Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday November 1 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy skies with periods of rain later in the day. High 58F.  Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a half an inch.

Shkiah today 4:53 pm

-31 new covid19  cases in Lakewood + 2 deaths totals 6115/212

-Buildings in Washington DC, NY, LA and elsewhere boarded-up on the eve of a presidential election in anticipation of possible unrest. CNN plays clip of  Trump parade on bridge to hilight civil unrest

-Trump campaign responds to media reports of supporters shutting down the Garden State Parkway in NJ and Hudson River bridges in NY-  "His spokesman, Jason Miller, when asked about the New York and New Jersey incidents, made a similar plea, saying that he was more concerned with “downtown Washington businesses having to board up their windows in anticipation of lawless, violent Biden supporters rioting and looting on Tuesday night.” NY Times Sentiment was mixed on social media about whether the New Jersey motorcade boosted or harmed the president’s campaign.

- 5:30 pm FREE FOOD: 5-day food boxes are being distributed now at 800 Rockaway Avenue. Available to all New Jersey residents under 19 years old who are not receive lunches at any other program location this week. Lnn

-BDE:  petirah of Reb Yitzchok Aryeh Gutman Z"L of Toms River, founder of Talmud Torah Tiferes Yechiel of Lakewood. Levaya took place earlier at the yeshiva at 1339 River Avenue, and at 2:45pm at the 7th Street chapel.(LNN)

-New Square, NY- The village board today unanimously endorsed president Trump In 2016 skver chasidim voted 95% for Hillary Clinton. Signs posted said to have hakoras hatov for echad machasidei umos haolam.

-Videos go viral on social media of Trump caravan along the Garden state Parkway after leaving Lakewood and other towns. Traffic was briefly shut on GSP NB Express lanes in Monmouth County by state police as the caravan moved through. APP article shows pictures of Lakewood Orthodox Jewish residents proudly holding Trump flags, wearing talis and tefilin Showing support for the president hoping to win in NJ, headline is "Garden State Parkway, Lakewood play host to Trump 'MAGA Drag' car rallies"

-Ocean county clerk We are offering extended office hours to voters seeking to obtain a replacement Vote by Mail Ballot due to damage or misplacement or not receiving a ballot in the mail.  Our Election staff will be at the Mancini Room of the Ocean Library, 101 Washington Street in Toms River  Sun Nov 1st 9am to 4pm as well as Mon, Nov 2 - 8am until 8pm and on Election Day, Tue, Nov 3rd - 6am until 8pm.

-Six Flags great adventure open today 1:00 pm- 10:00 pm you must pre-schedule your visit. Season pass flash sale $59.99
 -Tehillim: Tefillos for Refoel Shmuel Shmelka ben Yutta in critical condition (Reb shmelke Pinter)
-Rav Chaim Meir Hager shlita son of Viznitz Bnei Brak Rebbe spent shabbos in Lakewood at the Oak and Vine neighborhood. He came for the bris of a grandson born to his son of the viznitz Lakewood khal Imrei Chaim B"M. 
-New Sunday morning shiur in Tanach by Reb Yisrael Aaron Kletzkin shlita at the Sherei Tefila B"M 51 Turin avenue Oak&Vine 
-Cars lining up at BlueClaws stadium to join up with a Trump rally in the tri state area. Minyan for shachris 8:45   cars lining up 9:30 leaving Lakewood 10:00 am heading down Cedarbridge ave to the GSP North at the Monouth rest area

-Live stream Levaya of Reb Shimon Brecher ztl in Eretz Yisrael 11:00 am this morning in Bnei Brak watch HERE

-BDE: Petira of Mr. Naftoli Hirsch Z"l Levaya 10:00 am at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street.  Kevura in Eretz Yisrael. He was in his 70's and was hospitalized with the virus . His Wife was nifteres last week from the virus R'L. He was originally from Chicago and lived in Boro Park and was involved in Agudas yisrael and communal matters, recently moved to Lakewood. A direct descendent of Rav Shamshon Refoel Hirsch Zatzal.

-New Jersey open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act  opens today Sunday November 1.The state is debuting its state-based health care exchange and giving residents six extra weeks to sign up for coverage.


  1. Prob at least 200 cars at blueclaws as of 950 am

  2. That is about 7 niftarim רח"ל in a week and a half.

    First, a second wave came upon us. Some people started to get scared, they wondered what it was they needed to do now. Some people, with no scientific training or in-depth knowledge, started to pontificate about mutations and strains, with no clue what those words really mean. They used the lower death rate as a proof that 'it is not that bad'. When they could, they threw in snide comments about 'askanim', meaning Rabbonim and Talmidei Chachomim.
    So people were being trained to ignore the uptick, to blame someone else for it, to claim 'false positives' about people who had clear symptoms. To ignore the false negatives as well as the fact that other towns didn't have an uptick with the same 'unreliable' tests. The proof was the lower death rate.
    Some, more level-headed, people tried to warn people that the information is either erroneous or incomplete. The deaths start six weeks after the uptick, and by then it is too late. They were based on science, so they were ridiculed with the proof from the lower death rate.

    By now the brainwashing is complete. When there have been daily levayos for people who died of coronavirus in our community, we cannot blame ourselves any more. We have been conditioned to blame testing, the governor of a neighboring state, askanim, Ray Coles and 5G networks. Anything but the behavior of those who created an atmosphere of ignoring health regulations.
    For thousands of years Poskim relied on health experts, but now we are being taught to ignore the simple instructions of A) mask wearing, B) regular handwashing and sanitizing, and C) social distancing. We have made new mental health regulations, based on nothing but whining. We have created new mitzvos of celebrating Simchos in our new Western way. But generations of Poskim have been ignored and pushed to the wayside.

    ה' יקום דמם

    1. what are you talking about. Hashem runs the world. People who were careful and in quarantine for 6 months never went anywhere without a mask and still caught the virus. What about all the niftarim in Eretz Yisrael is that also the fault of the people not listening to poskim. Do you know what the poskim said?
      If you want to lay blame which is ridiculous why not blame it on the askanim who proudly boasted of bringing down the numbers with mass testing but only asking those who will test negative to come. There was no effort to protect and lookout for the safety of the community. It was all a shtick to bring down numbers playing with data. It was the propaganda machine with a breaking news story of zero cases in Lakewood because of the testing. That is what lulled people into a false sense of security.

    2. What do idiots like you mean "that we take it seriously" ?? We all know its serious. But all the "measures" that are taken are worthless and just add to the misery. Its astonishing how many brainless people there are like you.

    3. Geonus. So super spreader weddings should continue. Chas v'shalom we stop parlor meetings. Hachnosas sefer torah? Nah, must go on as usual, Hashem runs the world. Look at the pictures that are posted on frum media sites in Lakewood every single day. You will see what it means to not take things seriously. Oh but someone who wore a mask also died. Right, and someone who was careful to look both ways before crossing also got hit by a car, mimeila, no point to look both ways. What happened to an 'am navon v'chachom'?

    4. The measures are worthless because they are not being followed. Wearing a mask gives some protection definitely not 100 per cent. But wearing a mask reduces the chance that the mazik will spread the germs. So if the mazikim don't wear masks, then the virus spreads much faster. We also didn't learn, not to make big chasunahs which were the biggest spreaders in Elul.

    5. This is all Ray Coles' fault. There is no denying that he could have done a complete lockdown to keep us safe, but instead he defers to the Governor over and over. He is not a leader and he doesn't represent the average person in Lakewood. It's time to vote Coles out! Vote Column A ONLY!

    6. very well said

      a bunch of egotistic charedi trumpers who may have a din of roidfim

    7. 12:26

      Shut up with the "rodfim" scare tactics. We are rodfim as much as any car driver is a rodef.

    8. 133 pm
      whoah with the “shut up” . it seems like someone touched a raw nerve.
      there were alot of levayos this week
      and people walking around and focusing on trump motorcades
      woe upon us
      stroking ourselves with feel-good trumpism
      while ignoring the 120 fresh graves in the lakewood cemeteries

  3. Vote Trump !!
    Make sure your spouse votes !
    Make sure your parents/Children vote !

    1. Thanks for the reminder. My wife, adult daughters and I made sure to vote for Biden.
      Let decency and seichel return to this country

    2. Seichel? Biden? Based on what do you think that?

  4. Its the fault of every yachid who minimizes the seriousness of the virus , we created a atmosphere of total disregard for the virus , where wearing a mask in school is like draidel in the times of yevanim where people are stared at in shul if they wear a mask

  5. Most of the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel and the Gedolei Lakewood NJ from all groups
    Do Not wear masks !!
    Ask their Talmidim, Chassidim , Etc.
    Are you claiming most of OUR Gedolim are fools , murderers??

    Do whatever you want personally,
    How dare you Call our Gedolim murderers !
    You are the fool ! You are the Rasha !
    You need be thrown out of Our community!
    Join the open Orthodox , you can wear your mask all day and join them in bashing Rabbonim .
    Moshiach will come , we will go Together with our Gedolim ,
    You will stay behind !

    1. Please show me the signature of one Godil who says you should not wear a mask if you don't have antibodies. There is not one that will sign such a letter.

    2. Anon 9:17
      Decency vs. Bias
      while your ilk picks the latter
      We are commanded to stick to the former

    3. Did anyone call anyone a murderer?
      Anon 9:17 - you should really have a hot bath and some valium. Your anger levels can cause serious damage.

      We need to take this virus seriously, and follow the best guidance possible. If most experts say wear a mask, and some say that there is no need, doesnt prudence tell us to wear a mask? Isnt that a simple cheshbon? Sans politics, we would all understand that.

    4. 917AM
      “Most of the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel and the Gedolei Lakewood NJ from all groups
      Do Not wear masks !!”
      you are probably right
      but most gedolim dont blatantly disrespect mask wearers bifneihem vsheloi bifneihem

  6. vote straight up column A fill out your ballot !
    It is time to get rid of career politicians who taxed Lakewood homeowners out of their homes and created mass traffic where people spend 2 hours a day on the road. They no longer represent the community but only the special interests who control them.
    Enough of abusing out voting bloc! show them the door vote only column A

    1. They never did represent the community.

  7. How dare somone stands up for the most fundamental value in the torah value of human life , when the gedolim will stand up and say we take responsibility for any human death because its more important the train dosent stop , all the gedolim who opened their mouth and warned people to be safe are being shunned , your the one trying to use shaming as a way to live without a guilty conscience for people dying i dint think anyone with blood on their hands will be welcomed by moshiach the alef bes is vehavata leracha kamocha

  8. If you really followed the gedolim you wouldn't be on the internet even with a filter

    1. Anonymous 6:58
      Well put, sadly
      All those neighbors, relatives or friends who scoffed & ignored
      should be disrespected forever onward as immature youngsters unable to show concern beyond their immediate selves or continuously repeating mazikim

  9. HOLY COW! The Lakewood Township Committee candidates on the Democratic ticket just put an ad out on TLS! Did anyone even know that Mordy Gross was running? Rabosai, don't fall for these last minute fear tactics. Vote straight Column A, and NO to the questions on the back. It is the Democrats who are pushing legal marijuana! Don't vote for ANY Democrats!

    1. Dont be fooled. Vote straight column A. You have a achrayus for the kehila who are taxed again by coles and priced out of the housing market in lakewood.

  10. Over 150 corona cases and 5 levayos since the askanim declared victory with zero cases in lakewood and took credit for it by having mass testing. #FOOLS

    1. embarrassing that askanim have such gaavah and spew kefira thinking they have control over the virus. This is what happens when you are chonef those n power.

    2. why no statements robo calls or videos from askanim about the current reality and FACTS about corona

  11. Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, shame on me... Enough already! Republican led states are not having these issues! Stop voting for Democrats! I am old enough to remember when Ray Coles closed all the parks around Lakewood and walkways around the lake. Don't tell me that we need 3 more years of his high-brow nonsense! Vote for Mike D'Elia and Hector Fuentes for Township Committee!

    1. All the doctors got it wrong. They don't know what they are talking about. The only medical advice necessary is, live in a Republican state.


      Close all medical schools and research centers.

    2. There are plenty of doctors, and even the CDC, that say lockdowns do NOTHING to solve the outbreak. It is only in Liberal led states (and cities) where lockdowns continue to be (threatened) unabated. Believe me you, right after the election is over BIG changes will take place.

    3. No Doctor said that lockdowns do nothing, they said we need other measures too.

  12. *takes deep breath*


  13. Lets ignore the virus and focus on askonim. Lets look at other peoples behavior instead of our own. Lets keep our heads in the ground and bury the dead, blaming Hashem all along. As the Novi tells us אולת אדם תסלף דרכו ועל ה' יזעף לבו.

  14. I live in Lakewood and the only thing I have heard ftom askanim is that testing to help lower the positivity rate fan help keep misdos open . I never heard anything about them taking credit for controlling the virus. You make that up so you can hate them.


    2. Did you see mention of askanim? I didn't

    3. If we closed our schools and batei medrashim early the first time and kept the yeshivas learning and not come home for bein hazmanim we would of saved so many lives, and torah would have been learnt without stop instead we did the opposite , askanim kept dragging to close schools kept saying its nothing, why are we so afraid to stop the train to let people sit and think for a second , seems like we learnt from pharoh , keep them busy and dont let them think for themselves.

    4. I also didn't. Its an article by the blog itself. In fact it says that we are not out of the woods and only mentions that our testing brought down the very high rate to a more normal rate ,which in fact it did. Niwhere does it mention askanim taking credit for reducing the virus. So those that hate people, see different words in a blog post than what most regular people see . But haters will always hate .

    5. you live under a rock listen to what Murohy has been saying about Lakewood listen to the askanim who cant keep their mouths shut and are running at every opportunity boasting how they brought down the cases in lakewood. the only stupider thing they did was deny there were positive cases after purim when people were dying.
      They keep getting egg on their face and try covering up stupid statements that they make out of haughtiness and self promotion

    6. don't call others haters for pointing out your stupidity the post clearly boasted that lakewood had zero cases as a result of testing.

    7. where is the seichel is this really what the klal needs pictures of yidden associated with blocking the highways the way to show support is at the polls.

    8. The post said that on one day there was zero ,but it also said that of course we are not out of the woods yet meaning that of course there will be more cases And anyway the post was written by a blogger , not your hated askanim.


  16. We are falling into the chet of the dor haflaga but we dont have avrohom aveinu to save us

    ומעלות היו לו ממזרחו וממערבו, אלו שהיו מעלין את הלבנים היו עולים ממזרחו, ואלו שהיו יורדין היו יורדין ממערבו, ואם נפל אדם ומת לא שמים את לבם עליו, ואם נפלה לבנה אחת היו יושבין ובוכין ואומרין אוי לנו אימתי תעלה אחרת תחתיה, ועבר אברם בן תרח וראה אותם בונין את העיר וקללם בשם אלהיו, ואמר בלע יי' פלג לשונם

  17. The issue is not the mask wearing or the non social distancing , the issue is the total hefkeirus to the value of human life and death , even in sweden which people like to use as their excuse they protect the vulnerable ones , no rav came out and told people that are high risk to be careful , להזהיר גדולים על הקטנים sometimes has ti be vice versa , in this town its total hefkeirus . Can any if us say ידינו לא שפכו את הדם הזה how can we not be scared from the din shamayim for not being sam el lebeinu the intrinsic value of every yiddish life

    1. In other words:

      the issue is not whether we are doing s/t wrong- we are not. Social distancing and masks dont help. But we are not SHOWING that we care.

      How are we supposed show that we care ? Dont ask.

      And then you wonder why your neioghbors laugh at you.

    2. "And then you wonder why your neioghbors laugh at you"
      wow you coudnt define better the nature of your avodah zorah i would advise you learn shar hayichud chovos halevavos how he goes at length worrying about what your neighbors think is worsen then avodah zara. sadly many live their whole life worshipping and acting based on what others think to use those words as a way to shame people into your thinking process is self evident you do not want to see the truth , you dont want to feel any guilt for people in your community dying or their lives destroyed from the virus, כי בשרירות לבי אלך if you have to make one change to your daily activity for the sake of another human life its the end of the world.
