Saturday, December 5, 2020

Motzei Shabbos Vayishlach December 5th News Updates Lakewood

-27 new Covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 7045/220

-Trump: We will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will NEVER, ever surrender!

-Campaign launched commemorating the vision of Harav Yosef Weiss זצ"ל,  menahel  yeshiva yeshiva Shagas Aryeh $600,000 goal with SefervTorah Ksivas Osiyos tonight at the yeshiva

- Keren Even Habochen dinner tonight at Ateres Chana Hall, program 845 Divrei Brocha Rosh Yeshivas Harav Malkiel Chairman Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger honorees Friedman family, R’ Mechel Thai, R’ Alexander Hoffman

-Hespedim Yartzeit of Harav Avrohom Chaim Levin ztl  9:00 pm at Villas  shul  901 East Kennedy To listen call 6467269977 no pin needed

-Murphy: N.J. reports 5,367 new positive COVID-19 tests, 53 deaths These numbers are alarming. We are still in the midst of a pandemic. Mask up. Social distance. Stay informed.

-Trump: I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor Brian Kemp  or the Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification. Has not been done and will show large scale discrepancies. Why are these two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else falls in place!

-Trump Georgia rally 7:00 pm Here

- Open house Lakewood seminary Aliyos Eliyohu 100 Eleventh 8:00 pm

-Yat Kislev Farbrengen Melava Malka: Yiddish event  at Bnos Devorah with Rabbi Chaim Meisels . Rav Nachaum Greenwald and Rab Shalom Mordechai Rubaskin English venue with Rav Chaim Dalfin in Toms River at 1285 Rolls Ct start 8pm sharp.


  1. Is Lakewoods count including rapids or only PCR tests?

  2. -Trump: We will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will NEVER, ever surrender!

    Poor guy, getting more and more unhinged as reality continues to have the gall to exist.
    Thank G-d nobody needs him to give up. He will not be president after January 20th, whether he gives up or doesn't.
