Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday July 7 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 90° Partly cloudy skies during the morning giving way to a few showers late. Hot and humid. High near 90F. Chance of rain 30%.

Air quality alert alert Sunday for Ocean and Southeastern Burlington Counties. air pollution concentrations within the region may become unhealthy for sensitive groups. The effects of air pollution can be minimized by avoiding strenuous activity or exercise outdoors.

- NY: Governor Kathy Hochul says Covid cases are on the rise across the state with hospitalizations statewide higher compared to the same time last year.

- Twitter suspends account of Brick,NJ antisemite for 6 months after video threat to the Jewish community 

- Jews are urged to leave France by many on social media after the elections. Here's what happened in France. Marine Le Pen's right-wing party won massively in the first round. So Macron colluded with the far-left to block the right from winning by tactically withdrawing candidates for the second round. Now the far-ledt Socialists/Communists have

- Riots breaking out in Paris as the far-left celebrates their victory in the parliamentary election. Some waving Palestinian flags

- Tonight in Lakewood Atzeres chizuk and tefillah for the matzav in Eretz Yisroel both sakana  Ruchniyus and Gashmiyus, with the Yerushalmi Magid Rav Asher Druk shlita 10:15pm at Esther Gerber hall beginning with Maariv.

- During a private leadership call this afternoon, several Democratic House Reps. - including Jerry Nadler, Mark Takano, Adam Smith, and Joe Morelle - said that President Biden should step aside, Punchbowl News reports. Most of them suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris would be a suitable alternative as the nominee.

-Audio recordings of the Kinus Chizuk & Hisoreres in Bais Yitzchok Beth Medrash Govoha on Chayeinu Hotline 732-301-4043 Press 1#-2-1 then for
Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita 355
Harav Dovid Shustal shlita 354
Harav Dovid Breslauer shlita 353

- According to a report in Axios Democrats are “praying” and “plotting” to take out Biden by Friday. “ they realize their own races kr in jeopardy  by Biden staying in. They want everyone from the Obamas to congressional leaders to beg Biden to drop out by this Friday,” Axios reported.

- House Republicans are opening an investigation into the president's doctor (Politico)

- Hachnosas sefer Torah today at Khal Bnei Yaakov on Bethel church rd in Jackson procession leaving at 3:15pm from Pointe circle drive

- Kashrus alert:Posted at a local establishment KCL has stopped the use of snow pea pods until further notice.

- Lakewood township Independence day fireworks tonight at Lake Carasaljo 9:00pm. The pedestrian Bridge will be closed during the show.

-Continued tefilos for Rav Tzvi Menachem ben Chana Yita who suffered a heart attack over Shabbos. 

- A pamphlet was inserted in the weekly papers this last shabbos to bring awareness to the pirtzah of the  lace shaitel with letters and statements by gedolei yisroel on the subject.

-Expect heavy traffic heading back North to NY from the Jersey shore following July 4th weekend. The worst time to travel from the Shore to North Jersey and New York Sunday INRIX predicts peak congestion at 2:15 p.m. today, July 7. 

- A bris took place on shabbos for a grandson of the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita. Initially the bris was to take place in the yeshiva building with a special eruv constructed by placing barricades olong the road to wheel the baby. In the end there was a change of plans and the bris took place at the home.

- Lakewood shomrim seeking information on a car that was driving around Lakewood over shabbos shooting BB guns at residents.

- A vowed antisemite that lives in Brick, NJ made a threatening video yesterday brandishing a knife and vowing death to Jewish supremacy police issued a statement "This kind of hateful and threatening behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated,” said “We are dedicating all necessary resources to investigate this incident and hold the perpetrator accountable.”

- Sales at GG: brick of Haolam American cheese $12.99,Family pack chicken legs $2.79, frozen Pizza on 9 $7.99

- Shiva for Rav Dovid Adlin Z"L is at 120 Central Ave

Shiva for R' Shlomo Lonner ZL is at 11 Primrose
The family requests that memories and photos be sent to or call/text ‪(732) 703-7471


  1. Is the Jackson spray park up and running?

  2. Lacetop sheitels are muttar, as per the Mishna Berura.

    Appealing to the masses is the way of maskilim.

    1. Really?
      You clearly have not a clue as to what you're spouting. Read the pamphlet and get educated. I did and found it to be very clear, straightforward, and apolitical. It's very well done and hopefully will make a רושם on those who don't realize how serious an issue this is.

    2. I don't read pamphlets, I learn Mishna Berura.

      For pamphlet-readers, lacetop may be assur.

    3. Please share where the Mishnah Brurah discusses this? I'd be very interested to see it.

    4. In Siman 75.

      He discusses מראית עין, and says that even though there should be a problem, (obviously because they look the same), if people generally wear wigs, there is no problem of מראית עין. Not because they look different, but because nobody will suspect her of not wearing a wig if wigs are normal.

  3. Why is adireinu movement getting involved on klal matters beyond their mission which is to raise money to support youngeleit. Is the power getting to them

  4. Fam pk chicken legs 2.49 lb at Shloimy's for past week.

  5. Letter was posted outside Chinese takeout on Clifton for several months, maybe a year.

  6. Here's how chumpy the chumps are in chuminess. They met with Murphy and delivered a Democrat most probably to get vouchers.

    They had the brazen, cowardliness to not tell me before or shortly after the meeting.

    I would not even have to had said how dumb the vouchers were. They were dumb.

    I would have said to tell Murphy to settle the case in our favor. Even if they contacted me the next day they could have gotten back to him. Everything has to be in secret.

    This is such a stupid town (disclaimer-outside yeshiva). Bizzaro World. When are we going to have accountable government?

    If I was still in BMG, this would not be going on. Nonsense and stupidity get weeded out very early.

    The power brokers are out for themselves, for so-called favors, which really are not favors because they are mostly legal. But since no one knows who is in charge of this hefkertown, no one is accountable.

    Of course this idiocy will come to an end. You cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Even in Lakewood.

  7. And it is not just Murphy. Every Democrat benefited because it is Ocean County. They had the muscle to get the final settlement, say $80 million a. year for Lakewood and forgiving the loan. It would have saved the town's property values by bringing stability to its school budget. Wow. They really messed up. It is incredulous. One day they'll make a movie.

  8. And for the record Lakewood. To get the vouchers is going to take a whole lot more than a single Assemblyman. It will be the hottest contested political question in NJ state history. So you will need majority, and the leadership, and governor, all of whom can't stand up against the teachers. And we don't even know if it would constitunal in NJ. You probably would have to fund the public schools fully which rarely happens.

    So Lakewood, your Vaad and whoever was involved really dropped the ball. They should not have caved in because no one in NJ can promise such a thing. Instead, we are going to borrow over $100 million this. Shame. Really, a shame.

    1. For the record, Schnall explicitly said that he wasn't going to get vouchers. His claim was that he would get a corporate tax credit for donations to private schools that would alleviate the cost. I didn't vote for Schnall but don't blame him for not achieving something he said he wouldn't

    2. You don't need to say anything "for the record." I don't care if it was Buckwald or any of the old guys running this town. The bosses dropped the ball.

      Very few people understand what happen. The Appellate Ruling on T & E has not happened in any town since 1990. It happened for Lakewood. I would imagine that eventually the Court is going to do something to end the loans. Then it will be up to the legislature. State pays this or that, Lakewood pays this or that. Had the bosses not betrayed me, we might have settled right then and there.

      So do you really care about whether someone said he'll get vouchers? We are talking billions. A century of stable public finance. Every new law, every twenty years or so, could be less, uses the same formula. Get it correct now, it will stay correct because the way the state calculates each town's funding essential is the same under all the statutory schemes.

      We are no taking about regular politics. We are talking history. And what we do in NJ will be repeated throughout America in every town with a large nonpublic population.

    3. "For the record, Schnall explicitly said that he wasn't going to get vouchers."?
      Sheker .
      That he himself wasn't capable of running a campaign isn't relevant.That was his primary motto.
      Check the official media from back then.

  9. what power? The power of having to shnorr money? LOL - not everything is a power move

  10. Once people taste power they want control it started with Adirei and quickly turned into communal advocacy to elect Avi Schnall, Any opposition was silenced and youngeleit who opposed were threatened and had the roshei yeshiva go after them and those who put up signs yes they checked the cameras. It continued with getting involved with internal yeshiva matters which is beyond their scope and now they promote the kinus by Agudah NJ and Lutzk.
    Keep on eye out

    1. Hit the nail on it's head
      should instruct where these communities end.The frum Jews would have later been much better,& there would have been less churban, had they refused "the obligation" to those who decided they were in control.

  11. Reminder, your swimming cover up is not a substitute for clothing

    1. Rabbi Perr who use just nifter used to say “sometimes talking about Pritzus is Pritzus”.
      You post this every day - and honestly I have no idea what you’re referring to.

  12. What’s with the shul in wg that was supposed to be building a new building for years? Did they ever start construction?

    1. Till then all the children don't have to come to shul shabbos morning.... Do the math if every family in Westgate has two children who should be coming you would need at least 3- 4,000 seats. No wonder the chinuch trouble they are experiencing.....

  13. Disgusting! How could anyone say lace Shaitels are muttar?? It’s so obvious that it’s assur and all the rabbonim are against it.

    1. You are calling the Mishna Berura disgusting?!

    2. Not “all the rabbonim” are against it - this is simply not true.

  14. Can someone please explain the difference between a lace cap and a lace front and why the controversy? I read the insert but I’m still confused why it is assur.

    1. There are many local poskim signed on the information in the pamphlet. Speak to one of them directly. Don't pose a question to a random message board. Get it straight from the source.

    2. Who do you think puts out the kuntres some board yungerman it's and runs around getting signature on his agenda. It's not muskal rishon from talmidei chachomim.
      It's pre meditated issue by some young shvitzers who think Making tumels is a direct ticket to Gan eden!

    3. Signatures usually mean less than people who are capable of elaborating.

    4. All conjecture. Just speak to Rabbi Forscheimer and see if he signed and what he holds and why. No need to throw sand. It's very easy to find out whether they signed, meant it, and why.

  15. Can someone share the lace top pamphlet ?

    1. It's a booklet so no way to share it but there's an email address there that you can email

  16. Shoin we’re still talking about wg and lace shaitels. Nothing changed in the last 5 years.

  17. Why did our dumbbell two close the new bridge for the fireworks???

    1. Presumably out of safety concerns.
      Not everything is a conspiracy, chill out.

  18. Some trolls are re-posting ancient topics
    (Somebody has them on their payroll

  19. Either they were afraid you would get hurt or they were afraid it would sink.

  20. A Teshuva Sefer was recently published called Yad Yechezkel, from a great Talmid Chacham in Flatbush, a chavrusa of Rav Belsky.

    He has a long Teshuva proving that the lace sheitels are perfectly muttar.

    1. Name of the sefer? Name of the mechaber? Haskamos from whom?

  21. Whats the agenda with these trolls

  22. I grada need the money. How could I get on their payroll?

    1. Ask AK or his former employees

  23. Lace shaitels are perfectly assur. Fact

    1. 😂😂😂 I love these blog “poskim” jokesters

  24. According to rav Moshe lace tops are mehudar.

  25. Lace tops weren’t around in R Moshe’s days and he would for sure asser them.

  26. R Moshe told me they are assur.

  27. If anyone read his teshuva to rabbi lappa you see that he’s def ok with them. I also know first hand that Rav Dovid and Rav Reuvain are mattir.
