Monday, May 3, 2021

Monday May 3 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Off and on rain showers for the afternoon. High around 70F. Chance of rain 40%

- 7 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 13603/304

- Moshe Francois, a paramedic from Ichud Hatzalah who treated the wounded in Meron: "All the paramedics who were there are traumatized and do not sleep at night. The sights return to us at night".

- Israel Giving Permits to Foreign Nationals and Students Seeking to Leave the Country and Return In the wake of the Meron tragedy but no plan yet for parents to visit from abroad. 

- Reb Meilech Biderman gave divrei chizuk to the chasidisha chabura at the Mir as after one of their own Habachur Pinchos Mebachem Knoblowitz zl was niftar in the Meron tragedy.

-- Gov Murphy Statement on Meron tragedy: We are devastated by the tragedy in Israel last week which took the life of a fellow New Jerseyan, 19-year-old Donny Morris. We send our condolences to all in Israel, and especially to Donny’s family. May his memory be a blessing.

- Murphy: We’re launching our “Shot and a Beer” program Any New Jerseyan 21 who gets their first vaccine dose in the month of May and takes their vaccination card to a participating brewery will receive a free beer. (Battle River brewing Toms River)
On May 19th, we anticipate completely removing the limit on outdoor gatherings. attendees will be required to keep social distances of at least six feet. Current mask requirements will remain in place.
- we will REMOVE the 50% capacity indoor dining limit. Restaurants will be allowed to operate at whatever capacity allows them to continue to ensure a minimum six-foot distance between groups.

Cuomo: Capacity restrictions at museums, restaurants, gyms, amusement parks, offices, theaters and shops will be lifted in NY, NJ and CT, as of May 19

- Shiva info': Mishpachas  Gestetner will be sitting Shiva at 152 Bates Drive, Monsey, for their brother Shragi Gestetner Z"L, who R"L passed away in the Meron tragedy. Brothers from Lakewood R' Heshu R' Yossi sitting there shachris 10am Mincha 8:45 pm (LNN)

- Baltimore: A 31 year old Orthodox Jewish man who was visiting his family from Israel was killed while walking into their house on Fords lane around 1:30 AM. police responded to Fords Lane at 12:05 AM for reports of a shooting. Upon arrival, they found Ephraim Gordon, 31, suffering from a gunshot wound. Ephraim was rushed to a local hospital, but was sadly niftar a short time later. reports say there was a robbery going on.

-Gov Murphy will make a major announcement on easing restrictions and ramping up our vaccinations today at 1:00pm 
- Steinmetz family will be sitting shiva for Habachur Dovi Z"L for one day in Monsey / Suffern Monday from 10am to 7pm At 2 Celia Court Suffern NY 10901. Tuesday, will be sitting at 1960 barclay Montreal Quebec H3S1J3 for rest of shiva 
 -Mir Yeshiva has a list of 98 parents of talmidim who reached out for help to be there with their son at this time. The yeshiva has asked that the  Israeli Government must allow in Parents of traumatized bachurim.(Hamodia). 
-The Igud Hayeshivos for chutznikim   is trying to  obtain  permission to enter Eretz Yisroel for those parents who feel that it is important for them to be with their children in this trying situation. Parents can fill out a form here 
-The levayah of habachur Daniel Avraham Ambon, z”l, 21, from Argentina  learning at Yeshivas Heichal Yitzchak in Yerushalayim who was killed in the tragedy in Meron, was held Monday morning. It was the last of the 45 levayos held for the niftarim in Meron. He was buried on Har Hamenuchos 
-UJA will give Grants of 4,000 NIS ($1,231)  allocated to each family of the Meron tragedy to help offset the financial burden of funeral and shiva arrangements,

                              Photoss: Signs in Yerushalayim with shiva information

Mashpia Reb Meilech Biderman divrei chizuk to chasidisha bochurim at the Mir

Reb Gamliel Rabinowitz at the shiva of Habachur Yossi Kohn Z"L


  1. Unfortunately after our "Good intentioned" brother tryed to get all their "Customers" into Israel with "not so genuine" Paperwork you cant blame Israel 100%.
    There is the OPTION of these Buchrim ( who the Parents feel that they need "help" to go home and get the help there.
    Of course people who want to get into Israel are using this for a accuse, nevertheless, after what the 'Good intentioned' "ASKUNIM" pulled on the 'TREIFENEH" state of Israel you can't expect any reprieve from the TREIFENEH State.
    Again the solution is to bring the kids home - UNFORTUNALLY.

    1. Bochurim belong in yeshiva. Did we forget that the yeshivos were shut down by Corona. The hanhala can take care of the trauma.
      When Telz cleveland had a fire and 2 bochurim were killed the hanhala was adamant no bochurim may leave they all stayed in yeshiva.
      Parents can talk on the phone as much as they want.

  2. Maybe they can work out with El Al and the government to give some sort of discount
    if the youth are so fragile let them go fly back to their parents and go home

    The government For Better or For Worse has a country to protect and to avoid Reinfection or anything else
    Should this be the new precedent for any tragic incident l"o anyone who has some tangential connection all should be entitled to fly everyone's relatives in?

    1. Hearts of stone, What if it was your son that was saved by the niftar himself, would you be saying the same thing, which just proves again that most people blogging are shut off. Heart of stone, these bachurim watched friends, bachurim their age lifeless, crushed, HOW DARE YOU?!

  3. From Rebbitzen Sue Koltai (Mother of Azi Koltai-one of the Kedoshim of Meron) wrote this on Har Nof email list

    New Arrivals in Yeshiva Shel Maalah:

    Someone sent me this...

    In Heaven a great fire is roaring. Angels sway, and sages hold hands and
    "Amar Reb Akiva, Amar Reb Akiva..."

    Where is the king of the night, the great sage Rebi Shimon bar Yochai?

    He leaves the circle, he is shaking shuddering...

    Whoosh! At the entrance to Heaven, a clamour.
    Neshamos start to fly inside:

    A yeshiva bachur

    A singer from Monsey

    A chassan

    Two little brothers

    A young father

    Another young father

    A grandfather

    A 14-year-old boy and his 9-year-old brother..

    The fire sputters, the song dies.
    Reb Shimon rushes over and embraces the neshamos.

    They blink in the light. They look at one another. Disoriented, confused,
    bewildered, but filled with an immeasurable light.

    "Come with me, come says Reb Shimon.


    "Yes, you, Yerushalmi, Litvak, grandfather,
    Gerrer, Skverer, Mizrachi, Sfardi.."

    They follow him, looking down, down, beyond the haze and the clouds where a
    huge crowd is stranded on a bleeding mountaintop.

    "Why us?" It is the nine-year-old.

    But they know, each one of them; they've accomplished their goals. They
    feel light, whole, they can see the completion of their individual tafkids.

    Slowly, the fire comes to light again. They take hands again, the Chafetz
    Chaim and the Berdicheve and Avraham Avinu and David Hamelech and Avrohom
    Daniel Ambon and Moshe Bergman and Yonoson Chevroni and Yedidyia Chiyuis
    and Eliahu Cohen and Yossi Cohen and Simcha Bunim Diskind and Chen Doron
    and Moshe Mordechai and Yosef Dovid Elchad-Sharf and Yehoshua and Moshe
    Natan Englander and Mordcha Yoel Fekete and Yedidya Asher Fogel and Elazar
    Gefner and Shragi Gestetner and Daniel Morris and Eliezar Mordechai
    Goldberg and Yosef Greenbaum and Eliezer Tzvi Joseph and Nachman Kirshbaum
    and Shmuel Zvi Klagsbald and Menachem Knoblowitz and Eliezer Yitzchok
    Koltai and David Krause and Shlomo Zalman Leibowitz and Yosef Yehuda Levi
    and Yishai Me'ulam and Moshe Levy and Yosef Mastorov and Shimon Matlon and
    Chaim Rock and Yehuda Leib Rubin and Chaim Ozer Seller and Moshe Ben Shalom
    and Elkana Shila and Chanoch Solod and Dov Steinmetz and Yaakov Elchanan
    Strakovsky and Yosef Amram Tauber and Ariel Tzadik and Moshe Tzarfati and
    Menachem Asher Zeckbach.

    All of them dance together.

    Light, unity, joy.

    Even as they dance, these newly-arrived neshamos, even as their rise to the
    greatest heights, they see all the way down to those who don't understand.
    Those who are pained, who stumble, who don't know why or what.
    Those who still keep themselves distant from their brothers, those who

    "Amar Reb Akiva, Amar Reb Akiva the neshamos sing, and slowly a halting
    melody replaces the age-old song. A song just 10 years old, composed by one
    among them "Chamol chamol chamol al amecha, racheim, racheim, racheim al
    nachlasecha, chisa na krov rachmecha.."

    We have goodness and gladness and light, but have mercy on your children
    down belown
    "Chaneinu vaneinu...

    Kol tuv,
    Sue Koltai
