Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wednesday Sept 30 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Rain showers early, then sunny by the afternoon. High 71F. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

-Yesodei Lunch box distribution at Schi parking lot 8:30 pm short lines 

-Due to the current Matzav, daily Tehillim for Tinokos Shel Beis Rabban as a Zechus for Rachamei Shamayim followed by a story from Rav Aharon BrustowskyTime: 6:45 PM 
Live call in number: 732-301-4043 OPT 9
May we see Yeshuos and Nechamos

- Run on Sukkas as many will be staying home and making sukkos for the first time. Young couples cant afford  If you know of stores that have please post in comment section.  Or if you wont be home and have one kindly notify the neighbors that they can use it.

-Tefilos for Rav Yisrael Yitzchok Kalmanowitz shlita of Bnei Brak who has a severe case of Pneumonia name for Tehilim Yisrael Yitzchok ben Leah

- Murphy: Ocean county is our main focus. This is something we're taking very seriously. Will visit this Friday.  We’re all trying to figure out together the Ocean County spike," Murphy said. "is the fastest growing community of any size in our state. ... We’ve come through a period of religious holidays. It is a school district that is fully back in. That’s something we’re clearly looking at. There’s a lot of active investigation going on.”

-NJ Health commissioner  134 new cases  in Lakewood. Ocean County has a daily positive percent rating of 5.44% in Lakewood positivity rate is  27%. She will be visiting Lakewood this week. 

-Col. Patrick Callahan, superintendent of the State Police, said local police in Lakewood had seen multiple images of worshipers not wearing masks indoors.
- Frum anti Trumper blames Trump loyalty and misinformation for boro park spike in covid19  Put together mixed messages from de Blasio and Cuomo, the popularity of President Donald Trump among the area’s socially conservative voters, and “crazy clips from [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s St. Petersburg basement,” as Rapaport put it, and the area has faced “a perfect storm” of misinformation.“We’re being buffeted by outside forces.. many in the community believed in the Trump-touted but medically dubious treatment of hydroxychloroquine. “People were lulled into a false sense both from the president and from experience.” (Source)
-Daled Minim Shuk open at Lake terrace 1690 Oak street
-Daled Minim available at Bingo including sukka panels folding chairs beds tables
-Oorah giveaway  winter coats,Belts, ties,back cushions, makeup brushes, headphones and more at 1785 Swarthmore Ave Lakewood, today Sep 30th 1:00 pm-5:00  while supplies last
-Long lines continue at Urgent care centers, over 3 hour wait by Chemed this morning, others ran out if tests. the state is expected to deliver 6000 rapid tests to Lakewood
- Schools and yeshivos send message that all kids must check temps before boarding the bus and wear a mask when waiting at the bus stop untill entering the classroom
- Building on Cedarbridge Avenue sprayed with graffitti police investigating.
-New York City will begin enforcing mask-wearing with a $1,000 fine in nine zip codes seeing a COVID-19 spike, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.
-Murphy to visit Ocean county and meet with Lakewood officials amid covid spike
- APP:  "Orthodox Jewish leaders ask for caution during holidays as Lakewood COVID-19 cases spike "We have to all stay focused to beat this thing," Rabbi Aaron Kotler, president of Yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha, wrote the Press in an email ..Kotler said his own Yom Kippur — holiday celebrations and other gatherings have been blamed for some of the spread — was celebrated "socially distanced, masks and all, and vastly-reduced capacity, plus outdoor prayer groups on my block."
-More: About 37,000 Lakewood children attend nearly 100 private religious schools, more than six times the number of students in the public schools "They're contemplating their options and seeing what’s best,” Schnall said of the Jewish schools in Lakewood. “It’s a big town with a lot of schools, so it may depend on the situation — you don’t want to unilaterally close a school without any cases.” APP
-Lunch Distribution: B'gan 7 day Sukkos box Wedesday
Bnos Melech 550 James 8:00 pm
Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 6:30
Tehilas Chaya Sara 1115 Cross street 8:00 pm
-The number of COVID-19 cases in NJ have jumped 20% in one month, which state officials link to Lakewood.


  1. I posted this on yesterday's thread, but it belongs here too.

    My son complained to me that he can hardly stand ten minutes with a mask, how will he manage a whole day.

    I told him, "your great-grandfather and namesake sat with his feet in a bowl of cold water to keep himself awake and able to learn. He stood next to the open window in the icy winter, so he doesn't fall asleep and gets to learn more. Now you are being asked to suffer somewhat to be able to spend a day learning, look at it as that messiras nefesh, messiras your own nefesh not that of others, that is the investment in your learning that can make you the Talmid Chochom your great-grandfather was."

    When so many commenters are claiming that we should be moiser nefesh to fight the government, they really mean, "yeah! Let's fight! See who wins! We'll show 'em!". They are harnessing their 'not-so-good' middos to enjoy an epic fight. That is not the messiras nefesh we are looking for. Fighting is a bad thing, we only do it when we are really desperate, and we do it with submission, not arrogance. Let us be moiser nefesh to wear a mask in order to show how really important learning and davening is to us, with submission to Hashem's will, and we will hopefully merit a yeshua from this crazy tzara, that is overtaking our lives, our psyches and our stability.

    1. Finally someone with the proper hashkafa. I was beginning to worry.

    2. Shvache tzushtell to the old mesiras nefesh stories of putting feet in a icy bowl of water that was done at will to stay up and learn thru the night when one was tired. Mask wearing is a unproven govt mandate that interferes with davening and learning perhaps the mesiras nefesh is not to wear it so one can learn properly. This second wave hit people who were masking too.

    3. Masking doesn't work precisely because some people are moser nefesh not to wear one and they can transmit it.

    4. Also, I am worried about lung capacity of our chareidi communities, because somehow beach we are unable to tolerate for a bit, while other communities wear daily for hours. Perhaps we should check with our pulmonologists to explain this weakness in just our systems

    5. Anonymous 6:45 - we don't control the government, we control our own behavior. Railing against the government and electing to ignore them is a display of our own bad middos. They may be wrong (although masks have been proven, multiple times, to work on lowering the spread of these kinds of illnesses. As doctors have repeatedly linked on this and other sites), but we don't have a choice over here. The government's Dept of Health takes the best possible information and makes decisions according to that. They may be wrong, nobody is perfect, but we are doing the right thing by listening to them.
      Just like wearing gloves was important and a mitzva back in March and April, because the best possible information at the time was to do so. We may not have saved any lives bederech hateva, but we did the right thing, which was a zechus for all of us.
      The same is here with masks. We can make ourselves uncomfortable for the sake of helping others, of saving people's health, and stopping the government close down our opportunity to learn and daven betzibur. The zechus of that messiras nefesh will hopefully protect us all.

    6. perhaps the mesiras nefesh is not to wear it so one can learn properly.

      Sure. And also mesiras nefesh not to wear one so you can shop properly, and dance at a chasunah properly, and enjoy the kugal at a kiddush properly.

    7. This is a message to Anonymous 6:45. I am quite surprised that this still has to be pointed out. Yes, mask wearers were also hurt by the second wave. Because, as has been pointed out repeatedly, masks are not to help the wearer from contracting the illness. They were never supposed to do so, they only lower the chances by a miniscule amount. Masks are supposed to protect others from you and yours.

    8. Again, so why do doctors, nurses, and Ray Coles wear them?

    9. For the same reason, to protect others. Doctors and nurses see many people a day, and they can unknowingly transfer diseases to their patients.

      However, it is true that a correctly worn N95 mask can protect the wearer too. But many of us have beards, which make it impossible to wear a N95 mask properly. And we don't have N95 masks. But if we wear regular masks, we will lower the infection rate of other people.

  2. Masking is an outwardly display to make it appear that you control the virus and are more concerned and responsible about it than those who do not wear it

  3. shloimydelivers@gmail.comSeptember 30, 2020 at 6:59 AM

    Are you stuck outside Chemed? Email and we will gladly deliver you snacks, drinks or takeout!

    1. What is this? Free advertising? Will any portion of the proceeds be used to alleviate the financial burden of those sickened with covid?

  4. I know many families who caught the virus through a bochur who came home from Yeshiva. I do not know even one family who caught it via an elementary school age kid.

    1. Agree the kids arent spreading it. Adults (i.e. teachers) so we need to be moiser nefesh to wear a mask so our kids can learn.

  5. This is a bit to late. We have been complacent in letting this getting so far so fast. The fact is Agudah, instead of sticking up for yeshivas should have shut their mouth and told yeshivas, follow the mandated rules. Yeshiva's instead of laughing at the rules, followed them, and mandated temperature checks, (not only when they have an inspection) and mandate mask use. if a child cant wear a mask, then its one or two kids without it. Shuls should have MANDATED masks. How many shuls in lakewood over rosh hashana and yom kippur, made all their misplalim where masks? put the list of teh shuls that did? you wont have too many.
    BMG is closed now for bein hazmanin and tomorrow all the schools will announce they will close for 10 days.
    We need community guidance now. We need everyone to follow the Rabbanim in lakewood who have their missplalim's health as a priority. who care when a misspalel is sick and will do anything for them.
    its simple. the Yeshiva poskim should mandate social distancing and mask use in every shul in lakewood. Whether a person had covid prior or not. You can differentiate.

  6. Everyone keep on testing so we should show thousands of cases so they should shut us entirely down so our kids can be home for the next four months and businesses should all close so that we should start soon getting tons of tzeddaka letters that tomchei shabbos tripled its give outs

  7. people are getting sick just waiting hours on line to get tested by catching the virus

    1. People get sick by waiting in line? How so? What is the evidence for that?

    2. when you spend time with people that are testing for covid there is a big chance you will catch the virus

  8. Raboisai!! No shaichus! The oilam has the Gantzeh Zach farkert. Lichoirah the tachlis of it, is grobbeh baalei baatim with a groiseh deiyah on the eir hatoirah of the rosh yeshiva r aharon ztzl. The chosheveh Bnei Torah should be the ones to shtel avek the richtegeh hashkafa. Is the oilam maskim to this knaitch?

    1. When the grobbeh baalebatim pretend that they are really Bnei Torah, they are doing worse to the legacy of Reb Aaron than any restaurant, entertainment complex, yeshiva with limudei chol, or vaccination clinic.
      A Ben Torah isn't a culture, it means someone who spends his time learning, not choosing hadassim, hocking about politics, fighting 'giyus', or building buildings. It means someone who cares, and only cares, about the pshat in Tosfos.

  9. Stop going for tests !
    If you are sick stay home .
    Standing in line for hours
    for no reason ! !
    ( The test is not even accurate)
    If you have extra time go buy your spouse/mother a gift for Yom Tov !

    1. If we have Corona we can't go near our spouse/mother! We have to know before we go!

  10. Sum up of all these heiligeh comments:

    Balleh Batim are no good.
    Yingeh Laht are no good.
    Rosheh sheevehs are no good.
    Raboonim are no good.
    Doktoirim are no good.
    Boochrim are no good.
    Mishpoochehs are no good.
    Grobeh Balleh Batim are no good.
    Groish Rosheh sheevehs are no good.
    Groiseh Raboonim are no good.
    Yesheevahs are no good.
    Behs Yaankevs are no good.

    Only EECH are good.
    Only EECH knows everything.
    Only EECH will decide Everything.

  11. A must read:

    1. As a human being with self respect, I refuse to patronize sites like that, who publicize lashon hora on people's personal rivals for a price.

    2. It was a must read letter! I am so discouraged by the selfish comments on this site when it publishes this or Are there news meant to wake us up

    3. This is the exact text of a letter written and signed by a senior prominent well known Rosh Yeshiva. Since I don’t know that he allows this to be posted on a public forum, he will remain unnamed.

      Infection rates are rising in our community. Those who did not get infected during the spring are getting infected now.

      Everyone MUST wear a mask otherwise others will find an excuse not to. Although you may feel well, you may still be carrying the coronavirus. And you must always obey all the rules of masking and distancing. Not wearing a mask is not a minor aveirah.

      If you do not comply with masking rules, you are responsible for the deaths of older relatives of those whom you infect.

      Even if no one dies – you need a kaparah for the psheia itself.

      If you’re victim only becomes sick, you will need a kaparah for the yissurim you brought upon them and their families.

      If you do have zchusim you are lucky because you will suffer for what you have done while you’re alive.

      If you don’t have zchusim, there’s a place of unimaginable yissurim waiting for you.

      You have been told to wear a mask. So “but I didn’t mean it” will not be an excuse before the Beis Din Shel Maalah.

    4. I will read it, if it is posted on a reputable site. I don't go to 8chan either, because I don't belong there.

    5. An anonymous must read letter which is only one persons opinion. People have every right to disagree especially with covid19 were no one has any idea how it transmits or acts the biggest scientists have no clue.

  12. This Rappaport anti Trumper signed a public open letter with Agudas Avi Shafran and Mishpachas Eytan Kobre telling the ftum community that Biden and the dems are not that bad ans Trump and the right are not that good.
    They are showing their true colors

    1. I don't know how people have the gall to talk against Rapaport. Are you feeding the hungry like he is? Did you read the haftora on Yom Kippur? That is the true meaning of a fast, feeding the poor. Not voting right wing or other such nonsense.

    2. What does feeding the hungry have to do with anything. It does not justify or give one a license to attack besmirch and insult the intelligance of the frum community. Even worse to go on CBS and badmouth frum Jews to the press and blame the virus and them being Trump supporters. He deserves to be called out and criticized. He should focus on the soup kitchen unless the funding comes from liberal politicians that will explain it all.

    3. "Have the gall to talk against..." all the previous comment did was accurately describe his politics. He is constantly putting himself out there in the media blindly giving cover and supporting left wing Democrats.

      His downplaying the efficacy of Hydroxy is not only ill-informed, but it is reckless endangerment. Unlike masks, that can have some potential benefit for healthy people, he is discouraging a treatment for actual sick people, that has shown to be over 40% effective.

      His articles are public record, just google him. The studies on Hydroxy by NYU and Henry Ford Hospitals are public record. The low death rates from Covid in Africa, where Hydrox is over the counter is factual data, the same in India where Hydroxy was given prophylacticaly.

      These are facts, something that the radial left seem to be averse to

    4. It's the opposite. Now they think the Torah is to blame, the reason we have more covid19 is because we keep the Torah.
      Now that Chillul Hashem is taken away, it has nothing to do with Torah. It is because for some reason many Jews think Trump is theirs. It has nothing to do with Judaism, many fine Jews loathe everything to do with Trump. So we have removed the embarrassment from us.
      If you are embarrassed about being a Trump supporter, you can just stop. It won't hurt you at all.

    5. Sounds like Ray Coles got to him, or maybe vice versa.

    6. Anon 12:35pm, you're not supposed to smoke hadassim

  13. Lakewood mayor Coles takes no responsibility but blames the uptick on Trump and the community who supports him and on residents for not social distancing. This who the Lakewood vaad are endorsing

  14. 27% positivity is a skewed number and does not make any sense based on the total cases

  15. 1. I think everyone understands that someone who has covid 19 cannot walk into a public place, especially not for davening etc.

    2. When people have symptoms of covid 19, they cannot be expected to arbitrarily give up on davening for weeks without being sure that they have it. Until they are tested they need to stay out, but they must be tested.

    3. When lots of people test positive in an area, the news will hear about it, and the outside world will focus on us.

    4. The only option we have, to prevent the outside world saying about us אוי לא לרבו שלמדו תורה, is to try and ensure that we don't have a large amount of positive cases. We cannot tell people not to test, because of 1 and 2. So this is our only choice.

    5. To those confused about Chillul Hashem, Reb Yisroel Salanter's son writes that one of the reasons that his father wanted people to eat on Yom Kippur during a plague is because he was worried that people would say that keeping Torah is bad for health, and that would be a Chillul Hashem. Reb Yisroel Salanter seemingly did not think like you

    1. We got to vote for the straight Republican column and all the bad fabricated press about frum Yidden will disappear.

    2. it all boils down to one thing. everyone as a whole lets be careful and care about another.

    3. Anonymous 2:00 - The government does not control the press, even if our current POTUS would like to. Voting Republican may make you feel better, but our situation will remain the same.
      But even if you were right, it is irrelevant. Right now we do not live in a totalitarian state, dissent is still permitted. And the press will cover our situation, so we need to make sure that we do not give them fodder.

    4. To Tzum Zach. I am not buying the comment that R'Yosroel Salanter permitted eating on Yom Kippur because of chillul hashem.

      First of all, if you think that keeping Yom Kippur can possibly cause Chilul Hashem, shows you have no understanding of what Chillul Hashem is.

      Secondly, even it it was possible, Chilul Hashem is not Docheh Yom Kippur (not that it would ever be possible for such a conflict to exist)

      If there he was concerned about what Goyim would think, it would only makes sense if he viewed it in the context of causing a progrom and pikuach nefesh

    5. Anon 4:09 if you think the threat to free speech comes from the press, you are mistaken despite Obama's jailing of journalists for not revealing sources.

      The threat to free speech comes from corporations who are controlling an increasingly larger part of the economy. Post wrong think on social media, and you can be fired an unemployable. This is not some irrational fear, it is the current reality.

    6. JoeBagel - you are entitled to disbelieve Reb Yisroel's son. But he didn't say this was the entire cheshbon, just that he was metzaref this cheshbon. But maybe Reb Yisroel also did not know what Chilul Hashem is. Perhaps he should have listened to Rush Limbaugh to understand Judaism.

    7. Anonymous 5:35 - you missed the point. Completely. The issue is not free speech. I am not a Goy, and I have different values. Free Speech is not a Jewish value.

    8. Tzum Zach, you are making a claim with no source that makes absolutely no sense halachicaly or haskafikaly. Provide a source and a will be glad to lookit up. Otherwise, it is just a nonsensical anonymous comment .

    9. Anon 7:29. I understood your point, I also understood the unwarranted jab you tired to take at the President and that is what I was responding to.

      While free speech may not be a "Jewish" issue per say, it is a human issue. When government controls speech you end up with tyranny. When Corporations control speech, you have corporatocracy.

  16. I am SO pumped to vote for the first time ever! I got my ballot in the mail today. Keep an eye out for yours! It's time we vote out Ray Coles! By the way, why isn't Travis running?

  17. Anyone know the deal with the food boxes? Went to tehilas Chaya Sarah and there jsut a skid of milk but no one there even giving it out. Went to Bnos Melech and nothing is there?

    1. It was postponed to Friday morning

    2. Thanks, hope the milk doesn't get spoiled shooting in the lot :(
      How are they communicating this to ppl? Seems like many ppl have no idea what's going on.

  18. I used the drop-box on 4th Street between Clifton and Lexington to place my ballot. I feel that is so much more secure than putting it in the mail for extra hands to touch it. It's kind of creepy if you think about it. No wonder Creepy Joe is so fond of voting by mail. By the way, make sure to vote NO on the back of the ballot to ALL the questions. You want to protect yourself and your family? Voting NO to the three questions, especially the first, will help ensure that for decades to come!

  19. haL'chvod Hatzibur Hakedosha Chashuvim of Ir Hatorah When are we going to start talking like yidden and to think of the Chatoim that brought this Gezeirah and do Teshuvah on them? R"l how many bloody noses do we have to get? Have the doctors or the government people saved us? Hashem threw us out once from Shul's schools chasuna halls does he have to repeat it again? Were the doctors able to save us last time around? They made every possible mistake and then some Plus. It's only Hashem that can save us. The doctors can be a shliach if Hashem wants them to be the shliach. We need to think if we ever threw anyone out of Shuls schools or chasuna Halls like maybe in 2019. For more info see
    Rav Brog lists 19points of midah Kineged midah. The way out of all this is to stop cancelling each other and be respectful of another opinion we need to work on Ahavas Chinom and make sure all kids are in school and everyone is part of society not in virtual gulags. Smiling to each other like Rav Yisroel Salanter said a persons face is a Reshus Harabim and it can become a Bor B'reshus Harabim if he doesn't smile. Saying Hello and generally be mekarev people.
