Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday Fast of 17 Tamuz News Updates Lakewood

  ושבעה עשר בתמוז הפך לנו ליום ישועה ונחמה
Tiesday, July 23, 2024 / י״ז תמוז תשפ"ד
תענית י״ז בתמוז

Fast is over at 9:06 pm (50 minutes) One who finds fasting difficult may eat at -8:57 PM according to Rav Moshe Feinstein.

Weather: 88° Mostly cloudy skies. High 88F. 
Humidity 69%

- Trump campaign has filed a complaint with the FEC accusing Biden and Kamala Harris of violating campaign finance laws by rolling over funds.

-BDE: Rabbi Shmuel Butman, 81, OBM a central figure in the Chabad-Lubavitch movement who led many important organizations and projects encouraged by the Rebbi. Levaya took place today in Crown heights.

- Bodycam footage released by Senator Chuck Grassley from the Trump Pennsylvania rally on July 13th. The video was obtained from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit.
In the footage, the men were discussing how they had noticed Thomas Crooks earlier before the incident unfolded.
"Beaver County snipers saw him and sent the pictures out. This is him."

-Daf Yomi begins פרק חזקת הבתים today 

-Asifa for ladies 5pm at Lakewood high school 

-Learning program today for bochurim at Skulen B"M from 4pm

-Parlor meeting for Yeshiva Chayei Olam of Monsey R"Y Rav Yaakiv Yankelowitz shlita will speak 8:30 pm at TBY 613 Oak St Lakewood followed by Maariv 9:05 and  refreshments Rav Nosson Stein will speak 9:50pm

-TRUMP: “At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida!” Bibi will head back to Washington for Shabbos.

- Biden heads back to Washington with a mask in his hand. Biden's doctor says the president has "recovered" from cov*d: "He never manifested a fever, and his vital signs remained normal… his lungs remained clear." report Biden looked genuinely confused when a reporter asks him why he dropped out.

-US. Senator Bob Menendez is expected to resign from the U.S. Senate effective August 20, with a letter of resignation coming as early as today, GOV Phil Murphy will appoint a temporary replacement for the seat, who would serve until January. Some potential candidates being considered are his wife Tammy Murphy.

-Netanyahu will meet with Trump on Thursday at Mar a Lago in Florida 

- Giyus update: IDF completed sending out 1000 draft notices including 200 to bochurim the criteria used was those who had some kind of  work or have a drivers license.

- Biden will deliver a speech tomorrow about his decision to end his presidential campaign - WaPo

-U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned.
Her letter of resignation “To the Men and Women of the U.S. Secret Service,
The Secret Service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders and financial infrastructure. On July 13th, we fell short on that mission. The scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases. As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse.

-Due to security concerns the Trump campaign has cut back on tickets to the fundraiser this coming Sunday in Deal, Nj the cheaper tickets are no longer available 

-Lakewood Township's Zoning Board on Monday night granted approval for installation of a permanent cellular communication tower on Georgian Court University. Due to heavy objections from the neighbors, the cell tower will be constructed on a location within the university property different from where it was previously proposed. Faanews 
The BMG Roshei Yeshiva, the Satmar Dayan Rabbi Klein, as well as BMG Senior Posek Rabbi Forcheimer signed letters peeviously opposing installation of additional cell towers in Lakewood.stating
"these towers do not come free of serious health concerns and risks for the Lakewood community."

-Ocean County has postponed the foreclosure auction scheduled for today  July 23 amid concerns that unproven nonprofit agencies are taking advantage of a new law that was designed to even the playing field at sheriff's sales with investors ."We just want to make sure we can properly vet (the nonprofit groups) to ensure they are the types of companies that are doing the business of the intention of the law — to revitalize communities and keep people in their homes."

- Lakewood volunteer firefighters have dropped from 150 to 32. So they're on a hiring binge.app

- Drive-by shooting in Lakewood as a bullet hits home; LPD statement l:
Last evening just before 9:15 PM, the Lakewood Police Department received a 9-1-1 call from a Cedar Street resident who was reporting a “loud pop”. The caller stated that he observed a black colored pick up truck traveling in the area around the same time, as well as a broken glass bottle in the roadway. Responding Officers checked the area but did not find any additional cause for concern.Almost an hour later, police received a call from a different Cedar Street resident who just located what they believed to be a bullet hole in the doorframe of a second floor bedroom. Based on information developed at the scene, Officer Conner Woods located at black Chevy Silverado that was believed to be involved a few blocks away. The unoccupied vehicle was seized for further investigation. At this time the investigation is active anyone with information is urged to contact Det. Tyler Bennett at 732-363-0200 ext. 5405


  1. https://www.antenna-theory.com/tutorial/cancer/cellphone.php

    I encourage everyone to read this and familiarize themselves with the matter.

  2. "When Were the Walls of Yerushalayim Breached?"

     A Shiva Asar be' Tamuz Special Feature Shiur by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin about the churban of Yerushalayim during the 2 Batei Mikdash


  3. The same township officials that organized the fake signature signing campaign against Hatzolas Nefashos chose to ignore those same Rabbanim when it suited him. This town is so full of fakery and hiding behind false daas torah. And we wonder why mothers are killing their kids, young parents dropping dead, and 200 pairs of tefillin burn.

    1. Anon 10:20,
      You sound extremely farbissen, whatever you are...

    2. He is pointing out the truth, that does not make a person farbissin.

    3. Anon 12:31, You're wrong. He's kvetching about things that have no shaychus and ridiciously calling the entire town full of fakes. He is clearly farbissen and should seek immediate treatment.

    4. Why don't you move? It's sounds downright scary.
      Of course, you're not going anywhere. It's easy to kvetch and throw around allegations at random people. Nebach.

    5. Anon 12:31 Bilam had an ayin rah. That does not mean he fabricated things that never happened. It means he looked at things with a critical eye as opposed to trying to look at things positively. One can say the truth and be positive about it. If one says the truth and all he does is kvetch it means he is farbissen. We are encouraged to have an ayin tov when it comes to the truth and not an ayin rah.

    6. Not sure where one senses farbissenkeit. He is simply making a connection among events. You may not agree, but personal insults is proof of his opinion tickling your senses and thinking that he's possibly correct, yet because of external reasons you choose to not let the thought materialize.
      Either we are a town where daas torah matters or we ignore it. Choosing to use it as a weapon when it suits your needs but ignoring it when it doesn't is what creates a bizayon hatora. It is well documented that this causes harm to a community.

    7. Anon 7:19 -
      His comment literally reeks of farbissenkeit. You can try all you want to put lipstik on a pig, but it doesn't change anything. It's still a pig.

    8. & if?he became that way because of all sick garbage that you hide

  4. Extremely farbissen indeed. Please be careful what you write in a public forum not everything has to be public ized. I agree with needing treatment. Things aren't perfect but you're going way overboard.
