Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Motzei Pesach Lakewood 5784

  היום שמונה ימים שהם שבוע אחד ויום אחד  לעומר/בעומר

- Very long lines at local pizza shops with wait times at 45 minutes. Stores are giving out numbers to customers to keep their place. Evergreen open tonight until 2am Gelbsteins open, aisle 9 open all night 

- Post pesach chometz bonanza at ShopRite Howell will be open all night motzei Yom Tov 4594 Route 9 South. Saker Shop Rites are fully owned by Saker family and has no חשש of חמץ שעבר עליו הפסח

-2024 post pesach shopping  guide by AKO - The Association of Jewish Kashrus Organizations HERE

- Dozens arrested as NYPD cops dramatically storm Columbia campus to clear out anti-Israel mob.  NYPD was seen moving in on Columbia University’s anti-Israel protests on Tuesday evening, with dozens of protesters being filed into buses by authorities.

- BDE: Petira of HaRav Yisroel Moshe Fried Zt”L the Mora D’Asra of Khal Neustadt in Lakewood, following an illness. The Levaya took place today the second day of Yom Tov, at the Neustadt Bais Medrash on E. County Line Road with  Kevura was held in Monsey.

- BDE: Petirah of R' Berel Fried Z"L of Lakewood/Brooklyn at age 65 a resident of Pine River village in Lakewood. Levaya tonight at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st. At 11:15pm

- BDE: petirah of Rav Asher Halevi Soloveitchik zt”l, youngest son of Rav Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Brisk, at the age of 54, he was niftar on Isru Chag in Yerushalayim. On Chol Hamoed, Rav Asher collapsed in his home on Rechov Nechemiah in Yerushalayim, and after prolonged resuscitation efforts, he was transferred to Shaarei Tzedek Medical center, where it was determined that he suffered a severe stroke. He was an outstanding talmid chochom and boki who was known at Yeshivas Brisk for his hasmadah, learning at Brisk since his younger years.The levayah was held this morning at Yeshivas Brisk, followed by kevurah on Har Hamenuchos
 in Yerushalayim. (Matzav)


Have you miscalculated and bought too much pesach products? There are lots of children and adults who are gluten free all year long and look forward to these Pesach foods. If you have any UNOPENED, SEALED PACKAGES of cookies, cake mixes, sauces, snacks, flours, etc... consider donating to the "Post Pesach Gluten Free Gemach"

Drop off at 145 Cannonball Dr, Lakewood

More dropoff locations available

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