Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday July 19 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, July 19, 2024 / י״ג תמוז תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת בלק
Candle lighting 8:03
Shkiah/Sunset 8:21 pm
Weather: 85° Plentiful sunshine
Shabbos day hi of 86 and overcast in afternoon 

Fast of 17 Tamuz is Tuesday  weather in the 80's

 - Iran is "one or two weeks" away from reaching capacity of producing fissile material for nuclear weapons, Blinken claims.

- MVC office in Lakewood closed due to tech outagw

- Senator Josh Hawley says whistleblowers have come forward, alleges the Biden DHS assigned “unprepared and inexperienced personnel” to Trump who weren’t even Secret Service. “Whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a loose' security event,” 

- Biden and Obama have not spoken, per WH official. Biden feels heavily betrayed that Obama has been orchestrating all of this after 8 years of working together in his admin

- Biden's family starts discussing Joe's exit plan from the race on "his timing and with a carefully calculated plan" in place — NBC

Yated article on Mrs. Rochel Leah Ginsburg A"H  Here 

- Trump fundraiser in Deal next Sunday general admission $1000 details TBA

-Major US airlines including American Airlines, Delta and United ground all flights .
Flights grounded and travelers stranded worldwide for hours after global tech outage. The global crisis was triggered when US cybersecurity company CrowdStrike deployed a faulty software update to computers running Microsoft Windows overnight.
Microsoft said the underlying cause of the global outage had been fixed as of early Friday morning — but the impact of cybersecurity outages were continuing to affect some Office 365 apps and services.

- A asifa took place last night in BMG Ateres Esther Hal on behalf of KerenbOlam Hatorah with the attendance of Lakewood area rabbonim. The RY Rav Malkiel addressed thr crowd on how the Israeli government is looking  to start up with and hurt the lomdei Torah with a gzeiras giyus and choking them financially. 

- Tax increase: Property taxes are going up in municipalities across New Jersey due to a lack of state funding for certain schools.
The Freehold Regional School District passed an 8.7% tax levy increase Thursday night. Howell settled at 7%. The maximum allowed 9.9% increase is on the table in Jackson Township and Toms River.
All the districts say they reached this point due to flaws in Gov. Phil Murphy’s seven-year funding formula. NJ12

- There are numerous reports that the UAV that struck Tel Aviv this  was launched by the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen killing one and injuring several others. 

- At the Lakewood township committee meeting last night a resident asked if the town would do a extra weekly garbage pick up during the summer since it smells bad. The mayor said that the town can not do it financially.

- Donald Trump warned Hamas that those holding American hostages will pay “a very big price” if they are not released, 
“To the entire world, I tell you this: We want our hostages back, and they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price,”.

- Rav Binyomin Finkel shlita of the Mir yeshiva is spending shabbos in Deal,NJ.

- Fialkoffs Pizza in Jackson expected to open any day, a sign on the door says that for now customers can get pizza nearby and should patronize the Say cheese pizza shop on w County line 

-Trump, who was not expected to mention Biden's name during his RNC speech, said of Biden: "I'm not going to use the name anymore — just one time. The damage that he's done to this country is unthinkable. It's unthinkable."

Biden to drop out:
Multiples sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time:
plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday most likely
Biden with NOT resign the presidency
Biden will NOT endorse Harris
open convention with Harris and about 3 others
super delegates will not be allowed to vote on 1st ballot
Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Shapiro
(Mark Halperin)


  1. Keren olam HaTorah sounds like a scam!? 1) they said they needed 107 million and that within a few days they GOT it, so why are we still hearing about this emergency?! 2) How exactly will this money be decided among yeshivas in EY, will Slobodka receive the same as yeshivas?? 3) are they punishing yeshivas that struggled till now that did not take zionest funding???

    1. 1) The truth is that they did not raise 107 million. They raised over 80 but that is not 107.
      2) The money will be distributed exactly the way the funding cuts are. If Slabodka received money from the medinah as stipends for military age bachurim/yungerlite they will get that amount. If they didnt then this will not replace it.
      3) No one is punishing those who never took money. They are not being affected by these funding cuts which is what this campaign aims to replace.

      I do not know what you are hoping to accomplish, but posting over and over incorrect facts and hyperbole trying to dissuade people from donating to support yeshivos will only get you to somewhere no one wants to be...Not being mishtatef to a devar mitzvah is one thing, being monea acherim is exponentially worse. [Putting to the side the serious issue of zilzul chachomim.] I do not envy your place leachar meah ve'esrim.

    2. 1)Even if they only collected 80 million The number of a 107 million was For the entire year, Which at this point is highly unlikely they will be cut off for an entire year.2) The number included all who took money which includes the chassidim gur and viznitz etc arguably 50%of the total Which are not getting any funding from this campaign.3) not all peleg don't take And so should be allowed to partake in this fund, They're not being included because of political reasons.

    3. Has this keren (fund) ever said so?
      They did say these RYs hired gabbaim (askanim) to distribute the money, without saying what the criteria for distribution are.
      I guarantee you the main RYs are calling the shots, however they desire.
      And I haven't heard specifics on giving to talmidim. Will it be like Adirei-Kollel checks, or general fund of the RYs?

  2. This Kerenolamhatorah not much different from Adirim, is like a meshulich who gets up and gives a pitch about his L"A emergency disaster story and why he needs emergency funds from the public, he gives a emotional dynamic presentation with all kinds of Rabbinic endorcments, and it really tugs at your heart and you give what you can. The problem is when he KEEPS COMING BACK AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN with the same story, it LOOSES ITS EFFECT

  3. Noone buys this. Everyone needs to serve equally. If you don't then you won't get public funding from the serving public's taxes. Really not too complicated. They need to brush up their sales pitch. This is getting old.

    1. Some serve on the field, some serve in back offices, some serve in the hospitals, and some serve in the bais medrash. Not all wars are won on the frontline. When Israel will recognize that, they will succeed. Ever since they started the attack on the yeshivas, they have been losing the PR war for sure, and losing on the battlefield. Flattening entire arab towns is not called winning. They are still firing rockets this far into the war.

    2. You don't truly believe that ,I don't believe that ,nobody believes that. Would any yeshiva bochur trade places with a soldier so that way he will get a turn to learn? How about 2 for 1, 2 soldiers will learn for every yeshiva boy going to the Army?
      The reality is the frum oilam Is not loyal to the zionist ideals and therefore won't lay down their lives for them. It is that simple.

    3. Anon @9:00 am - Israel has been loosing the PR was since October 7. Actually since 1948. You are just noticing it now - because you are looking for it.

  4. Taxes taxes taxes going up
    It’s been a sad reality in Lakewood due to lack of poor planning and giving out PILOT tax abatements to developers. Is this pure גזל הרבים

  5. I love it how the same people claim that Biden is in a state of terrible cognitive decline, who cannot do anything, and yet they call the DHS 'the Biden DHS', with him to blame for low-level decisions that have nothing to do with national policy.

    The Trump Religion has a strong hold on its adherents.

    1. Although I plan to vote for Trump because I can't see myself voting for any Democrat for President, I agree with you about the Trump religion. So many just parrot what they hear on right wing talk shows and the like. They don't really know what they're talking about. Sometimes I think they sound like the Pro Palestinian protestors who don't know which river or which sea. If you questioned them about details, they wouldn't have anything coherent to say.

    2. I'm no Trump fan but people who think this comment is an accurate depiction of reality are probably worse than the Trump (follow with the insult you were told to say instead of saying) supporters. Someone can be in bad state of cognitive decline and still be responsible for messing up at the border. That shouldn't be too hard to understand.

  6. Maybe our Democratic Assemblyman can cut the (several)billion-plus to Newark and other Abbott districts (Jersey City, Trenton, plainview Paterson, ettc) that can go to regular districts where students actually learn.
    Every Republican will vote for it. No need to raise taxes.

  7. Not only does it loose its affect you loose respect for all the Rabbonim that inforcei him
