Friday, June 30, 2023

Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Warn about AI Chats

A Letter signed by  Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim in Lakewood  warns about the use of Chat GPT and the like through AI. Where one can have the ability to pose questions and receive answers including on divrei Torah. The letter warns not to communicate and use these programs via any means of communication be ut phone text or computer.


  1. So this is a back handed admission that filtering /tag has failed

  2. Who is Zvi Elimelech Hershkowitz?
    Is it our Harold Hershkowitz?

    1. You are showing your amei haaratzos and you only know the phonies who blog!
      Hagan Reb Tzvi Elimelech Hershkowitz is the Klauzenberger Dayan and a serious talmid chacham!

  3. LOL BMG just put out a warning NOT to put out any letters they signed on the internet
