Friday, October 23, 2020

Re: Unmasked Mishpacha's Anti Trump virus19? Lakewood's Got Herd Immunity!

By: Y'min Losmol 
Erev Shabbos Parshas Noach 

When Meir Kahana got elected to the Knesset he promised Shulamit Aloni a heart attack everyday. Ocean county is sure to give Mishpacha's editorial board serious symptoms in the weeks to come- we're wall to wall Donald Trump country here. 

This magazine can not embarrass itself anymore than it has already.

Lakewood's yeshivaleit see through the debasement of our mesorah as self anointed spokesmen appeal to the masses directly from the newsstands with ideology that's Hashkafic fruitcake.

America has always purchased oil from abroad; Under president Trump lots of

drilling was done at home. The US now produces lots of its own to heat your home and power your car via gasoline. Soon after the debate last night an economics expert made a keen observation on the John Bachelor show. When the former VP said he would transform Americas energy source (the green deal), Trump asked will America run on oil? he replied, NO.

Biden took fortune hostage.

This will impact on the markets (as oil is a major source of American prosperity) and it may well cost the vice president the election, he said.

Unmasked, seems to join Joe Biden's fate too. Our mesorah enjoins us to display Hakoras Hatov for politicians who have been benevolent to klal yisrael. Mr. Trump, surely qualifies for his support for our people.

His style is irrelevant.

The naïve bunch who embrace the message of this off key piece accolade the magazine with the dubious distinction of ראש כל בני הגולם. 

In this mabul and deluge of foreign ideas surrounding us, Bnei Torah chart the course of this ship with age old hashkafa what's old is new once again the Torah remains the same forever.


  1. Can you rewrite this in plain English so us simple folks can get a clue of what you are hocking about. Thank you

    1. The problem with this post is not the author's command of the English language, but the authors lack of it.

      It is a shame, because the criticism is correct. The authors ability to convey it properly however, is lacking

  2. Not exactly sure what Ymin Lsmol's point here is as the writing rambles a bit. I did look at the article linked to, and while I may disagree with some parts overall I thought that it made some strong points, and don't see anything here to seriously counter those arguments. Of course we need to display hakaros hatov, but that doesn't mean we should become political 'fans' - just the idea of calling bnei torah "Donald Trump country" is sickening, as is adopting ways of speech and action which are the opposite of Torah values.

  3. I'm voting for Trump, and yes, I agree with your point about hakaras hatov.

    Everything else you wrote is convoluted.

  4. I love how this yeshvisheh writer for heferkvelt dosent make any sense.. The writer from Mishpacha makes sense in his writing but you have no coherent idea to make a 'groiseh' machah. Get a HS degree before you decide to write.

    1. first of all, he quotes meir kahana, so he is obviously not "yeshivish'
      second of all, i the mishpacha writer didn't make any sense either. his basic point seems to be "you are all dumb. i am smarter than all of you." it's just total condescension. he tries valiantly to somehow connect jews not wearing masks to donald trump, although he never even bothers to complete his argument. basically, he's just screaming "yellow man bad" and "jews are dumb for liking him"

  5. Get your Word salad in honor of Shabbos!
    Someone who has confused his right and left, has written for us a word salad, with a mesoira for bnei toira to drill in America.
    Dip your challa into it, this Friday night

  6. If anybody has a clue what this guy is talking about, please explain to the naive ones like myself.

  7. טוב שם משמן טוב

  8. Its about time theses frum journalists get off their high horses and realize the the frum velt is not drinking their koolaid.
    While the mechanchim put so much effort to protect children from the pitfalls of technology mishpacha proudly pushes kids through their print magazine to watch their TV online shows for children.
    Who are they to decide?

  9. The open letter which was a Trump bashing piece was signed by anti Trumpers and 1 lady. They pretended to be balanced but some of those who signed wrote publicly against the president and have a hatred for him. They arrogantly felt that they are in a position to lecture klal yisrael with an open letter. And they also had a lady sign it which shows were they stand with the frum world.

  10. Sons immigrants, become Americans before talking politics! Not one of you even have a full year of 11th grade American history. HaKaros HaTov for politicians is pure chanifah in our community. Time after time we are rodef someone who furthers the public good but we kiss up to the governor or whoever looks the other way and does not give us what we deserve. What a DISGRACE to have a 28% positivity rate.

    It is the same with the school board and township committee. Salutary neglect is what we want. Not good government. And we all have to be thankful for the favors. All I see in this community, kissing up, "Thank you so and so."

    World WAR II immigrants, leave you ways in the garbage country you come from. This is not the American way. Jewish Americans are men who confront their problems head on. We do not think the same and we certainly do not require each other to be thankful for what we are thankful for.

    In the frum community, everyone must think the same. There is NOTHING more destructive to America than everyone thinking the same. Accountability is sacrificed for HaKaros HaTov. It is ok if a President's lack of political experience (where did idea come from that the President of the United States does not need a degree in government, law or have serve years as a public servant? It has never happened before.) caused thousands to die; it does not matter if he panders to our enemies, the Russians; as long as he frees criminals that are Jewish (yes he did terrible things, read the court documents in which Yidden testified against him) and likes Israel, we ALL have to vote for him. Such European immigrant mentality does not belong here! THERE WERE JEWISH PEOPLE IN AMERICAN BEFORE YOUR RECENT ANCESTERS. We do not think the same and WE CERTAINLY DO NOT REQUIRE ONE ANOTHER TO HAVE HAKAROS HATOV for the tov that we are maker, which is nothing more that CHANIFA.

    1. I agree with part of your post, not all of it.
      Thinking the same is extremely destructive for our community. Along with the belief that 'if you don't believe like me, you are THAT GUY, who is a communist/socialist/abortionist'. NO place for actual differences of opinion in real issues.
      But I have no interest in being an "American Jewish Man", any more than being a Lithuanian Jewish Man, or a HUngarian one for that matter.

    2. Well that is a bold statement by anon 12:22, it surpasses the condescension of the Mishpacha writer and heads straight for obnoxious arrogance.

      I don't see date that someone arrived in this country relevance to the subject. My family arrived long before WWII, that doesn't make me any more or less of an American then someone who arrived earlier, or later. Aside for that, I doubt there are many WW2 immigrants commenting on Hefkervelt

      In regards to Hakaros Hatove, that is not a post WWII trait, in fact that is not specifically a Jewish Trait,rather a human one. I am not going to mention what the Chovovos Halvavos says about the importance of hakaros hatov, as the writer is likely a kofer, but without it, society can not exist.

      As far as the critique of President Trumps lack of political experience, I would love for the commentator to elaborate on how this caused people to die? Perhaps if President Trump was more established in political circles than reporting on Covid deaths would be more accurate, and less deaths would be attributed to Covid, but it would not effect the reality on the ground. Additionally, I would love to hear how a degree prepares someone for the presidency any more than being a business manager does.

      The fact is that President Trump took steps to counter and lessen the impact of Covid, before the vast majority of establishment politicians did, and was ridiculed for doing so.

      The previous commentor appears to be hung up on Russia. What i find amazing is his complete inability to understand the Presidents MO. Yes, he flatters people who we have had an adversarial past with, in order to forge a new, better relationship,at the same time, his policies, in many ways are tougher with our adversaries then they were when Obama was President. His version of Theodore Roosevelts "speak softly and carry a big stick" I am sure the commentor, as an expert of 11th grade history, would know this. President Trump has used the same strategy with North Korea and tensions are much lower then they were 4 years ago.

      What is strange is the commentators concern with the Presidents approach to Russia, a country with a smaller GDP than 3 U.S. states, while completely ignoring the fact that the Bidens are w wholly owned subsidiary of China Inc.

      Perhaps the newest revelations of the Biden Crime Family are what caused the commentator to lose it. If that is the case, I would advise him to stock up on whatever he has been drinking, he is going to need it over the next 10 days

    3. Anonymous 12:22, do you have any factual criticism, or just insults for people who attend Yeshiva and whose family immigrated to the country after 1945 (ironic that a Biden supporter is so anti-immigrant)

    4. Anon 12:12 such foolish statements did you feel better after the cholent hopefully your body got rid of your verbal rant.

    5. Reading this comment makes one wonder, what's better: the unreadable mush of the original article? Or the well-written Chelm silliness of this comment?

    6. A degree in political science, an understanding of history, and political experience infuse awe and respect for our political institutions, check and balances, and the Constitution. I do not understand why a man needs a degree in engineering to build a bridge, a degree in business to run a corporation, a degree in medicine to treat illness, but when it comes to government, any goon can run a county. Any man who constantly makes mistakes, such as this "is the most important election in history" is not fit to be president. Any five-year-old knows the election of 1860 was and will ever be the most important election in history as it DIRECTLY led to the dissolution of the Union. This election is no different than any other except perhaps the American people are more somewhat more polarized. Eventually the Republican party will move back toward the center because we have a two-party system in which parties are election-oriented, not issue-oriented and certainly not cult-personality oriented. The parties are essentially supposed to be the same, like sports teams. If you learned 121th grade government you would know that.

    7. HaKaros HaTov has no place in elections. If it did, then Winston Churchill should have been reelected in 1952. The people are sovereign. Show thanks with medals, dinners, funerals, or in England, they them into knights, but NEVER re-elect because of HaKaros HaTov.

      In Lakewood, the same people are constantly reelected because of HaKaros HaTov. And what is the Tov? FOr helping this or that person, not for good governent, and CERTAINLY not for bringing home the Bacon (which is a case they miserably lost). Where is our two-lane Route 9? Where is our state funding for the schools? HaKaros HaTov is nothing more than Chanifa. I was disgusted watching all those nobodies, not a one with a high school education, licking the governor because he did not shut Lakewood down.

      When the state funding does happen, and we bring in billions to Lakewood, and the $150 million in loans are forgiven rather than paid by the taxpyers, all the people you were maaker tov will claim their part in bringing it about whereas those who really did the job, are shunned and kept at the bottom.

      Elections are about the person running for office. When real issues are put before the American people, they fail miserable. Look at Wilson and the League in 1920. Look at the election of 1860 when slavery in the territories was at issue. Great men like Clay, Calhoun and Webster kept these issues out of the electorate. The two parties has Northerners and Southerners and did not take stands. IN 1860 there were four parties and the nation was destroyed.

      What is going to happen after the election is that the Bushes and regular Republicans will take back control and the party will thrive. They let a crazy fring take hold. Hopefully the Democrats also will prevent their fringe from taking control.

      Which reminds me. Stop calling the representative from the Bronx AOC. Three letters are just for presidents (read Caro's LBJ book). Yes, few others like MLK and RFK (and now RBG) but these people are considered great. YOU are making this woman on the fringes presidential giving her the three letter appellation.

    8. Concerning Russia and China. Again, our lessons come from history. America's friendship with China began with the tripartite trade during colonial times. It culminated in the Open Door Policy in which America prevented the powers from carving up China in the 1890s. We had a setback when China became communist but that did not last long.

      By contrast, Russia has been the enemy from day one. The Monroe Doctrine was directed toward Russian Forts on the Pacific Coast. Even Tocqueville in the 1830 wrote that the twentieth century would be dominated by America and Russia. The Cold War was between the two nations. It was a BIG mistake to take our eye off the Soviets in 2000 and focus on the little middle-easterner cavemen. The Russians are back to their old tricks, trying to tear us apart from the inside.

  11. comment on HefkerveltOctober 25, 2020 at 7:45 AM

    Trump took 'steps', as in absolutely useless steps. He didn't stop travel from any affected parts of the globe, he didn't ramp up production of PPE, he didn't encourage any useful steps in mitigating the virus, until he was forced to by the Stock Exchange.
    He stopped Chinese citizens entering the country, in the belief that viruses from China are racist, and only affect Chinese citizens. Citizens of other countries, who had been in China and were equally likely to be infected, were permitted to enter. For which he was correctly called out by politicians and commentators as being ineffective.
    But even if he would have actually made a blanket travel ban from China and Europe, it would only have delayed the inevitable. The benefit of delaying the arrival of the virus was to give time to get things done. But Trump got nothing done, his ban was useless except to inconvenience people.
    He also actively persuaded people to ignore medical advice, and is the force behind the many Covidiots out there, that look to voodoo instead of actual science.

    He could have ramped up PPE production in January, which would have allowed the medical establishment to promote PPE use well before the outbreak exploded. A lockdown would then not have been necessary, which means the economy would not have tanked.
    All it took was a little foresight, the ability to look around the corner. People who govern from their 'gut' cannot do that. Anyone with political experience would have understood that things need foresight, understanding of detail, and expert advice.
    This does not excuse the local politicians at all. Trumpism is the direct cause of the foolishness that has encompassed all of us, and it is unconscionable that Cuomo should not have known this before. He should have taken steps at the beginning, knowing that Trump is a total waste of space. He should not have asked the federal government for anything, because Trump is an empty suit, a useless pile of blubber.

  12. Its obvious that the intellectual writers and jurnos cant fathom or accept the fact that yeshiva guys are literate and able to articulate. Hence the comments bashing and making fun of the authors writing skills. This proves to the gaavah arrogance and haughtiness that has filled this back slapping echo chamber for all these years. It hurts that others are now on the playing field.

    1. The problem is, this writer is not articulate. He cannot write, and the reason is probably because he cannot think in an orderly fashion. His confused method of writing reflects his confused method of thinking.

      And that confusion led him down the rabbit hole to Trump

    2. Looks like whatever the rabid leftist commentator drank last night is still in their system. Bringing examples of U.S. relations towards China from the 1800 and thinking they are relevant to today.

      The CCP Controlled China of Today bears no resemblance to the China of the 1800's or even of China circa 1944. The same way Cuba of today has no resemblance to pre-Castro Cuba, and the Venenzuela of today bears no resemblance to the pre-Chavez Cuba. It would be like comparing the Democratic Japan of Today to Imperial Japan.

      While Russia maybe led by a ruthless leader, they lack the economic power to be a geopolitical threat to the U.S. on a global scale

      So while history is important, it is only useful if one has the intellectual capacity to analyze and contextualize that history.

      As far as Trumps ban on travel from China, it would be nice if the person commenting, though clearly, of limited mental capacity, would at least show some intellectual honesty. The vast majority of U.S. citizens who were still allowed to travel, where of Chinese origin. So claiming the president was "racist" in banning travel from non-citizens is disingenuous at best.

      The reason the President did not ban return travel from Citizens is because it was not politically feasible, additionally, the U.S. bears an additional responsibility to it's citizens, and although their were enough fears to warrant the banning of non-citizens, banning the return of citizens requires a completely different level of danger, which was not clear that it was warranted at the time.

      As far as what degree someone studied in college, very few Presidents studied political science (The commentor likely stuck this in as a qualification, because Barack Obama virtually had zero experience in politics or anything else for that matter, before he became President, and while he did study political science, and was a mentee of some prominent radial Marxists, he described himslef as spending most of his time in college in a marijuana induced haze).

      In fact, even at the height of the pandemic, the U.S. returned citizens to the U.S. from all over the world, and even chartered flights and used military transports to do so. That shows the depths of the concern that the current administration has for its citizens.

      As far as using the war powers act to increase production of PPE in January, again the commentor is lacking any sort of context. At that time, Pelosi and the NYC health commissioner were still visitng China Town telling everyone not to worry. Faucci was telling the world that it did not present a threat to the American Public. The War Powers Act is an extreme power whereby the government essentially commandeers private industry. The leftists constantly claim President Trump is an "authoritarian ruler" (despite no evidence to support), how do you think the President invoking the War Powers Act, at as time when the vast majority of Democrats downplayed the threat of the China Virus, would have gone over? Schiff and Co. would have immediately moved to start another round of impeachment.

      As far as negating the need for a lockdown, there never was a need for a nationwide lockdown. The WHO, an organization beloved by leftists and CCP supporters, now has changed their guidance on lockdowns, and stated they should not be implemented broadly. Particularly in the summer, where transmission and deaths from the China Virus was almost non-existent (shocker, turns out the China Virus, like virtually every other coronavirus is seasonal).

  13. Hefkervelt has really made it.

    If the hired leftists - who have nothing of value to do with their lives - have been hired to write their stupidity, insults and silliness here. That makes it evident how far hefkervelt has made it

  14. The Hakaras Hatov sevara makes zero sense.
    For hakaras hatov I’ll send flowers and a nice candy dish....not vote for a demagogue that’s tearing apart the fabric of this country.

    1. Hakaros Hatov is not a sevara, it is a middah. I also did not say Hakaras Hatov in itself is a reason in itself to vote for someone.

      As far as president Trump being a demagogue, you clearly do not know what the word means. Perhaps you spent all your time in 11th grade high school studying history, and skipped the language arts classes

    2. Perhaps you skipped reading comprehension classes. The sevara is that hakaras hatov should compel us to vote for a certain candidate. Naturally hakaras hatov itself is not a sevara.

      As for demagogue

      “a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.“

      That pretty much sums him up.
