Shiva in Lakewood for Ha'Bachur Aaron Z"L ben Reb Moshe Sofer shlita will take place Sunday morning until Thursday morning at 119 5th street, Lakewood, NJ 732-370-1217
Zmanim for minyanim
Shachris- K'Vasikin, 2nd minyan 8:00 a.m
Mincha- 1:40 p.m
Maariv - 8:30 p.m.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Levaya for Aaron Sofer Z""L live hook up in Lakewood
The Levaya for Ha'Bachur Aaron Sofer Z"L will take place tomorrow morning in Yerushalayim at 9:30 am in the Ezras Torah neighborhood. from Even haazel Street (2:30 am Lakewood time) The kevura is in Beit shemesh at the Eitz hachaim cemetery, Lakewood chelka.
There will be a live video hookup in Lakewood 2:30 AM at Yeshivas Ohr Moshe, 21 4th Street, between Princeton and Monmouth.
The conference number to call in, is
605-562-3131 access number is 715226#
watch live VIDEO.
There will be a live video hookup in Lakewood 2:30 AM at Yeshivas Ohr Moshe, 21 4th Street, between Princeton and Monmouth.
The conference number to call in, is
605-562-3131 access number is 715226#
watch live VIDEO.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Thousands say tehilim -Chesed of Lakewood sets up fund to help with the search efforts on behalf of Aaron ben Chulda Sofer
Thousands came to Toras Aaron hall to hear divrei chizuk and daven for a safe return of Aaron sofer. Chesed of Lakewood in conjunction with Agudas yisrael jointly set up a fund to help pay for the ongoing search effort in eretz yisrael on behalf of aaron ben Chulda. You can donate here or call 732-901-0482 ext. 5
Tonight- Atzeres Tefillah in Lakewood for Aaron Sofer at Ateres Reva hall
There will be a Atzeres Tefillah tonight Wednesday August, 27 in Lakewood for missing yeshiva Bochur Aaron Sofer. It will take place at Ateres Reva hall, 500 Summer avenue Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita will give divrei Chizuk. Please continue to daven for אהרן בן חולדה.
Lakewood chadorim begin today
The sounds of הבל פיהם של תינוקות של בית רבן will once again be heard. After lots of summer fun and camp most lakewood chadorim begin today. Lakewood cheder school delayed its opening until next week Monday giving the boys an extended vacation and the parents a headache. Hopefully all boys are accepted and have a yeshiva to go to. Let it be a zechus for us to once again hear the sweet sound of Torah from the yiddisher kinderlach.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Lakewood community stands together with family of missing yeshiva bochur
Lakewood citizens, Politicians, community leaders and family of missing yeshiva bochur Aaron Sofer gathered together to call attention to the disappearance of Aaron Sofer in Israel. They pleaded to authorities both in the USA and Israel to help in finding him. A local tzedaka set up a fund to help costs associated with the search and award money on information for his return. Donation page daven for אהרן בן חולדה
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Lakewood kinderlach receive bus passes
After much uncertainty, the BOE mailed out the bus passes to the children that will iyh be going back to school this week. Lots of confusion still lies ahead with the new staggered bus schedule, as not everyone will be getting busing there are approximately 1700 students that will not get courtesy busing.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Lakewood Yeshiva Bochur missing in yerushalayim
Please daven for Aron ben Chulda Sofer (23) from Lakewood learning by R' Tzvi Kaplan Yeshiva in Yerushalayim is missing after going hiking Friday near forest in Yaar Yerushalayim. Son of Reb Moshe shlita, learns in BMG.

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Binny, Bina, deja new, and others welcomed in Lakewood
The NYC council voted on a proposal that would allow for quicker removal of illegal Clothing bins and drop boxes. In Lakewood b'h we are a town of tzedaka vachesed we are proud to host these bins as a way to clothe the needy and fund-raise for mosdos. Ashreinu!! we dont see it as an eyesore- unlike NYC they complain many bins overflow with uncollected items, are misused as trash receptacles and attract garbage pickers and vermin, opponents say. When sanitation inspectors quickly tag them, the bins’ owners take advantage of regulations giving them 30 days to haul them away.The battle of the bins comes as the textile-recycling market has grown into a $1 billion behemoth in the United States. Most donors don’t realize their old garments will never clothe the needy".
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Lakewod buisnesses featured in the news
While Lakewood is not mentioned specifically but this law is very important especially to Lakewood businesses, which many already have complied. With young married women, kollel wives of child bearing age, supplying the vast majority of the workforce in town, this law is not only important but can make working much easier. Under the Affordable Care Act, employers must provide time and space for new mothers to express milk for their babies until the child turns one year old. It should be a room, a separate quiet place, not a bathroom, and let the mother express her milk and have a place to store it.
Another Lakewood, NJ business is featured in Forbes magazine.
Another Lakewood, NJ business is featured in Forbes magazine.
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