Sunday, June 7, 2020

Jewish History Soundbites: Making Of A Gadol

By Yehuda Geberer podcast
Meticulously researched and 1,400 pages long, the monumental work "Making of a Godol", contains a wealth of stories about great Jewish leaders of yesteryear. In honor the first yahrtzeit of the author Rav Nosson Kamenetsky, whose decades long research produced this masterpiece, a selection of choice anecdotes from within its pages are presented here.

From the great city of Minsk to the hallowed halls of Volozhin Yeshiva to the small shtetls of Lithuania, from Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz to Rav Yisrael Salanter and Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky and many more. The tapestry of Jewish life that goes on display through these timeless stories, can serve to continually educate and inspire.


  1. Keep in mind that book was banned by the gedolim. I understand that may make it more interesting for some but others may not want to listen.

    1. And the internet wasn't? Come off it. It's not 2005 anymore.

    2. It was initially banned but than after a revised 2nd version it was approved to sell

  2. Look at the pdf that's online. As Rav Nosson Ztl said if he was able to speak to Rav Elyashiv it would never have been banned. It was politics. Look at the PDF it is an historical intellectual work. Most people would not even read it. It would never be banned in todays world.

  3. a fascinating work.
    it certainly was misused in the wrong hands.
    I pushed the author to continue, just not in book form. In his sincerity, he refused. Those who opposed the work however, while they may be more cautious today, would nevertheless remain just as opposed!

  4. For those who want too see it:
