Monday, May 6, 2019

No Live stream at the Zoning Board Meeting

Last night at the Lakewood Zoning board meeting the Live stream video was not turned on. A resident asked the board why all other township meetings are live streamed and scheduled ahead of time yet the zoning board is not. Board member responded that they have absolutely no idea what he is talking about and dont know what goes on with the live stream, see the exchange at minute mark 35:45 on the video below


  1. Must be some serious corruption going on at this meeting that they're afraid to be recorded and get caught. Shame on them for being afraid of human people but not afraid of Hashem the king of kings. I feel bad for what's waiting in store for them ahead in the true works above and beg them to do teshuva ASAP before it's too late and become honest people again. Remove your dishonesty and corruption from yourselves ASAP before it's too late.

    Ashamed to be living in such a corrupt generation of yidden like in the days of Noach R"L where toaiva and other sinful things i, the Torah has become normal R"L. Don't fool yourself and think your corrupt and sin free when there is so much dishonesty and corruption in the world today all over. Sit down with yourself and make a HONEST cheshbon hanefesh if you are really honest like a true yid should be that doesn't cause a chillul Hashem.

    1. True Yid Replies:
      what about the Heilege Chashuva..... That tell tens of thousands of people every election cycle to vote for them......
      Sacred for their day in court !!!

  2. Well it looks like it is back to the shtick and games, and they think we are so stupid to think that they are clueless about the live stream!!!!!

  3. Why did the meeting start late? and again applications were tabled with different excuses.. that people have to keep on coming back again and again.
    They could have been honest and said we are not live streaming it. Instead the board plays dumb while FAA calls them out on it. Nobody believes for a second that they
