Friday, January 1, 2021

Lakewood Township Reorganization Meeting

 The Lakewood township reorganization meting will take place virtually today  January 1, 2021 at 12:00 pm. Mayor Ray Coles will be reappointed and sworn in for a 5th term.

Watch live stream Here
Program Brochure HERE 
Agenda Here


  1. Are they going to discuss the ridiculous 99 unit apartment high rise and business offices proposed on route 88 at the site of the old Dinaso Lumber property?

  2. There is a desperate shortage pf apartments for yungerleit. Why is it ridiculous?

    1. It’s more like there’s a desperate want for a developer to use yungeleit as an excuse to make a ton of money and ask to be excused from what the law requires of him, at the expense of the entire downtown. If he cared so much about people, he would look for something that is legal, not illegal. Further, this excuse about so-called shortages is only due to eretz yisroel not open for business. As soon as it reopens, hundreds of the renting yungeleit will go back to live in Israel, and there will be a glut of apartment units. The investors on the Dinaso Lumber property, are just that, investors. They’re trying to make a killing off the backs of the residents. They’re also hiding the true purpose of the huge 4500 square foot facility inside their project, because otherwise they will be forced to add more parking which there’s not enough room for.

      Stop destroying our town!

    2. So according to your logic I should be able to knock down my house and build a huge apartment complex on the site even though it’s illegal according to our zoning code.

      Well, you are wrong. I am only entitled to build a multi-family dwelling where it is legally zoned for that use. And there are plenty of other zones which allow this type of construction, but not here.

      Everyone I speak to, is upset about this project. Build it somewhere else. The zoning board should vote this application down!

    3. The streets cannot handle the traffic

  3. More importantly...what are they doing about the rising property taxes!? If we actually paid what we owe the state and the increasing annual deficit, property taxes should be double! Stop the building which is the primary cause of this!

  4. So build it on New Hampshire. This isnt zones for 99 units plus office gym etc....
    Build it somewhere else. Or build something that fits there 15 units.

  5. People will need to look for housing in other towns. It's a big country out there.

  6. The Answer to the Apatment Shortage and High Hiusing prices is to create other Places than just Lakewood similar to Eretz Yisroel which has Dozens of Cities and Satalite communities where Avreichim Kollel Yungerleit and Bochurim Can Live and Learn

  7. Move to Lakewood ihr Hatorah of Mexico

  8. I’m sick and tired of this rule that requires me to give public notice about my private real estate deals. Just take a look at what happens. Every shmendrik that thinks he will suffer in some way gets to state his concerns. It’s not fair.

    1. You are right. Only certain shmendriks should get to say comments, not others.

