Friday, November 3, 2023

Lakewood Philanthropist In suppprt Got Ned Thompson

 Crucial message from Dr. Rich Roberts:

Ned Thomson has been a loyal friend to the Lakewood community for his entire tenure. He has fought for tuition relief, busing funds, and family values (including the purity of marriage) that the Democratic Party is diametrically opposed to. As the number two in the Republican conference, he is a strong voice in Trenton representing us that we cannot afford to lose. For Hakoras Hatov, we must not turn our backs on a proven leader who shares our values and has fought for our interests at every turn. Previously, we have been asked to vote for someone out of Hakoras Hatov even if that person does not share our values such as the sanctity of marriage. In this case, we both owe Hakoras Hatov to our incumbent friend and he DOES share our values. I am asking you to vote for Ned Thomson.


Dr. Kasriel (Rich) Roberts


  1. Sorry Doc, the gedolim have spoken. Money can’t give you daas Torah.

  2. Thank you very much. I am jealous of your gan eden.

  3. I spoke to two rabbonim in Lakewood who are involved in klal issues they both had no answer to ignoring hakorasbhatov but more importantly the sinas Yisrael in these dangerous times.
    They admitted they can't speak up against what is going on
    The disgusting bullying campaign against rabbonim silencing them and the bizyu talmidei chachomim making them look like fools in public all in the name of achdus.
    BH the olam is waking up and $eeing right thru this charade

  4. from what I heard not all are of one opinion...that some roshei yeshiva are not in agreement....I am happy to be corrected but that is what I heard.

  5. Either yes or no, but why does Rich have an opinion? He is not a askan or talmid chochom, Nor a common man with financial situations like ours which he can relate to.

    1. Because due to all of his political fundraising, unlike most of us, he has an actual relationship with politicians like Thompson which makes him a lot better to assess whether to vote for him or not than most of us. You don't have to listen to him but he is more of an informed source than some guy hocking online

    2. Like when he backed bolton.........not a astute decision.....

    3. "Not an askan"
      Really !?
      Define please

  6. He is an askan who is standing up when many others won't.

  7. And where is the business sense of backing a candidate with slim chances to win even with all of Lakewood support vs backing a incumbent who Will definitely win with our support. We might just have a lot of egg on our face.

  8. Watch this video, and then decide for yourself

    1. See the hakdama to Igros Moshe chelek 8 page 27 for what Rav Moshe Feinstein used to say about Daas Torah and politics.

    2. It's incredible how vertical the Torah Hakdosha is If you want Everyone to vote 41 slate so then it's Achdus! Break ranks and have an argument then it'sMaclokes lsheim shomayim.... Vote for the incumbent then it's Hakoras hatov,When the agenda is really ridiculous then it's mitzva lshmoa ldivrei chachomim And so on..... Sadly our leaders don't realize that post Corona people really have lost Faith in the leadership and they are Squandering away the very little bit of capital they still have.....

    3. Avi was running a year ago before the moetzes hears his name so the facts are that the moetzes didn't pull his name out of a hat.
      Second issue how did they get Rav Shmuel to sign his signature if he can't physically write.
      The olam deserves some truth

    4. I looked for his Medrashim with a computer, and they seemingly don't exist. There is no Medrash that says כי תשמע בקול ה' א-להיך means listening to Gedolei Yisroel.

  9. Thank you Dr. Roberts.

    Just remember, they seem to be trying to get a lot Rabbonim to sign however it seems that more Rabbanim didn't write letters than did write letters I wonder if that's if that's indicative of anything. We're being railroaded to believe that everyone is behind it. Even the ones that signed just wrote to vote for him for the sake of Achdus not based on any merits.

    None of their campaign literature explains why we need a former lobbyist Rabbi represent us and pull this through, why can't we back and elect another democrat. And by the way Passaic has an Orthodox Yarmulka wearing democratic state representative for many years, if it's that simple why don't we have tuition relief yet?

  10. Was in a few shuls over shabbos the olam is fed up and not falling for the adirei/schnall campaign they have no trust among the olam people will either vote for Thompson or not vote at all. The rabbobim are only saying achdus not endorsing at all.

  11. Dr Rich, Where are the fish in the background?

  12. Everyone is misusing the Vaads previous stance on hakoras hatov. The fact is, the Vaad never had a frum candidate like schnall, who is going to be fighting for Lakewood on all their issues.
    Yes, in the past they if it was between 2 candidates and one supported Toeva or one was promising one issue etc the vaad said to go with the previous one for hakoras hatov but, it was never a rubber stamp. So stop it - Dr. Robert’s Has supported many candidates that were not incoming, so please don’t lecture anyone with that talking point.

  13. Dr Robert's had a meeting with the askanim behind Schnalls campaign. While he was originally silent and didn't want to go against the "achdus" candidate, even though he's a staunch and active Republicans, but was so disgusted by what he was hearing that he felt he had no choice but to come out. I heard this from him directly.

  14. Just remember- Avi is not running; he is being run. A vote for Avi Schnall is actually just a vote for the rich elitist power brokers that are running him!! If in doubt, just do a write in for someone else.

  15. The thought of UENJ hockers trying to persuade Dr.Roberts a ardent republican shows not only immaturity but a power hungry dictatorial control over any opposing view.
    This is sick Lakewood never stooped so low
