Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tax Dollars: LDC Meeting Today

Lakewood Development  Corporation  Official Meeting Tuesday June 2, 2020  4:30 PM
Agenda HERE
Watch Live stream HERE
 -Awarding $25,000 to W Media Group for production of ‘Lakewood Visitor’s Guide’
 -Creating New Project ‘UEZ Basic Business Tools Training 2020- 2021’ $47,000
 -Authorizing Amendment Increasing FAP VI by $200,000 for Emergency Loans
 -Authorizing New Project UEZ 2020-3 Financial Assistance Program (FAP)VII June 1, 2020 – May     31, 2025 - $2,000,000
- Authorizing Extension of UEZ Loan to LSTA Due to COVID-19 Health Crisis request for second extension to pay back remaining $900K to July 1,

Public Comment (during the meeting) email to: UEZComments@Lakewoodnj.gov


  1. Why does LSTA have to borrow money from the UEZ and not have funds to repay the loan when they did not provide busing for the last 2 months and already received the funding from last years budget. WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING.

  2. Same question over and over when everybody knows the answer. They have a contract and paid the bus companies to drive the routes and deliver food and books. You can be a lawyer and say they should have broken the contract, but that is what they did. If they would have broken the contract, they probably would never ever get a bus company to work for the . Just my guess .

    1. same lies again and again the companies delivering food are mostly to the public school system and students that is not under the LSTA that gets paid for directly from the board of ed. Please answer where is all the unspent money. The contract pay per route even if they pay for the food delivery that is one route a day WHAT IS LSTA DOING WITH EXTRA MONEY.
      Why are they continuing to charge parents 150 per student while they have no expenses for the last 3 months.

    2. LSTA is providing bussing for public school students to go to this weekends peaceful protest free of charge.

  3. $25,000 for the lakewood media guide...
    what is that? has anyone seen it

  4. There was no livestream

    1. Of course they don't want you to see all the UEZ money that's taken for the various programs

  5. LSTA was supposed to repay the loan a year ago the next month after the loan why was it not repaid.
    What right does the LDC have to give out a loan for non UEZ program such as transportation.
