Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday July 31 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 90° Partly cloudy with afternoon showers or thunderstorms. Gusty winds and small hail are possible.  Chance of rain 70%.

Yaron Avraham: The Shin Bet issued  extremely unusual security directives to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the government ministers in anticipation of an Iranian response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Teheran.  Under these directives , any participation by them in a mass event requires a protected, close and immediate space.  At the same time, the head of the Shin Bet Ronen Bar issued a direct order, according to which every tour conducted by the Prime Minister and ministers requires his personal approval.

-Thousands pack Bais Faiga tonight as a Seudas Hodaah for Teb Osher Eisemann. Tav Yitzchok Sorotzkin spoke divrei Chizuk how Teb Osher taught all of us a lesson in Emunah. Rav Osher spoke and that everyone, he said even the lawyers saw the yad Hashem. Attorney Lee Vartan said he never had the opportunity to represent someone as innocent as Rabbi Eisemann who he called a pillar of the community. He called the prosecution a modern day blood libel and said the fight has just begun for reform where he will fight together with NJ Senator Cryan. He thanked the community for the unwavering support.

- The Federal Reserve said Wednesday that greater progress has been made in reducing inflation to its 2% target, a sign that the central bank is moving closer toward cutting its key interest rate for the first time in four years.

Dans Deals update, 4pm: United has now officially canceled Newark to Tel Aviv flights through August 7th and Tel Aviv to Newark flights through August 8th. Additionally, they have stopped selling Newark to Tel Aviv flights through August 15th and Tel Aviv to Newark flights through August 16th. Expect those flights to be canceled in the near future.

-Tefilos for the skulen rebbe of Boro Park who was hospitalized again, name for Tehilim Yeshaya Yaakov ben Raizel

- There will be a Seudas Hodaah for Reb Osher Eisemann tonight in Bais Faiga at 9:30PM with the Hishtatfus of the Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanei Hair

-Delta has canceled its JFK to Tel Aviv flight today and tomorrow and its Tel Aviv to JFK flights on Thursday and Friday. United has canceled its Newark to Tel Aviv flights from today through August 6th and its Tel Aviv to Newark flights through August 7th.

-Trump: Kamala Harris "was Indian all the way. And then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a Black person."

-  United has provided DansDeals with the following statement, “Beginning with this evening’s flight from Newark Liberty to Tel Aviv, we are suspending for security reasons our daily Tel Aviv service as we evaluate our next steps. We continue to closely monitor the situation and will make decisions on resuming service with a focus on the safety of our customers and crews.”

- New Video filmed by a Trump PA rally victim shows a person running on top of the roof where Thomas Crooks shot from just moments before Trump was shot in the face. The video was obtained by Fox News and filmed by James Copenhaver, who was shot twice. The video was taken at 6:08pm, just three minutes before Crooks opened fire. Shooter Thomas Crooks can be seen clearly lurking on the rooftop minutes before shooting  The Secret Service has held that snipers could NOT see him over roofline.

- Some boys mesivtas finishing the zman

"United Airlines, Delta, British Airways, Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines & US Airlines cancel flights to the israeli regime after Haniyeh’s assassination "

- United airlines canceled flights to Israel for today through August 6th due to unrest in the middle east  as hundreds of frum passengers are stranded at Newark Airport after they already checked in luggage

- Delta airlines also canceling flights to Israel

- Nutmeg supermarket opening in a few weeks

- Trump will hold a rally today n Harrisburg, PA today

- EDN event for executive directors taking place today in Connecticut

- A 2.2 magnitude earthquake rattled part of New Jersey early Wednesday, the strongest tremor to hit this state this month. The earthquake was centered about 3.1 miles east of Califon, Hunterdon County at about 1:44 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake is the sixth of the month in New Jersey. Five of the six have been near Califon, while a 2.0 magnitude tremor was recorded near New Egypt in Ocean County on July 6 

- Agudah CEO describes how friendly dems turned their backs on the community after a visit to DC for Netanyahu speech:  :There was another dimension to the speech, one that was not captured by the cameras and this was the undercurrent of antipathy that pervaded certain sections of the floor of the house as the Prime Minister spoke The level of animus was disconcerting and the source of it was even more alarming: our “friends”, those who have graced our dinners and smilingly greeted our askanim over the years, the ones who have pledged their love for our people at every opportunity, who saw it as politically convenient to stand publicly with us, have switched sides. It was worrisome – but also, in a strange way, empowering, because it was a stark reminder that we are in the Ribbono shel Olam’s hands and only in His hands, with no other friends or allies to count on.

- The frum community reacts to Haniyah assassination at Mir Yerushalyim local store gave out free latkes, in  chabad headquarters in 770  they sang didan Notzach and candies were given out in of  front Zichron Moshe shtiblach in Yerushalyim. in Lakewood a store gave out free churros 

Largest Cities in New Jersey for 2024 

Newark (311,000 residents)
Jersey City (292,000 residents)
Paterson (160,000 residents)
Elizabeth (137,000 residents)
Lakewood (135,000 residents)
Edison (107,000 residents)
Woodbridge (103,000 residents)
Toms River (95,000 residents)

Lakewood resident and yerushalmi Levaya announcer calling out the death of Haniya


  1. As a typical Chareidi/zionist It's hard for me to not to rejoice on the elimination of the chamas leader, Despite the more mature side of me which realizes that this just gives chamas impetus and justification To retaliate and murder some more Jews. The Zionist leadership has no other goal but making headlines since they Have no value for human life or long term goal or plan for stability

    1. Projection over here? What's your long term goal and vision for stability? Please share.

    2. They don't need an impetus.
      But now that the 'negotiation' team has skin in the game, they may be more likely to reach a deal.

    3. No rational person can believe that Hamas needs more impetus and justification to retaliate and murder some more Jews. After Sukkos, when Hamas missiles were being shot at entire south of Eretz Yisroel your kind was telling us that the Zionists can win over them and should not try. Today the absence of those missiles in retaliation B"H indicate that Hamas is no longer capable of doing so. Had the "Zionists" listened to your kind they would still be flying. Even without killing Haniyeh.

    4. They definitely don't need any impetus but they definitely do get more money from so-called moderate Arab Nations and more popular support in the west when they are getting attacked.

    5. I don't know where you have been, but no Muslim nation has helped the Palestinians in this war, besides Iran and Yemen. The rest are cheering on the Israelis

  2. U didn't know the Mir has store that sells latkes, what are churros, 770 always stupid, this is NOT a Yiddeshe response

    1. באבוד רשעים רינה (משלי - י"א י')
      על הפסוק: "וְאִכָּבְדָה בְּפַרְעֹה וּבְכָל חֵילוֹ בְּרִכְבּוֹ וּבְפָרָשָׁיו. וְיָדְעוּ מִצְרַיִם כִּי-אֲנִי ה’ בְּהִכָּבְדִי בְּפַרְעֹה בְּרִכְבּוֹ וּבְפָרָשָׁיו", מסביר רש"י:
      כי כשהקדוש ברוך הוא מתנקם ברשעים שמו מתגדל ומתכבד.

  3. Mr cohen, haven’t heard from you in a while. Everything ok? No pearls of wisdom to share?

    1. Why are you attacking him? Who bullied you today?

  4. So all of a sudden agudah realizes that the democrats are sonei Yisrael and that starting now they will believe in the RBSO
    They will still chase after the menuvalim like they did with Cuomo who stabbed them in the heart but they attack Trump.
    Agudah is a laughing stock of elitists who fail to see what the simple yid Reb yisroel sees.

    1. The language is pretty stilted.
      Must have been a lawyer who wrote it.

  5. Thursday morning police staking out on the new vine st pulling over drivers all morning.

  6. Sounds like they are there daily lately

  7. Why is the speed limit so low on vine?
