Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Smith Bros Cough Drop Lookalike Comes Back to Haunt us All - The Debacle

Re: World Zionist election
By Fangun Fun Onfang

Volcanoes lie dormant for years but Har Herzl has erupted; Jews world over are absorbing the aftershocks.
Journalistic Coronavirus started out in Mishpacha than made its way to the fights of the roundtable weekly.
Study the fine print, the last line of your voting form (below) - I declare I accept the Jerusalem program. Do you know what you're affixing your signature to?!

See program (below) Line 5 - Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.
Well they sure liberated Jews from Kabolas ol Malchus shomayim. Torah and Mitzvos are irrelevant  ר''ל.
By their narrative, they yearn to liberate themselves of Yeshivaleit and Talmidei Chachomim - witness their founders manifesto "we'll confine the Rabbis to the barracks."
Point C shaping Israel as an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual respect for the multi- faceted Jewish people.
Of whom do they speak? This really means LGBT, reform , re-constructionist and the rest of the עשרה יוחסין.
  Do you think that voting in great numbers and earning a slate for Charedi Jewry will achieve monetary gain for yeshivos and also effect shmiras shabbos and Giyur Kahalcha? Not a snowballs chance in Gan Eden.
The style and substance of their Gospel, "strengthening Israel as a Jewish Zionist and democratic state, underscores their theme.
The Zionist charter thrives on throwing our mesorah under the bus.
Obviously they must have a mechanism in place, a firewall that minimizes any opposite to swing back the pendulum back to the  Rinono Shel Olam.
Oiraysah and Yiras hashem are not found on Herzl's Viennese table.  Voting for a slate is a genuine waste of energy   and resources.
The WZO is whatever klal yisrael is not.


  1. This is a misleading take on the subject. The point is not monetary gain for yeshivos. The point is to prevent the Reform movement from having access to hundreds of million dollars a year that they would use to gain a greater foothold in Eretz Yisroel. It's a matter of hatzolas nefashos (ruchniusdig). If your child was in grave spiritual danger would you refuse to affix your signature to something like this if it could possibly save him?

    1. The same hatzolas nefashos existed in the days of Rav Chaim Brisker, Rav Chaim Ozer, Rav aron Kotler and Rav Elyashiv and they all said NO it's אסור to join the world Jewish Congress.
      The reform have been battling in EY for the longest time no one stood up to them like Rav Elyashiv.

      Also the ones controlling the funding in the WZO are thrre before any frumneh joined and it will do nothing by joining they are sitting on the shissel.

    2. Anonymous 12:18

      For a guy with such strong opinions you are incredibly misinformed.

      If you are going to hock about this topic I would suggest that you first try to understand it.

      How much do you know about this topic from non Satmer/post 1960 Brisk/Peleg affiliated sources?

    3. There you go you could not hold back the peleg word, it is has nothing to do with the wzo no matter which way you hold but your attempt to associate it shows your intentions. Show us your brilliance from your non brisk/peleg sources please enlighten us with your wisdom and knowledge.

    4. all of a sudden some rabonim want to fight reform? give me a break. the one and only reason they want us to vote is to get money money money. were talking about a budget of billions of dollers. the plan itself is pretty stuped anyway because the minute they see were the money is going they will make sure to stop it and send the orthodox flying on there head. they will find an excuse. they are not dumb and have millions of dollers to spend to fight us in court. this is regardless of the question (an embarasing one indeed) if its muter or assur to vote.

    5. You say ‘money’ like it’s a bad thing. Money means yeshivos, money means chadorim, money means people being able to live.

  2. It is interesting to note who is behind this "frum Jewish" organization. What is their real agenda. Should we believe for one second that Chardie Jews or Yeshivas will receive any money....Is someone selling a bridge?

  3. Ah. But there are very choshuveh rabbonim who publicly support it.
    Rav Elya Brudny went public about this at the Agudah convention months ago https://youtu.be/6qDgPPuMdswt=2572
    And eretzhakodesh.org now has videos of Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz and Rav Osher Weiss urging you to vote. .

  4. We have zkan harosh yeshivos Harav Shmuel kamenetsky shlita
    And non other then one of the gedolei hadar maran Harav chaim kanievsky who fully supported and backed Rav Shmuel in support of voting it’s not about money so much as it is about mutting and mitigating the influence the reform movement currently weilds in Israel thru the guise of the Jewish agency by joining and having a say or vote depending on you the tribute we can weaken the influence the reform currently have in Israel
    It’s not about listening to the gedolim of yesteryear it’s about keeping the status quo in Israel that was promised to the Charon ish by Ben Gurion

    1. Is there a letter to that they signed to vote?

    2. You need to take a history lesson, the ststus quo was always challenged and the gedolim of yesteryear laid down the psak for future generations it was always upheld for more than a century they never caved or contemplated to join the WJC WZO OR histadrut

    3. Anonymous 7:32

      Really? I changed my mind and won't write the response I was going to,

      Very well. I am now a humble history student of yours.

      Give me your sources that (1)the status quo was always challenged (2)the gedolim of yesteryear laid down the psak (3)for future generations (4)they never even contemplated otherwise.

      Please no coffee room hock or boich sovras. I want real mekoros. That follow the guidelines of deciding halacha in this area.

    4. if its not about listening to the gedolim of yesteryear then what exactly is judeisim about, if i may humbly ask? maybe about geting alot of money? maybe improving the status que by getting even more money?

    5. Judaism is about listening to the Gedolim of TODAY.
      אין לך אלא.....

    6. if its not about listening to the gedolim of yesteryear then what exactly is judeisim about, if i may humbly ask?

      Forget politics and forget this issue.

      If you are asking this question you need hadrocha in haskafa. You obviously were told things that you are repeating without clearly undersing. Neither them nor the larger issue behind them.

      I'm just a blog hocker so I'm not going to try to tell you anything.

      But speak over with a serious Talmid Chochom these type of questions.

      How central to Judaism is following the psak of a preceding generation?What circumstances in any warrant a future generation not following the psak of a previous one? How binding is a psak in a quasi haskafa issue? What circumstances allow for changing it? etc.

      Twenty five years ago when I was learning in Brisk I thought similar to you

      Among other things, years of learning Halacha in Beis Eliyohu caused me to realize that I hadn't known what I was talking about.

    7. then what exactly is judeisim about, if i may humbly ask? maybe about geting alot of money? maybe improving the status que by getting even more money?

      Right. Those who are paying to vote in this election are all about money.

      Does it occur to you that maybe your position is all about Akshonus and Gaaveh?

      Are you so free of all neguis?

      Did you consider that maybe your ascribing ulterior motives to those who don't agree with you instead of either responsonding intelligently or considering that maybe there could be some legitimacy in what are saying is just a ploy to avoid dealing with the possibility that they are right?

    8. Berel, perhaps 25 years after leaving Beis Eliyahu you will realize your mistake there.

  5. why is there no letter from Rav Chaim or Rav Shmuel the vide ofrav Shmuel was not about the WZO and they lied about Rav Aaron Feldman that he was chozer.
    There's a well funded campaign pushing this on all jewish media outlets.

    1. there is no letter from r chaim no video from r shmuel its all fake news. all rabonim approached on this topic say its assur to vote as per the psak of all the gedoly yisrael of past and present. most rabonim even said its an embarasment that we have to talk about this. and all the comments pro voting for this thing just add to the embarasment. nice try to the people trying to conect this to the machlokes in ey but youll have to try something else because this was egreed to by all the gedolim including r aran lieb, as written in the yated in ey during the leadership of r aran leib. the only one rav that officialy said to vote stopped publishing his name and backed out. r aran feldmen did not back out.

  6. Yankel Phillip is a drek fresser

  7. Rav Moshe Sternbuch and Rav Dovid Solevitchik wrote a long sharp letter against voting and joining the WZO

    1. https://www.jdn.co.il/j_world/1291110/
