Tuesday, January 2, 2024

בד"ה הגאון המשגיח הרב מתתיהו חיים סלומון זצוק"ל משגיח רוחני ישיבות בית מדרש גבוה ישיבת גייטסהד

  אבל גדול בעולם התורה ויהדות החרדית בארה"ב   בפטירתו של הרב המשגיח  רבי מתתיהו חיים סלומון זצ"ל  
Harav Mattisyahu Chaim Solomon ZT"L
Levaya 12:00pm at BMG There will be audio hook up on Chayeinu phone lines. As of now there's no livestream.

Petirah of Rav Matisyahu Chaim Salomon zt”l, mashgiach of Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood, NJ. Who went into cardiac arrest this evening at his home he was 86. The Levaya will take place tomorrow 12:00pm  at Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha 7th street Lakewood. A massive levaya is expected with tens of thousands  coming to give kavod acharon. Kevurah in Eretz Yisrael on Har Hamenuchos

There's a large presence of security and police in the BMG area preparing logistics for the levaya tomorrow with road closures and setting up satellite parking lots. Close talmidim family and rabbonim at the house on 6th street.

 In the last tekufah of his life the mashgiach single handedly fought the battle for kedushas Yisrael taking on the dangers of technology starting with the internet asifa until his last days that he functioned.

Matzav.com reports Rav Salomon was the mashgiach of Gateshead Yeshiva, a position he held for more than thirty years, before the mashgiach and his rebbetzin moved to Lakewood in 1997.

Rav Salomon was a unique baal mussar and mashpiah, who throughout his decades as a marbitz Torah and mashpiah impacted tens of thousands of people across the globe through he powerful shmuesses and unparalleled oratory.

Rav Salomon was born in Gateshead, England, a son of R’ Yaakov and Ettel Salomon, and he received his formative chinuch in London.

During his yeshiva and kollel years, he learned for 16 years with Rav Chaim Kaufman, who went on to found the Gateshead Yeshiva L’Zeirim.

Rav Salomon also learned under the famed mashgiach Rav Elyah Lopian and later considered him to be his rebbi muvhak.

Rav Salomon became mashgiach ruchani of Gateshead Yeshiva, a position he held for more than 30 years, as mentioned. He was mashgiach in Gateshead Yeshiva initially under Rav Moshe Schwab and then as the senior mashgiach, before moving to Lakewood in the spring of 1998.

A number of seforim have been published based on his shmussen and shiurim under the title Matnas Chaim on topics including the Yomim Noraim, Moadim, Sha’arei T’shuva L’Rabeinu Yonah, Mesilas Yesharim, Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh, and Kinyanim. The book With Hearts Full of Love is based on a series of talks from Rav Salomon.

His passing is an end of an era, Klal Yisroel losing one of its great mashpiim and mussar personalities.

The levaya will be held tomorrow at Beth Medrash Govoah in Lakewood, NJ. Details will be posted once they are finalized.

Yehi zichro boruch.


  1. Rav Salomon was born in Gateshead, England, a son of R’ Yaakov and Ettel Salomon, and he received his formative chinuch in London.
    I think he was born in Germany & came to England when he was 1 year old.
    I also don't think he got his chinuch in London,he learned in the new yiddishe moisdos in Gateshead. & for about a year in Kfar chasidim, where R' Elya ZATZALwas mashgiach.
    Maybe I am wrong, but that is what I always knew my whole life.

    1. All official sites info manufactured straight from the same pap editor
      Pretty sure also he wasn't born in Gateshead
      His parents had a boarding cottage or something at the seashore.
      Kfar Chassidim was unmentioned too.

    2. Acc. to some here our disputing of the official narrative probably based on some conspiracy

  2. The Mashgiach arrived in America at the end of September 1997. There was some problem with his visa and R' Moshe Sherer contacted the State Department to straighten it out, and this way the Mashgiach was able to be at the Tenth Siyum Hashas at Madison Square Garden (which was also simultaneously being held at the L. I. Coliseum). He was the final speaker and gave a phenomenal Drasha.
    Yehi zichroi boruch.

    1. BDE
      His inaugural speech in his official capacity here was on Thanksgiving '97
      The theme centered around Avos 1:6

  3. The sewage sites also left out citifield

  4. In his haskamah on Mishchas Shemen, by R' Chaim Kaufman zt'l, R Matisyahu writes that he considered himself more a talmid than a chaver of Rav Kaufman, who was 'a goan nifla and a kadosh meirechem.' He writes there how much the latter was mashpia on him.

  5. ער איז געווארען באקאנט פאר די אמעריקאנער ווייל הר"ר ליפא מרגליות ז"ל פלעגט אים אריינברענגען יעדער חודש (אפשר צוויי מאל א חודש) אויף די קאנקארד זאגען שמועס'ן אין ישיבה תורה תמימה.

    1. He flew him in?

    2. Correct. He was saying shmuessen there as late as 2008.

  6. BDE
    Take note.
    They already made some subtle corrections on his wikipedia page.A little bit now,a little bit later

  7. FYI, the entire hesped is on Torah Anytime.
