Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Spending and New Taxes in Gov Murphy Budget Address

Gov Murphy  budget adds 2.2 Billion in spending  and 6 new taxes.

-Governor Murphy is proposing an additional $6.5 million in funding to support a $200 per student for nonpublic school security needs, up from the current $150 per student, which is equal to what public school students receive. (S Schorr)
- Millionaires tax  Murphy wants to raise taxes on people with more than $1 million in income

-Murphy wants to raise the tax on cigarettes to $4.35, from $2.70 which is on par with New York and Connecticut highest in the nation behind DC.

-New Jersey’s K-12 public school districts will receive $9 billion in aid, an increase of more than $300 million. The increased aid includes a new $50 million emergency fund for districts that are losing state aid as part of a shakeup of the school funding formula.

-$1.1 billion increase in our overall pension payment,

tuition-free community college to also include public four-year universities would be open to students with household income below $65,000 a year. Murphy’s budget sets aside $50 million to fund the initiative.

1 comment:

  1. Who is paying for all this?? Us the people who are left in NJ. So many people moving out because of the crazy taxes and the governors answer is to tax more!! Vote him out! He has done nothing for NJ.
