From the Dept Of Public works:
Notice: In observance of the Good Friday holiday on Friday, April 3, 2015 our offices will be closed. Trash and Recycling for Friday, April 3rd will be picked up on the preceding Thursday, April 2, 2015. No bulk collection this week.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Cleaning for Pesach by Rabbi Gissinger
How to clean properly for Pesach without making yourself insane
Pesach – Z'man Cherusainu – is quickly approaching. We are all anxiously and impatiently awaiting its arrival. After all – the Seder nights in all their glory. The entire family – father, mother and children – sitting around the lavishly laden table – discussing in depth the very foundation of our emunah – יציאת מצרים. Our anticipation grows stronger with every passing day. Its unbearable – we can no longer wait!!! Or can we?? I must sadly admit that I've heard people say, “Pesach is unbearable”, “It's too hard”, “Not worth the work”.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Pre Pesach special at Prime Nintey Five
Prime Ninety Five...The Finest Place In Town!
95 East Kennedy Blvd.
For Reservations Call 732-276-7202
Shop rite update
Still unclear as to the future of the current Lakewood shop different rumors keep circulating of who will take over the store once shop rite makes its move to Howell. For now it seems that the store will be taken over by Price choppers while still under the Saker ownership. A group of frum investors had initially put a deposit to take over the lease.
Ask OU pre pesach program
Monday, March 30,
Bais Medrash Lev Avos, Corner Oak Knoll and Iris Road, Lakewood, NJ,
12 – 2 p.m.
Rabbi Eli Gersten, Pesach P’sakim from the OU Poskim;
Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum, Answering Consumer Kosher L ‘Pesach Questions.
Bais Medrash Lev Avos, Corner Oak Knoll and Iris Road, Lakewood, NJ,
12 – 2 p.m.
Rabbi Eli Gersten, Pesach P’sakim from the OU Poskim;
Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum, Answering Consumer Kosher L ‘Pesach Questions.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Bein hazmanim night seder program for Yeshiva Bochurim
Sunday March 29 - Wednesday April 1
1) Ateres Yeshaya
12th Grade & Bais Medrash
2) Zichron Shneur
10th Grade thru Beis Medrash
3) YTT
9:15pm shiur followed by supper and Maariv
9th -11th Grade Bochurim
1) Ateres Yeshaya
12th Grade & Bais Medrash
2) Zichron Shneur
10th Grade thru Beis Medrash
3) YTT
9:15pm shiur followed by supper and Maariv
9th -11th Grade Bochurim
R' Gabi Sassoon to speak divrei Chizuk in Lakewood
update- Event has been postponed for a later date TBA.
Kol Haolam reports Rabbi Gabi Sassoon at will speak tomorrow Monday March 30th in Lakewood following Shiva. The asifas chizuk will take place at Bet Medrash Ohel Shulamit 38 Spruce Divrei Chizuk at 7:45. Open for both men and women.
Kol Haolam reports Rabbi Gabi Sassoon at will speak tomorrow Monday March 30th in Lakewood following Shiva. The asifas chizuk will take place at Bet Medrash Ohel Shulamit 38 Spruce Divrei Chizuk at 7:45. Open for both men and women.
Shmita Alert: Israeli Carrots sold at Lakewood ShopRite
It has come to our attention that Shop Rite in Lakewood is selling carrots from Israel. The brand name is Dorot please check with your rav if you bought it as it may have kedushas shviis. The company website shows a hechsher certificate that all terumos and maasros were taken. However it does not take care of the shmita problem.
Car cleaning tips from Lakewood chaveirim
PRE-PESACH: While cleaning vehicles for pesach, leaving doors & lights open, or music on for long with engine off will drain the battery. Please keep engine on for a few minutes so battery can charge.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
חלוקת געפילטע פיש
Do you need some gefilta fish for Yom Tov? first come first serve from Rav Shmiel Eizekovich at Khal Vayoel Moshe call 732-703-0780. Kol dichfin yaysay veyaychol.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Lakewood gathering for Flatbush
There will be a Atzeres chizuk about the tragic fire in Flatbush tomorrow night Wednesday March 25th at the Arlington shul, 501 Arlington Avenue. Divrei hisoirerus by Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin starting at 8:35 pm.
Moadim Lesimcha distribution today
The distribution for Moadim Lesimcha will take place today Tuesday March 24th from 3:00 pm- 9:00 pm.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Another weekend snowstorm?
Winter just not going away yet forecast sees a potential snow storm for Shabbos Hagadol. Low probability but stay tuned
Friday, March 20, 2015
What snow? free ices from Ritas today honoring first day of spring
Rita's offers free ices today between 12 pm-shkia in honor of the first day of Spring.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Many taking advantage of the free bus ride
The free white bus is more exciting than the Yellow school bus. Teens and children are enjoying the new shuttle bus looping around town. They are taking advantage of the fact that there is no charge for the first 3 months. Ridership after school hours is at peak levels. so far the tzibbur seems to enjoy the ride.
Snow in the forecast
keep the winter coasts and shovels around and not bury them just yet. forecast of 1 to 3 inches on Friday. It shows more in some areas but while it may fall it won't accumulate with the March sun angle.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Belzer dayan moves to Lakewood
Rav Pinchos Wind the Dayan of the new Belz Kehilla in Lakewood has officially moved in to his new home.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Stores roll out pesach products in advance, shoppers forced to pay more
The local heimish stores started to put out the pesach products, some stores have a special section while others have them spread around. As is expected, Pesach items cost more than the yearly available chometz products. However 3 weeks before pesach some chometz items are already removed forcing shoppers to purchase the more expensive kosher for pesach product. Pesach is a expensive yom tov, b'h, however we dont have to stretch it out back to Purim.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Sky Zone trampoline park comes to Lakewood
Just in time for Chol Hamoed Sky Zone Trampoline park is opening in the newly constructed building at the corner of New Hampshire and Oak street. For unzereh it would best work if its rented out to avoid tznius issues.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Lakewood Chaveirim- 84 Flat tires in One day, 273 flat tire calls last week
Chaverim members were out dealing with Flat tires, 84 flats today due to Potholes Please use extra caution while driving! Last week chaveirim reports they received 273 calls for flat tire fixes. That does not take into account those who fixed their own flats or called AAA. Hopefully the mayors aggressive approach will fill the holes and give residents a smooth ride.
Shiva info
Rav Refoel Moshe Gettinger shlita rosh yeshivas medrash Chaim will be sitting shiva on the petirah of his father Z'L From Tuesday Morning untill Wednesday afternoon at his home 53 Freedom Drive Lakewood, NJ.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Resident fills pot holes letoeles harabim
A local resident decided to take matters into his own hands. I could not wait any longer for the township to respond, its painful watching residents bust tires and take on front end damage to their cars costing hundreds of dollars. In addition this is what chazal refer to as a bor birshus harabim which you have a chiyuv to fill. With a few bags of asphalt he filled a few pot holes on his block giving them a temporary fix. Hopefully his little gesture will spur an aggressive approach from the Township to fix the never ending pot holes as the warm up season takes hold.
Jury reaches verdict clears corrections officers in Amit Borenstein case
Is there any accountability??
APP TRENTON – Monmouth County corrections officers did not violate the civil rights of Amit Bornstein in the two struggles that preceded his 2010 death in Monmouth County Jail, a federal jury found Friday. The family of the 22-year-old Marlboro man sat silently as the jury forewoman read soft, but firm "no's" following questions on whether each of 11 jail officers violated Bornstein's rights by using excessive force. Bornstein's father, Israel, who brought the federal civil lawsuit, said he could not speak after hearing the verdict.
APP TRENTON – Monmouth County corrections officers did not violate the civil rights of Amit Bornstein in the two struggles that preceded his 2010 death in Monmouth County Jail, a federal jury found Friday. The family of the 22-year-old Marlboro man sat silently as the jury forewoman read soft, but firm "no's" following questions on whether each of 11 jail officers violated Bornstein's rights by using excessive force. Bornstein's father, Israel, who brought the federal civil lawsuit, said he could not speak after hearing the verdict.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Snow will taper off in Lakewood at 1:00 -2:00 pm- roads are ok
For those waiting it out the storm is expected to pass a few hours passed noon on Purim day since it is moving south. For the brave ones the streets are drive-able but use caution as the cold temps kick in. Cars are starting out with the Shalach manos deliveries driving slowly. Reports of an overturned vehicle with Entrapment, bh all got out safely. Use extra caution throughout the day as The roads are slippery. a Frielichen peerim.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Residents not worried about snow Township Plows will finally get it done right.
After complaining about the poor plowing performance of the dpw this time they are confident to clean the snow quickly down to the blacktop. The roads will be spotless like shoeshine habeera. First off the plowers will drive backwards thus adding more thrust and surprising the snow it will move it to the sides much faster that way. As the township runs low on salt they will spread sugar taken from all the Purim sweets given to the employees. Watch how quickly it will melt the snow. Residents will leave their cars and ride their horses making it easier for the trucks to plow. Deputy mayor Miller vowed to ride along in every truck, his tough hands on approach will prove why he should be mayor again. Finally many will be adding snow balls to their shalach manos theme, depleting the accumulating snow before it hits the ground.
Lakewood to get 6-10 inches of snow over Purim night into morning
It is all about timing. How fast does it come through, how far north does the precip get? Any slight shift north or south will be HUGE in terms of snowfall amounts. So I am putting out amounts but this will very likely be changed. For the NYC metro & li I am thinking 3-6 inches. N&W will be 2-4 and even less as you get to I84. As you head south to central & southern NJ the bigger amounts should be 6-10 inches.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Purim joke? Lakewood may see a foot of snow on Thursday, Purim day!
Could they be right this time? there is a chance of a significant snowfall on Thursday for NYC/Long Island and points south with central and southern NJ in the bulls-eye with up to a foot of snow. Remember this is just what the model shows and not a forecast.The big question with this storm will be how far north does it get or will it be suppressed and blown out to sea.
Video: Lakewood Mayor Issac Ackerman gives interview in Ivrit
Watch the clip below the current Lakewood Mayor talks about the sister city of Bnei Brak, snow removal and local politics as he is interviewed on Israeli media. The interview is in Hebrew. Watch below.
Snow expected on Sunday shopping day before Purim
Get your Purim shopping done early. The Sunday before Purim is from the busiest shopping days. The NWS has issued a Winter Storm Warning for central/southern NJ, for a significant ICE storm. They are projecting 1-3 inches of snow before it changes to ice there. Let's hope they are wrong and the snow holds on longer or it goes to plain rain. If they are right significant icing will lead to power outages and dangerous roads.
Both Satmar factions expanding in Lakewood
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Artist rendering of new Satmar BM |
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