Monday, January 13, 2020

Jersey City Shooters had Bomb could have Killed People 5 Football Fields Away

The U.S. attorney in New Jersey and the head of the local FBI said Monday that the bomb found in the van of  the Jersey City terrorists could have killed or maimed people up to five football fields away. They also said there was enough material in the van to make a second bomb.

Authorities could not detail what that plan would have been, other than to say that Graham and Anderson had done research on a Jewish community center in Bayonne. They did confirm earlier preliminary suspicions that the shootout was a bias crime against Jews and against the law enforcement community. The shooters were found dead when the gunfire ended.

Authorities do not believe a Yeshiva next door to the kosher supermarket was targeted, but said they had cased the grocery store multiple times, including the morning of the attack. Carpenito also confirmed a News 4 report that several days before the shooting, a Jewish man driving near Newark Airport had been shot at;
ballistics show two of the shots that hit the man's car came from one of Anderson and Graham's guns. The livery driver who died the weekend before the attack was shot with the same weapon that fired on the vehicle near the airport, authorities said.
NBC News4

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