Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Dec 6th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunny. High 41F. Winds at 10 to 20 mph.

-40 new Covid cases in Lakewood totals 7085/221

-Trump: "so much truth to this: on Tweet from  @Sidney Powell1 “I would warn any state right now that thinks they’re going to certify this election to re-think it VERY SERIOUSLY, because what they’re certifying is their own fraud, and their own complicity in fraud. I might even mount a class action suit later to sue them themselves for their own participation in it. It’s ridiculous. The legislatures in the states need to take control right now & reject the certifications, of especially the swing states, that were so heavily influenced by these 100’s of thousands of vote changes.”

- Trump: Rudy Giuliani by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!

-  Over the past 7 days, 2,066 new cases were reported Ocean county with 316 in Toms River, 269 in Brick , 240 in Lakewood, and 200 in Jackson. 
- NJ reports 6,046 new positive cases 13 deaths 
- Mesameach Drive Thru pre Chanuka event at Blueclaws stadium 2:00 pm
-Chanukah at Gourmet Glatt we'll treat your children! ​Chocolate coins being given out in BOTH Gourmet Glatt of Lakewood

-The Whitehouse Chanukah party will take place this Wednesday December 9th at 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm hosted by president Trump an email sent out to  attendees encourages them to “please practice social distancing while on the White House grounds and utilize the provided hand sanitizer stations.” Due to the pandemic some of those invited will not make the trip yet others plan on going including Mr. Heshy Tischler of  Boro Park and other members of the frum community from Lakewood and the tristate area including holocaust survivors.

- Levaker Beheicholo Pre Chamuka seder limud st BMG 10:00 am covid precautions with social distancing shiurim from Harav malkiel Kotler shlita shiur Halacha Rav Chaim M. Roth at the Herzka building 

 -Chanhkah sale at Bingo Appliances/Toys/Games, side of salmon $4.99


  1. The death rate is Very Low in New Jersey !
    As Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita wrote , the Torah of Our Yeshivos and Chadorim is protecting us !

  2. Or maybe whats protecting us god is taking the best of us

  3. I think Heshy Tischler should be President. Or perhaps he should be the Chief corona advisor

    1. Care to explain why, or do you just enjoy posting stupid comments.

    2. He is as eligible as the current POTUS, a similar kind of stable jenius.

  4. I am so tired of a chief executive that does not know history. Knowledge of history is a primary requirement for the job. In fact, one of the greatest, TR even wrote history. Presidents typically have undergraduate degrees in government or economics, in which the curriculum focuses largely on history. Even Harry Truman, who did not go to college, what an avid reader and scholar of history.


    Giuliani was NOT by a longshot the greatest NYC mayor. DeWitt Clinton established the NYC public school system, built the Eire Canal making NYC into the gateway to the west and appointed the commission that plotted the grid of streets and avenues.
