Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday June 12 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 86° Plentiful sunshine. High 86F

 -A judge halted Asbury Park's plans to allow indoor dining after Murphy said the city's actions defied his executive orders.

- 15 New positive cases in Lakewood +3 deaths  totals 2481/173

-NYS officially prohibits overnight sleep away camps for this summer season a statement issued by Health commissioner of Gov Cuomo

Chasidishe schools in Brooklyn tell
parents not to allow Children to join any protests.

NJ will allow in person summer school starting July 6 districts will provide robust programs in a safe environment, while preparing students for the school year ahead of us,”

-NJ Sues Asbury Park for defying executive order

-Vermont Ave Extension to begin next week (LNN)

-Live  shiurim  Bnei Torah  phone line  646-726-9977
12:30 pm Chumash  shiur by Harav Gershon Ribner shlita

-Asbury Park  will allow indoor  dining starting June 15,  defying Gov Murphy
- Upstae NY Camps will be open as  day camps for children in Bungalow  colonies
- Cuomo signs criminal justice & police reform bills including legislation that  bans chokeholds.
-BDE: Levaya of Mr. George Topas Z"L a holocaust  survivor 11:00 am at the Bais Olam on 7th street

-Lunch Distribution:
Bnos Melech shabbos box 12:30 pm James street
Bnos  Devorah Shabbos Box Oak street 9:30 am
Gelbstein Shabbos box at Public  School location 9:00-11:00 am Spruce st, 7th Clifton, somerset av
Bnos Yaakov Shabbos  box at Pine park 11:00 am
Vine street park  Daily Lunch at 11:00 am

-Russian Chief Rabbi R' Berel Lazar  released from Hospital after having the Virus

-Other districts in NJ upset that Lakewood is the only school district to start Extended school Year for Special ED.  There are kids all over who need  the same  services. In an email sent this morning to staff, Superintendent Laura Winters announced that Lakewood’s ESY programming will begin in-person on July 1st. Bus transportation will be provided and staff will practice various precautions. For example, aides will take students’ temperatures, staff will wear “face shields and face masks,” students will be “encouraged” to wear face masks, students will sit six feet apart, and hand-washing will be “frequent.”(Source)

-The children of Boro Park gathered Thursday evening for peaceful protest to convey to the mayor that even kids matter, and they would exercise their right to protest if they couldn’t exercise in their playgrounds. At 8:00 pm, some 200 children gathered at the park on 18th Avenue between 55th and 56th Street to make their voices heard about the inequity of the mayor’s orders, and to demand that he open the park for their use and enjoyment. Signs stating “Kids Lives Matter”, “Open Up Our
Schools” and “We Need Camp” were held up by the protesting children, who lingered near the park until nightfall, and then preceded to their homes without any incidents.(Hamodia)


  1. More Aiva created by askanim while the rest of NJ is stuck at home with remote virtual learning Lakewood has to thumb its nose to the world with grandiose announcement how it is opening schools. Same was done with the wedding hall during the pandemic we have to show off how we are smarter in figuring out the system and raitz un our neighbors.

    1. Shame on you! Day Camps are allowed to open and people with severely disabled children should have no therapy and no respite . BH - you don’t understand how hard it is.

    2. You write “during the pandemic” in other words it’s OVER so it’s not a Aiva if some tipis wants me to stop living as a YID

    3. Everyone agrees children especially with disabilities should have respite, but when its only Lakewood that is allowed and no one cares for all the other children with disabilities in NJ it creates Aiva and animosity and we dont have to rub it in. sometimes its best if kept quiet.

  2. and what do you think will happen if BMG opens?

    1. nothing will happen stop comparing it to special ed children all over NJ. Colleges are going on vacation and don't learn Torah in a Bais Nedrash with 500 people.

  3. A tremendous person was niftar. Mr George Topas a Polish holocaust survivor and author. His levaya is 11:00 at the Bais Olam

  4. Not really understanding you guys. The press release clearly stated that they are preparing for it and will only do it if the governor and State approve. So what exactly is the Aiva ? Or problem? Because the other districts dont care or are too lazy or farshlept. We should not do anything even if the law allows it ? What is your thinking ?
