Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday December 4 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 53° cloudy during the afternoon

- BMG chanukah mesiba will take place Monday the 5th night of Chanuka

- Attorneys representing neighbors of Bais Yaakov of Jackson have filed legal action seeking for a court order requiring Jackson Planning Board Chairman Tzvi Herman to be questioned regarding allegations of conflict of interest. More 

- Power outage in Lakewood E County line area 1500 Customers Affected: restoration expected at 3:00 pm according to JCPL

- Not only Lakewood but Moncton, New Brunswick (province of Canada) mayor & city counselors decided to not put the Menorah out for the first time in 20 years. They claim it is to separate state & religion, but yet there are Christmas Trees and Angel's everywhere in our city.

Lakewood zoning board meeting today 7 pm in town hall watch live stream Here see agenda Hereon the agenda  Lake terrace  to use property as a catering hall.
East County Line Holdings, LLC. Pinehurst Drive Multi family apartment building.
1510 Pine Street Use variance requested to construct a 2 story office building.
118 Ocean Avenue, LLC  Vine & Spruce Street. To construct 6 single family lots in accordance with R-10 zoning requirements.

- Tomorrow morning water rate hearing to increase water rates for lakewood MUA customers by 38% over the next 7 years id your average monthly bill is $100 it will be an additional $43 a month The meeting will take place tomorrow  December 5, 2023, at 10:00A.M at the Lakewood MUA building at 390 New Hampshire Avenue

- Trump: As my Poll Numbers go higher and higher, in some places setting records, Crooked Joe Biden’s Weaponization Strategy against his Political Opponent grows more and more radical and unhinged. The whole World is watching as the USA turns into a Banana Republic. Biden should repudiate and stop this plan before it is too late. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!


  1. One-step in the right to separation of religiosity to state / city.
    Thank You!

    1. If they choose only menorahs not to display, but display xmas trees, that's not a step in the right direction. If they displayed neither, that would be a good step.

    2. Disagree Xmas trees may be annoying to us but they had them that way for at least a century.So just ignore their staid tradition
      But menorah is a newer development.

    3. In the Greek alphabet, X is the symbol for the letter ‘chi.’ Chi (or X) is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ. In the early days of the Christian church, Christians used the letter X as a secret symbol to indicate their membership in the church to others.

      If you know the Greek meaning of X, Xmas and Christmas essentially mean the same thing: Christ + mas = Christmas.

  2. 1510 Pine St. is back to pull more shtick. Last time he got his property tax break on 1515 Pine St was because he promised that he would be no more development in the area.

    Well.. Lo and behold.. He broke his promise and is applying to build yet another structure in the same area where it's a violation of the zoning regulation to do so. Oh, and just like he got himself a property tax break for 1515, he'll demand the same for 1510 - even though there is no need for this whatsoever. The area is as prime as it gets. being directly across the street from the new Mariott.

    This is besides his finagling the Township Mayor to give him a perpetual easement for 50 exclusive parking spaces on twp-owned property for the measly price of 5K. And this is besides his getting the Committee to vacate the twp-owned property next door and give it to him for free.

    All this behind the scenes shtick is too much.

    1. This continues all over town and will continue until we change the players.

  3. Shouldnt 38% of $100 be $38 as opposed to $43?

  4. Thirty years ago and earlier the Gedoley Torah strongly opposed putting menorahs in public places -even for Kiruv purposes - due it being too aggressive of a behavior for Yidden in Golus

    1. Completely different from a city putting up a menorah.

    2. Do cities put up menorahs by themselves? Or do they do so due to a request from Jews ?

    3. but I guess it's OK for us to DISPLAY for all to see Billboards with thick juicy steaks,fancy cars,huge mansions..., and $1,000,000 Board of Ed. atty who does Nothing,planning,zoning,and twp committee,who IGNORE the folks of Lakewood and constantly churn out Chillul H' for all to see... I prefer a Menorah for ALL to see

    4. "OK for us" & who is the 'us'??

  5. I wonder if the oilam knows that the Appellate Division T&E ruling in our case means that Lakewood is the only school district in the State to have joined the Abbott districts and to be able to take advantage of the special Abbott treatment accorded those students. A L

    1. So when will the money start to pour in?

    2. The governor has until April 1 to make a recommendation. I am concerned that the BOE, whom will be in contact to with the experts that the Commissioner is sending to Lakewood, will say that we are providing a thorough and efficient education. That won't matter. Then the matter will go to the legislature. Once there, I hope the new assemblyman does not oppose. That too, does not matter. The Senate leadership already expressed their willingness to fix the formula. It is a pella that in this last election the Vaad's slogan was getting a seat at the table of power and tuition relief when we already owned the table and none of them wanted a seat, not a one had a clue, or wanted to be informed, in fact some were opposed. What good is tuition relief, that will never happen, as if the state is going to pay for your children going to private religious schools, like duh now, and no one will afford to live in Lakewood anyway once our taxes triple to pay down the debt and fund out district on our own without the state's share.

    3. All this talk of the republic in danger is foolish as long as the people of Lakewood, the people of New Jersey, and the people other states, stand firm in the rule of law and the authority of the courts, up to the United States Supreme Court. Franklin, when asked what kind of government he gave America, answered, "A republic, if you can keep it." A L

    4. the republic in danger is foolish as long as the people of Lakewood, the people of New Jersey, and the people other states, stand firm in the rule of law

      Sorry but have to disagree .But who is in controls that mechanism? There have been examples of countries where the people stood firm, while those on the top finely turned it all inside out.& the people continue to follow the dictates through the labyrinth.
      It is fairly easy even acc. to your way
      cf. The Lion & The Unicorn

    5. (continue) The moetzes could be-closer to home- yet somewhat of an another example

    6. OK. It is somewhat bewildering that the Founders did not expect parties even though you already had the Whigs and Tories in Britain. Hence, Congress was the check on the vast powers they gave a separate executive (rather than a prime minister sitting in the legislature). But they seemingly failed to see rabble and mob fear taking control of a party which infects both branches. However, NJ led the way in the 1780s with the first time EVER a court ruled an act of a sovereign legislature unconstitutional. Even since then, and Marshall (despite my published criticism of substantive due process and judicial review of acts of Congress), the Courts have stepped into the role relied upon by the Founders the be a check on this super-powerful creation of theirs, the presidency.

      I write because every true American has to oppose the folly of the Republicans. But this is not the first time they went out of control with populism. Look at the Bull Moosers. There are other circumstances also.

    7. Lion & Unicorn essay on topic by the former Eric Blair

    8. You mean Orwell. Very funny.

    9. To the contrary the Bull Moosers were for the most part the better side of the GOP
      Would you have preferred the robber barons?
      Thomas Nast's cartoons of Congress beforehand should be enough
      Every chart from then showed which group really caused America's robust expansion

    10. Theodore Roosevelt was one of my favorites. He belongs on Mount Rushmore. You are going to disagree, but every time I see Biden standing in front of TR's portrait, I think how similar the two wielded American power (Biden may be a little more compassionate). TR made it known that America was the strongest country in the world and Biden is once again proving it. We have never seen the Russians in such a poor relative position, China itself claims it won't catch up until 2050 (like fun, they ruined themselves with the one child policy, became a country of momma's boys), and we are leading in every industry (even our automobile industry is poised to rank number one again), AI, arts, entertainment, banking, finance, oil, you name it.

    11. On,oh,trustbusting updated like smashing Silicon Valley net dominance
      Where's that now?


    12. Ludicrous . TR promoted strong childbearing families.
      His unabashed muscular americanism & gunboat diplomacy in that climate is the very antithesis of Biden.
      About the only thing their administration might have in common would be appreciation for the environment-from opposing vantages

      p.s.If we are leading largely it's still on fumes from that past

  6. It's not New Brunswick, NJ. It's the Canadian province of New Brunswick.

  7. Thr menorah display is a stupidity complements of Chabad. Who needs it?

  8. And of course I mean by way of B"D, which is recognized by the courts under the arbitration statute, and official policy of Courts to favor it. Sometimes it becomes like a second phase if the parties still fight.

  9. There are cases in which the manger was not allowed but Xmas trees were viewed as secular (I guess they stand for brotherhood, shopping, gifts, capitalism). The menorah has typically been allowed since the courts held it had a message of freedom from tyranny (besides the religious symbolism). It's hair splitting but think about the reaction when you see a getchka compared to when you see the trees.
