Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday July 2

 Israel at war day 270

- 4 Islamic jihad terrorists eliminated by Idf  drone strike in the nur A Shams camp while they attempted to place and detonate a explosive device.

-IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi says troops have killed at least 900 terror operatives in southern Gaza's Rafah amid the ongoing operation there.

- Another 2 soldiers killed in Gaza by a explosive device bringing death toll to 322
Nadav Elchanan Knoller, 30,  from Yerushalayim 
Eyal Avnion, 25, from Hod Hasharon.

-Report: IDF brass now backing Gaza ceasefire even if it means leaving Hamas in power,army responds it is committed to all the wars goals

- Channel 14: The IDF General Staff is not denying that it is moving toward a ceasefire in Gaza.

NYT: Israel’s military leadership wants a Gaza ceasefire even if Hamas remains in power. They believe it will aid in freeing hostages and let the IDF prepare for possible conflict with Hezbollah.

- Netanyahu responds to report:
"Anonymous sources are briefing the 'New York Times' today. They are telling him that Israel will be ready to end the war before achieving all of its goals. I don't know who those unnamed parties are, but I'm here to make it unequivocally clear: it won't happen. We will end the war only after we achieve all of its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.

- The main goals of the war have always been returning the hostages and defeating Hamas. Now it seems the IDF and PM Netanyahu feel differently about which of these goals to prioritize. jpost

- Liora Argamani mother of rescued hostage passes away after fight with cancer

-80% of American Jews opposed the suspension of arms shipments to Israel as a diplomatic pressure tool, according to a recent study by the Jewish People Policy Institute.

-On Monday, the Iran-backed Houthis claimed to attack four more cargo ships. They also alleged that the attacks took place on “three fronts,” according to Al-Ain media in the UAE.

- Top adviser to Khamenei says Iran will back Hezbollah with all means if war breaks out

- 1.9 million Palestinians out of Gaza's 2.3 million population are currently living in the Israeli-designated "humanitarian zone." A few hundred thousand remain in northern Gaza.
 Only around 20,000 Palestinians remain in the Rafah area.


  1. Liora Argamani is a Chinese lady who married an Israeli. So that hostage Noa that was rescued isn't Jewish? One of the other 1 of the 4 hostages that got rescued, came from Russia 3 months prior to the attack. I doubt his Jewish either.

    1. By having gotten us to treat them tacitly as part of our sorrow,the secular are accomplishing their agenda through the backdoor
      "Never let a crisis go to waste"

    2. Note: term Secular [includes many kippa/skirt wearers] is obviously for Attitude, rather than overt lifestyle. By comparison there are of course lots of bareheaded who are traditional.

    3. Liora merited Kevurat Yisrael in the "new" cemetery in Beersheva.

  2. we cannot trust whom the Zionists "megayer" as its not based on Torah but lhavdil alef alfey havdolim on Zionism

  3. They publicly guaranteed every month (or was it every week?) for the past 9 months "Sinwar is a dead man walking"

  4. Not only was she Chinese, she was from Wuhan. The plot gets thicker.

  5. In all likelihood, she was converted.

    Be careful how you talk about a convert. The Torah is quite strict about that.

  6. In all likelihood she wasn't converted

  7. In all likelihood, neither of you has a clue so just clamp up please and stop talking about people. Sheesh. This isn't difficult.

  8. Too bad on your sheesh,the State has a poor record & that has an effect on us.

  9. Honestly I feel disgusted with the way you people talk. Liora Argamani was a human being, with feelings just like you and me, with hopes and dreams for her child just like we have hopes and dreams for our children. Liora Argamani loved the Jewish people and made Israel her home. Her daughter was in captivity and suffered from Hamas BECAUSE of her connection to Jews.
    And you people make fun or belittle their suffering?! You make me sick. Feh.

  10. So that would make Liora jewish?
