Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Lev Lachim asifa tonight


  1. How do they continue to insult the intelligence of the olam by appointing gedolim you never heard of and expecting the crowd to follow at a whim with articles and pictures.

  2. It became a political party by the last elections in eretz yisrael. Rav Sorotzkin ran for the knesset and they did not invite Rav Shmuel Auerbach to the kinus in bnei brak.

  3. We're getting tired of these asifas already.
    When R' Shteinman came, alright, בסדר.
    But by now already, there's no more OOMPH! anymore.
    Who are all the gedolim that nobody ever heard of. Why must you take an eltere yid, who is sitting and learning a whole day, who probably never left ארץ ישראל in his life & never planned to, and bring him to America? For what purpose? Will anybody get anything from it? I doubt it, maybe they'll be able to chap a good shmuz with their friends in the lobby.
