Friday, July 3, 2015

When to say Tefilas Haderech when leaving Lakewood

A recent sefer was published along with a practical Tefilas haderech card for the car. The author notes when to say tefilas haderech when heading out of Lakewood. Its based on the psak of Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita. 

leaving Lakewood-  To NYC, Monsey-
 via Squankum rd say the tefilas haderech when merging on to the
Via GSP exit 91 you should say it after passing the Brick reservoir (2 and a half miles after exit 91)
Via Rt 9 -It should be said at the Raritan Bridge.

- To Philly/ Baltimore Via I-195 if you enter from rt 9 it should be siad 1 mile after exit 22 If you enter via West County Line rd Tefillas haderech should be said immediately when merging on the 195.
 To order the card email

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