Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Tuesday Dec 5th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 45° Partly cloudy skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. 

- Lakewood wedding halls are emptier this week and next despite the need to book dates for chasunas as people rather not have shabbos Sheva brachos on shabbos chanuka or weddings during chanuka. Since this year is a leap year baaleibsimcha have an extra month to book halls.

- Tonight by Maariv in Chutz Laaretz we begin saying ותן טל ומטר usually said on Dec 4th but since this February is a leap year it is said tonight Dec 5th.

- Update: Lakewood Planning board refuses to consider application under Chemdas Hatorah educational campus that will add 250 units and basements at James and Cross streets developer vows to take it to court see full report at faanews

- Tonight 6:00 pm Jackson council meeting to vote on the ordnance that will allow shuls mikvaos dormitories and schools as permitted use in the township watch Here  see the ordnance agenda Here 

- Gold bars featured in Bob Menendez bribery case linked to 2013 robbery, records show
The New Jersey businessman told police he was the victim of an armed robbery in 2013, and asked police to recover the 22 gold bars stolen from him. A decade later, four of those gold bars with unique serial numbers had come into the possession of Sen. Menendez and his wife, Nadine.

- BMG asks that all Chanukah mesibos by roshei chabura take place nightly after 10pm and that the bnei yeshiva be mechazek in learning on Friday and Sunday of chanukah. The Yeshiva mesiba is Monday night

- Noted baal menagen R' Hillel Paley is currently in Lakewood raising funds for a tzedaka

- Lakewood Planning board meeting tonight at town hall 6 pm watch live stream Here 
see Agenda here application to add 500 cars at the busy Cross st and James intersection under yeshiva Chemdas hatorah educational campus 
- sunset rd Seafrdi shul
- White street application for new shul building 

- TAX DOLLARS after raising taxes year after year the Lakewood fire chief gets a $50k salary increase plus an additional 10k per year for next 2 years. The Fire commissioners are also  getting a $4,000 increase from $6,000 to $10,000. see who else is making money here 

- Lakewood commons community and Rabbonim pack the zoning board last night on application to construct 6 houses at the corner of Vine Spruce st and Washington where only 1.5 is allowed The Rav said we need affordable housing but they have concerns about traffic ,a neighbor spoke up according to a report that the developer convinced the Lakewood Commons neighbors to support his application using the threat that if they stop him from building houses, he will charge on with his child care center application instead and that will be much worse for them. the meeting will continue next month Faanews 

-Last night the zoning board approved 2, three-story multi-family apartment buildings consisting of a total of 16 units


  1. Spruce was backed up past vine this morning as Washington was backed up till pine street- is it like that every morning?

    1. Yes. But the traffic experts continue to testify that there's no traffic.

    2. From someone who lives in the neighborhood it’s always backed up

  2. There’s no shortage of people willing to run for fire commissioner- why do we need to pay more -we should be paying less!

  3. Does anyone know why the township installed a sidewalk on Washington Street along the side that has no houses where no one walks
    Why was that done while others busy pedestrian roads have no sidewalks
    Was this done as a personal favor for something to come???

  4. BMG should Officially call Friday and Sunday bein Hazemanim - The place is deserted

  5. How is it that people are going vacationing in Florida and elsewhere on shabbos chanukah while there's a war and hundreds of thousands of jews are misplaced living in fear.

    1. Not only that... What about all the people who cant even afford basics right now?????

    2. What about bein hasdorim? How can thousands of Lakewood Yungerleit stop learning every day for bein hasdorim when there's a war and hundreds of thousands of jews are misplaced living in fear? How do you explain that?

    3. and how can people comment on blogs when they should be saying tehillim because there's a war going on?

  6. Did the Agudah convention cut down on the menu to feel the tzaar of acheinu bnei Yisrael or did they put up a video clip with some emotional tug at the heart that the delegates were yoitze nesius ol with clapping

    1. Did YOU cut down on your menu to feel the tzaar of acheinu bnei Yisrael?

    2. May be he has
      These retorts are inept .
      Should be a huge difference between public advertised affairs & masses flying around than your private stuff

    3. Why should be the huge difference between public advertised affairs & masses flying around than your private stuff? If you are faulting others for not cutting down their menu, whether a group or an individual, you need to have been doing so yourself, If anything it is the oppisite. You can cut down your menu. Demanding it from the tzibur at large is not your place. Are you willing to take on your achrius the guy who get's inspiration from the Aguda convention but did not attend this year because it was too low key? Which is the reason Rav Ahron Kotler rejected the push for Aguda conventions being held in cheap, run down, frum owned, Catskills hotels

    4. Everybody else agreed?

      Also,maybe needed to attract that crowd.He wouldn't have allowed any of that over here

  7. I am cutting down. No $8 donuts this year!

  8. The yekke come home late tonight from shul because he will say tal umatar

    1. And you came home from shul late because you had to repeat Shemona Esrei three times till you remembered to say it…

    2. and you came home late from shul because rte. 9 was closed and you had to take a detour and got stuck in traffic.

  9. How can I reach out to R Hillel Palai to help him
