Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Appeals Court: Individual Mandate Unconstitutional good news for NJ

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that ObamaCare's individual mandate is unconstitutional, but punted on the larger question of what it means for the rest of the health law.  While president Trump eliminated the mandate, the  state of NJ reinstated the federal individual mandate as a tax for those who don't have health insurance. This ruling will likely make it unconstitutional in NJ too.


  1. Can you explain how this affects the NJ law? As far as I can tell the court only declared the federal mandate unconstitutional due to it not having a penalty anymore, which meant it longer a tax. The state mandate does have a penalty and would be fine.

  2. The States had the option to reinstate the individual mandate now that it's ruled as unconstitutional it should be across the board.
