Shabbos late till 2 am. Prices in the shuk were ranging from $40-$80 for Esrogim. There are Rabbonim available in the Bais Medrash Ateres Bracha inside near the cofferoom to pasken shailos on the daled minim.
Traveling to and from CHOP will be difficult
Given the large number of people expected to be in the Philadelphia area, we know you may have questions about how the event will impact your child’s care at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
CHOP would like to assure all patients and families that we will continue to provide the best care to patients. That said, some clinics and services will have varied schedules or alternate locations. This will help us meet our patients’ needs without impacting the quality of care.
We anticipate the greatest travel impact to begin the evening of Thursday 9/24 through Monday morning 9/28.
CHOP would like to assure all patients and families that we will continue to provide the best care to patients. That said, some clinics and services will have varied schedules or alternate locations. This will help us meet our patients’ needs without impacting the quality of care.
We anticipate the greatest travel impact to begin the evening of Thursday 9/24 through Monday morning 9/28.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Zmanim Erev Yom Kippur 5776 Lakewood
Midday 12:49 חצות היום
Earliest mincha 1:19 מנחה גדולה
Candle lighting 6:36 הדלקת נרות
Sunset 6:54 שקיעת החמה
Earliest mincha 1:19 מנחה גדולה
Candle lighting 6:36 הדלקת נרות
Sunset 6:54 שקיעת החמה
Erev Yom Kippur, Girls still not accepted to high schools
אבינו מלכנו חמול עלינו ועל עוללנו וטפינו
Its Erev Yom Kippur school is basically over until after Sukkos there are still some girls that are sitting at home waiting to get in to high school. Its time that action be taken and the feet dragging come to an end. Let us quickly put this episode behind us and we should be zoche to a gmar chasima Tova.
Rav Shteinman gives a Bracha to all of Lakewood
Rav Aaron L. Shteinman sent a bracha for a shana Tova to all residents of Lakewood. Rav Shteinman reiterated, his Bracha is not only for the bnei Yeshiva, but also for all those who reside in Lakewood. A fellow recently asked for a bracha and he mentioned he is from the ihr haTorah Lakewood, to which rav Shteinman quipped, with what is it an ihr hatorah? does everyone know shas?
Monday, September 21, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Roshei Yeshiva and Admorim in Lakewood tonight to give divrei Hisoirerus
Rav Don Segal BMG Beren hall 7:15
Rav Eliyahu Meir Sorotzkin Springfield Rosh Yeshiva
9:00 pm at 1471 Oakwood Avenue
Vyelipol Rav
khal Vyelipol 1142 east county line rd 8:15
Rav Chaim Mendel Brodsky Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva Gedola of Toronto
Stolin Bais Medrash 153 East 7th at 9:00 pm
Admor Sanz - Zvill
1455 Heathwood from 8:00 pm- 10:30
Rav Eliyahu Meir Sorotzkin Springfield Rosh Yeshiva
9:00 pm at 1471 Oakwood Avenue
Vyelipol Rav
khal Vyelipol 1142 east county line rd 8:15
Rav Chaim Mendel Brodsky Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva Gedola of Toronto
Stolin Bais Medrash 153 East 7th at 9:00 pm
Admor Sanz - Zvill
1455 Heathwood from 8:00 pm- 10:30
Erev Yom Tov traffic nightmare near Philly
Urgent notice for those traveling through Philadelphia airport or the Philly area After Yom Kippur please be aware of mass street closures and flight delays on Sunday erev Sukkos due to a papal visit. Traffic and street closures have already begun. Over One million people are expected to gather in the city center and main highways will be shut down. Plan accordingly don't let the ruach hatumah interfere with your kedushas yom Tov.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
לייקווד ערב שבת פרשת וילך שבת שובה
Candle lighting 6:43 PM
Shkia 7:01 pm
שׁוּבָה יִשְׂרָאֵל עַד ה׳ אֱלֹהֶיךָ כִּי כָשַׁלְתָּ בַּעֲוֹנֶךָ. קְחוּ עִמָּכֶם דְּבָרִים וְשׁוּבוּ אֶל ה׳.
שבת שלום, גמר חתימה טובה
Motzei Shabbos at 9:30 Rav Menachem Mintz Shlita will be giving a teshuva drosha for women in the downstairs of Coventry b.m. Doors open at 9:20 please use Kennedy entrance
Shkia 7:01 pm
שׁוּבָה יִשְׂרָאֵל עַד ה׳ אֱלֹהֶיךָ כִּי כָשַׁלְתָּ בַּעֲוֹנֶךָ. קְחוּ עִמָּכֶם דְּבָרִים וְשׁוּבוּ אֶל ה׳.
שבת שלום, גמר חתימה טובה
Motzei Shabbos at 9:30 Rav Menachem Mintz Shlita will be giving a teshuva drosha for women in the downstairs of Coventry b.m. Doors open at 9:20 please use Kennedy entrance
Crash shut rt 9 no accsess to Quality farmers Market,Aldi, wine on the 9
There was no access noon time on erev shabbos to stores along rt 9 North from the Lakewood Howell border until Wal Mart. One person was flown by medivac which landed and took off from the BJ's parking lot.
APP-Howell Police shut down Route 9 Friday morning after a serious crash involving a van and a tractor trailer near Estelle Lane, according to witnesses and traffic reports. A white van appears to have rear-ended a tractor trailer for Conway, according to a photograph submitted by an Asbury Park Press reader. Patrol cars were parked at the scene of the crash.
APP-Howell Police shut down Route 9 Friday morning after a serious crash involving a van and a tractor trailer near Estelle Lane, according to witnesses and traffic reports. A white van appears to have rear-ended a tractor trailer for Conway, according to a photograph submitted by an Asbury Park Press reader. Patrol cars were parked at the scene of the crash.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Supermarkets coming sometime after Yom Tov
Chaveirim responds to almost 200 calls
Between Motzei Rosh Hashana and Motzei Tanis Tzom Gedalia Lakewood Chaveirim responded to almost 200 calls. Special thank you to all the dedicated members.
Shiva info
From Misaskim
Mrs. Leah Rothbard z"l לאה בת אפרים שלמה | UK | Tuesday (9/22/15) Morning | ||
R' Benny Goldstein Brother | Sitting at 820 Woodland Dr in Lakewood. | |||
Mrs. Esti Helberg Daughter | Sitting at 121 N Crest Pl in Lakewood till Thursday noon then sitting out of town. | |||
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Nice Sukka building weather through Monday
With the challenging calender and Yom Tov schedule many people will start or atempt to put up their sukka this week. There is no rain in the forecast for Lakewood from 9/16 through Sunday September 20th. Erev Yom Kippur is Tuesday, Wednesday is Yom Kippur. Erev Sukkos is the following Sunday.
ברוך דיין האמת
A big mitzva if you can attend.
Levaya of Mrs. Sara Gitel Klein a''h mother of Mr. Michael Klein, (Madison Title) will take place today, Wdenesday Tzom Gedalia at 10:00 AM in the seventh street chapel, Lakewood, NJ
Kevurah will be in Queens. Shiva will be at 215 North Crest.
Levaya of Mrs. Sara Gitel Klein a''h mother of Mr. Michael Klein, (Madison Title) will take place today, Wdenesday Tzom Gedalia at 10:00 AM in the seventh street chapel, Lakewood, NJ
Kevurah will be in Queens. Shiva will be at 215 North Crest.
A public message from Chestnut Esrogim
This year, due to Shmita, Lechatchila we are only selling Esrogei Chutz Laretz from Italy & Morocco.
As the supply of these Esrogim in the entire market is very short, & the demand is extremely high, the pricing & quality of this years Esrogim is more challenging as was in previous years. With the Rovs guidance, the Shuls askonim, as in the past, are doing their utmost to deliver the most Mehudar Esrogim they can get, while keeping the prices low.
For those looking for that perfect, clean Esorg, we are unable to offer such Esrogim this year, as it will be extremely expensive. For those
Sunday, September 13, 2015
כ"ט אלול תשע"ה ערב ראש השנה Lakewood Zmanim
Midday 12:52:24 חצות היום
Earliest mincha מנחה גדולה
Lechumra 1:23:48 לחומרא
Plag hamincha פלג המנחה
Gra & Baal HaTanya 5:50:42 גר"א ובעל התניא
Candle lighting
18 minutes before sunset 6:51:14 הדלקת נרות
Sunse שקיעת החמה 7:09:14
Nightfall - 72 minutes 8:21:14 לילה - 72 דקות
Earliest mincha מנחה גדולה
Lechumra 1:23:48 לחומרא
Plag hamincha פלג המנחה
Gra & Baal HaTanya 5:50:42 גר"א ובעל התניא
Candle lighting
18 minutes before sunset 6:51:14 הדלקת נרות
Sunse שקיעת החמה 7:09:14
Nightfall - 72 minutes 8:21:14 לילה - 72 דקות
As in previous years on the first day of Rosh Hashana the men will recite Tashlich at Lakewood Avenue via 5th street and the ladies will say tashlich at 2nd Street and North Lake drive.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Erev Rosh Hashana Selichos
Erev Rosh Hashana coventry shul
Selichos 5:30/6:30
Rabbi Gissinger shul
5:30 (Bais Medrash),
7:15 (slichos in EN, Shachris in Bais Medrash),
Bais Mordechai- 5:00 am
Ohr Mattisyahu
Selichos tomorrow morning 7:45 followed by Shachris at 8:30. 953 E. County Line Rd.
BM of Lutzk 12:45 tonight and 8:15 tomorrow
Selichos 5:30/6:30
Rabbi Gissinger shul
5:30 (Bais Medrash),
7:15 (slichos in EN, Shachris in Bais Medrash),
Bais Mordechai- 5:00 am
Ohr Mattisyahu
Selichos tomorrow morning 7:45 followed by Shachris at 8:30. 953 E. County Line Rd.
BM of Lutzk 12:45 tonight and 8:15 tomorrow
Thursday, September 10, 2015
NJDOT: Watch For Deer on the Roads This Fall
OCEAN COUNTY – The New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife is urging motorists to be alert for white-tailed deer on the roadways with the upcoming arrival of the fall breeding season. Drivers should especially be alert during the morning and evening commutes when visibility may be poor and deer are more active. Studies indicate the peak mating season for deer in New Jersey runs from late October into mid-December. Motorists are urged to alert the Department of Transportation of dead deer discovered along the state highway system.
Photos: The New Binyan Herzka-Bais Yitzchok
Photos: The New Binyan Herzka-Bais Yitzchok Building of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ
Click HERE to view.
Click HERE to view.
Novominsk Rebbe pre Rosh hahana shmooze for talmidim
The Novominsker Rebbe will be speaking tonight for all alumni in YTT, 75 East End Ave, Lakewood NJ. Program begins with maariv at 8:10.
BD to assist with Pruzbul
THE בית דין צדק ,בית הוועד לעניני משפט
(Sept. 6th- 12th) BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 2:00PM and 4:00PM
105 River Ave. Bldg B. Suite #301 in Lakewood NJ
To assist the general public with the execution of the PRUZBUL
בלשכת בית הדין
(Sept. 6th- 12th) BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 2:00PM and 4:00PM
105 River Ave. Bldg B. Suite #301 in Lakewood NJ
To assist the general public with the execution of the PRUZBUL
בלשכת בית הדין
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Tomchei Shabbos fundraiser distributes free Rimon to thousands
Tomchei Shabbos Rosh Hashana campaign. Video from last year
Simanim Packages for Rosh Hashanah Available Friday by Keren Even Habochen
Even Habochen’s creative simanim packages are decoratively designed and include a delicious array of simanim, including an apple, pomegranate, tzimmes (carrots), black-eyed peas, squash, fish head, cabbage, beets and dates. Also included in the package is a Shehecheyanu fruit and a printed card with all the Yehi Ratzons to be said while eating the appropriate foods. No further preparation is necessary. They will be sold Friday September, 11 at Chemed front parking lot off rt 9 from 8:30 am.
Paper: Cory Booker Has Broken Our Hearts
The Observer who were favorable of Senator Booker, slam him in this editorial.
Senator Cory Booker may have been counting on the traditions of the Jewish High Holy Days to give him cover for his support of the Iran deal. It will not be forthcoming. The junior senator from New Jersey is now maneuvering like the tightend he once was at Stanford, scrambling to explain his JCPOA vote to Jewish leaders throughout the state and beyond. Not only is it unconvincing, Mr. Booker’s protestations only underscore the weakness—indeed the illogic—of his position and the perfidiousness of his betrayal.
Senator Cory Booker may have been counting on the traditions of the Jewish High Holy Days to give him cover for his support of the Iran deal. It will not be forthcoming. The junior senator from New Jersey is now maneuvering like the tightend he once was at Stanford, scrambling to explain his JCPOA vote to Jewish leaders throughout the state and beyond. Not only is it unconvincing, Mr. Booker’s protestations only underscore the weakness—indeed the illogic—of his position and the perfidiousness of his betrayal.
NJ Senator Cory Booker meets with Local askanim after his yes vote on Iran deal
“We respect his decision. We wish it would have gone the other way, but we could respectfully agree to disagree and now we have to look forward,” said Avi Schnall, Agudath Israel
NJTV -They met behind closed doors. There was no changing his mind today, but top New Jersey Jewish leaders spoke theirs with United States Senator Cory Booker. “We have now just taken off at least for 15 plus years their chance of a nuclear threat and that is a valuable thing for us to achieve and its ultimately why I’m going to vote for this deal,” Booker said. Prominent faces of the Jewish community trickled in for
NJTV -They met behind closed doors. There was no changing his mind today, but top New Jersey Jewish leaders spoke theirs with United States Senator Cory Booker. “We have now just taken off at least for 15 plus years their chance of a nuclear threat and that is a valuable thing for us to achieve and its ultimately why I’m going to vote for this deal,” Booker said. Prominent faces of the Jewish community trickled in for
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Hundreds of mishpachos benefit from Moadim Lesimcha pre YT distribution
Helping families, easing the stress and financial burden of yom tov costs by providing at cost or below retail prices on food and other items. photo: draftryan2016
Lakewood police press release on assault incident
On September 7 at approximately 5:45 pm, Officer Kevin Donnelly responded to the area of 970 Park Avenue to investigate a reported assault.
Upon arrival the victim, an 18 year old Lakewood woman, stated that she was assaulted by an unidentified man, while walking down a section of the rail road tracks between Lawrence Avenue and East County Line Road.
Upon arrival the victim, an 18 year old Lakewood woman, stated that she was assaulted by an unidentified man, while walking down a section of the rail road tracks between Lawrence Avenue and East County Line Road.
Asifas chizuk for yemei hadin
There will iyh be a asifas chizuk this evening at Khal Zichron Yaakov (Rabbi Gisinger's shul) to prepare for the upcoming Yomim Noraim. Speakers: Harav Elya Brudny and Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita.
All are strongly encouraged to attend. The event begins at 8:00 pm
There will also be a shiur in Coventry shul on tefillos Rosh Hashana by R' Naftali Katz this Tue and Thurs night from 10:00- 10:30 in the Simcha room
All are strongly encouraged to attend. The event begins at 8:00 pm
There will also be a shiur in Coventry shul on tefillos Rosh Hashana by R' Naftali Katz this Tue and Thurs night from 10:00- 10:30 in the Simcha room
Lakewood voted heavily for Booker
In the last election, Lakewood came out strong for Cory Booker he got 55.89% of the vote. He beat his opponent by 12%. Historically the town has always voted republican, but many bucked the trend and voted Democrat for Cory Booker. Some did not vote for him because of his strong support of same gender marriage. Others argued to focus on his strong support for Israel. Well, now with his yes vote on the Iran deal the Israel argument has no teeth.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Booker in damage control reaching out to the Jewish community
The Observer has learned that Senator Cory Booker, who is under fire from Jewish supporters who had long treated him as one of their own, has convened an unusual emergency meeting to shore up his support in the wake of his decision to support President Obama’s deal with Iran.
Given the anger among the community, some are shocked by how readily Jews have lined up to attend a meeting hosted by someone who days earlier announced his support for a deal widely perceived – among this very same community at least – to represent an existential threat to the state of Israel. One prominent rabbi told the Observer, “I think even Booker’s staff is surprised how quickly the Jewish leaders said yes.” The invitation lists comprise a who’s who of influential Jewish leaders in New York and New Jersey, including ... Menachem Genack, the CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division; Lori Fein, the New Jersey Director of the Zionist Organization of America.. and Rabbi Aaron Kotler, who leads an important congregation in Lakewood, NJ.
Given the anger among the community, some are shocked by how readily Jews have lined up to attend a meeting hosted by someone who days earlier announced his support for a deal widely perceived – among this very same community at least – to represent an existential threat to the state of Israel. One prominent rabbi told the Observer, “I think even Booker’s staff is surprised how quickly the Jewish leaders said yes.” The invitation lists comprise a who’s who of influential Jewish leaders in New York and New Jersey, including ... Menachem Genack, the CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division; Lori Fein, the New Jersey Director of the Zionist Organization of America.. and Rabbi Aaron Kotler, who leads an important congregation in Lakewood, NJ.
Forest fire in Pine barrens spreads smoke to Lakewood
A forest fire has spread to more than 100 acres in New Jersey's Pine Barrens, according to a CBS2 report.
As of Monday evening, firefighters were still battling the blaze in Woodland Township, near the Brendan T. Byrne State Forest in Burlington County, the report states.
The report states that firefighters have requested an air tanker and an observation helicopter.
But the fire is not threatening any homes or structures, the report states. There was no word on Monday evening about the cause of the blaze, the report states.
According to a report on, authorities don't expect to close any roads, but if there are road closures, that could cause trouble for people coming back from Long Beach Island.
Moadim Lesimcha
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
במוצאי מנוחה Selichos this Motzei Shabbos times and schedules
Ohr Mattisyahu: 953 E County Line Rd Motzei Shabbos - shmuz at 12:15 followed by selichos at 12:45
KOl Aryeh Slichos:
Matzaei Shabbos-1:00am
Sun-Fri-5:30,6:25,7:20,8:15 in hall
Erev R"H-5:30 in B"M
Shacharis Erev R"H-Hodu 15 min after Slichos
Ohr Yechezkel: Slichos motzei shabbos at 1:00am and 5:30am
307 Ridge Avenue
KOl Aryeh Slichos:
Matzaei Shabbos-1:00am
Sun-Fri-5:30,6:25,7:20,8:15 in hall
Erev R"H-5:30 in B"M
Shacharis Erev R"H-Hodu 15 min after Slichos
Ohr Yechezkel: Slichos motzei shabbos at 1:00am and 5:30am
307 Ridge Avenue
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Friday schedule, a non school day
Friday will basically be a non school day for the girls with school beginning at 9:15 at the earliest, and dismissal at 11:30 am. The bussing deal dictates the school start and dismissal times. The boys get out early on Friday the girls are dismissed a full hour before them. There is absolutely no reason school can not end an hour later on Friday. This schedule will inconvenience all working parents who will get to work late and than must leave work early to be home for the kids. How did the schools and askanim capitulate on this and not stand up for the parents and children?
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Standing in the rain and expect not to get wet
The following was posted on tls Face book page. Posting about the community to the masses will automatically elicit anti Semitic responses. You cant expect otherwise. About we Focus on Prayers, Not Skin Color.
About 24 hours ago, Lakewood was again hit with tragedy, when a mother and her two children were struck by a vehicle, leaving the children fighting for their lives.
Yet, just minutes after we broke the story, the haters came out in droves with their hatred - immediately taking out their anger against "those Jews." I won't even begin to post the despicable anti-human comments some posted on some social media platforms - which unfortunately does not give us the option to pre-screen the hatred-filled comments.
But in fact, those haters were partially right. It was the Jews again. About we Focus on Prayers, Not Skin Color.
About 24 hours ago, Lakewood was again hit with tragedy, when a mother and her two children were struck by a vehicle, leaving the children fighting for their lives.
Yet, just minutes after we broke the story, the haters came out in droves with their hatred - immediately taking out their anger against "those Jews." I won't even begin to post the despicable anti-human comments some posted on some social media platforms - which unfortunately does not give us the option to pre-screen the hatred-filled comments.
But in fact, those haters were partially right. It was the Jews again.
Milller road reopened
Miller road between Adams and Gudz has reopened this week to traffic after construction had the road closed. It took crews around a months time to repair a bridge in the roadway.
Early arrival time creates challenge for chadorim
The early bus pick up for boys schools will have the boys dropped off at school at 8:30 am. Schools still insist on starting at 9:00 am. Not all of the Rebbeim will be there at 8:30 to watch and supervise. Will the schools be giving breakfast or a snack since many of the boys are getting up early rushing to make the bus. The other issue is with boys who are expected to daven before school specifically the 6th graders who are not old enough to go on the minyan bus they will have to get up very early, daven in shul, eat breakfast and make the bus which could begin at 7:45 or earlier.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Continued Tefilos for the mashgiach shlita
The tzibbur is asked to continue davening for The Lakewood mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomom shlita. Name for tehillim Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettel for a refuah shlaima.
NJ tough new car seat laws begins today
Unclear if your driving from NY to NJ do u have to flip the car seat around at the state line?
The revised law adds additional regulations with specific age and weight limits. Among the new rules:
Birth to age 2: A child under age 2 and under 30 lbs. must be in a rear-facing car seat with a five-point harness. That means toddlers who are tall or have long legs must remain rear-facing even if their feet are pressed against the back seat of the car. Once a child reaches either age 2 or 30 lbs., the car seat can be turned around to face forward.
The revised law adds additional regulations with specific age and weight limits. Among the new rules:
Birth to age 2: A child under age 2 and under 30 lbs. must be in a rear-facing car seat with a five-point harness. That means toddlers who are tall or have long legs must remain rear-facing even if their feet are pressed against the back seat of the car. Once a child reaches either age 2 or 30 lbs., the car seat can be turned around to face forward.
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