Saturday, September 21, 2024

Motzei Shabbos News Updates

- Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras giyus has been postponed for a future date. There may be a separate  large asifa  this week in Lakewood for the litvishe yeshiva world.

- Daf yomi today Bava Basra 88 coincides with a pasuk in the parsha read this morning parshas ki Savo

- Parlor meeting and pidyon Shvuyim event for Tzedek shady lane 10pm

- Tomorrow morning annual Breakfast for Adelphia yeshiva 9:30 am Woodlamd Drive Lakewood 

- Trump: Hello everyone! I have something incredible to share today, as we are introducing the launch of our Official Trump Coins! The ONLY OFFICIAL coin designed by me—and proudly minted here in the U.S.A. The President Donald J. Trump First Edition Silver Medallion will be available starting Wednesday, 9/25/24, EXCLUSIVELY at Sign up today! 

- Assemblyman Avi Schnall (D-30) has introduced new legislation aimed at preventing the devastating tragedies that occur when parents accidentally leave their young children in vehicles, leading to severe injury or death from heatstroke. The bill would require child care centers to notify parents or guardians if their child does not arrive as expected, a critical safeguard to help avoid these heartbreaking incidents. The legislation mandates that all licensed child care centers in New Jersey establish a notification procedure as a condition for securing or renewing their operating license. Under this law, if a child does not arrive at the center and no prior notice has been given for the absence, the child care center must contact the parent or guardian to determine the reason for the child’s absence.


  1. Many cars have the windows open and inch when the inside temperature reaches a certain threshold. That should be mandatory.

  2. The Schnall legislation would essentially require babysitters to henceforth carry insurance.

    1. How would that help,besides being a burden

  3. A lot of playgroup morahs have this system in place for years of calling parents and it has saved lives. The day caree centers are too commercial to keep track of every kid. So at least for this schnall is doing something

    1. This is an asinine idea and placing an undue burden on the one morah for all the kids. She has enough on her plate as it is.

    2. If a Morah essentially taking attendance in order to make sure we save lives of Yiddishe Kinder is an undue burden to you, I'm very happy you aren't the one watching my children.

    3. If a parent C"V forgets a child, chances are they won't remember until it's too late CV the morah calls them right away when the child does not show up. It is the last line of defense. It's not something that needs legislation to make it happen it should be mandatory regardless
      And morahs already are doing it.

    4. We're talking about saving lives
      Any Morah that is too overwhelmed to pick up a phone and make 2 phone calls, probably shouldn't be working as a morah

    5. People always run late. At what point is the childcare provider supposed to call? What if they can't reach the parent? Should their focus be on the children who are there or the ones who aren't? One thing that law should have built in is that parents should have to pay a serious fee every time they need to be called. If you want to out this extra burden on childcare providers you need to compensate them for it

    6. Anon 11:50
      These are all good questions, and there can be guidelines for this, set a time that is not too late for a hot car to get dangerous and not too early either
      The fee is probably a good idea, if parents don't call ahead to inform the morah that they're running late or absent
      But to absolve the Morah of any responsibility in this matter is just wrong. If you saw your neighbors child going into the street would you stop them even though it's not your responsibility

    7. Because IT IS your responsibility.We have absorbed the wrong notions

  4. What’s the pidyon shvuyim about? Who’s it for?

  5. We need an aside to counter the zionist shmad. The zionisrs like the communists want to shut down our yeshivas and put us in jail

  6. There are different kinds of zionists who happen to use the same term
    Happens to be there were different kinds of communists

    1. Zionist government wants to close yeshivas how can any shul daven for these reshoyim?

    2. Please explain to me what yeshiva has closed down or what bachur was forcibly enscripted to the army? Before you start calling the governent rashoim try to stick to the facts....

    3. Even better-or worse-
      kofi'im Osam ad rotzeh ani

    4. Really? Halacha allows you to go around harassing other people Including tinokos s’nisbah because of Kofin osey ad s’yomar rotzeh ani? Had I been born a secular Israeli I would also hate I mean DESPISE the Charedei world because of that attitude.

    5. 1.You Despise them now without being born secular- be frank about it.
      2.As for your other sentence-don't have clue what you're trying infer or imply.
      3.Enough of that excuse tinok shenishba.There are plenty of charedim, perhaps you too, who actually are religious & still are vs plenty of secular who aren't, in the slightest

    6. I hate no one. Not those born into secular families and not those born into kanoish families even though some members of both groups have plenty fault for the hate for Torah, Mitzvahs and those who keep them that exists by some in Eretz Yisroel. People born into such families are tinokos shnisbah. People who weren’t and voluntarily join those groups are not. It feels wonderful to think that those who have issue with some of the behavior in the Charedie world in regard to secular Israelis is only because they are the same haters that some in the Charedie world are. I used to think that way too. Enough said.

    7. you everybody should remain forever how they were born, without progress [my definition thereof]?!

    8. Everyone should be better than the way they were born. Whether they born into the secular world or the world of the kanoim. If however they don't change they are tinokos shnisbah and at least sogegim for not doing so.

    9. A person or crowd who defeated you in discussion must be a kanai'i?

    10. You don’t get defeated in discussion with Kanoim. After a while you just get tired of their insults , arrogance and false assumptions

    11. In short..finally had your comeuppance, to your consternation, & you're left with nothing more in the tank

      Because you've been led by orchestators that you fête mass blokes who spent decades preparing for these showdowns aren't supposed to be blown away like that,you're thoroughly surprised ?!

  7. Where can I buy the Trump coins locally? Can I use Maaser money?

  8. If the daycares are under CHS that’s a government program. I would think that there would be rules regarding taking attendance everyday. If a child is not present during that time a parent would be contacted to see where they are. The CHS program has tons of rules so I don’t understand how this is not mandatory for all daycares.

  9. [Self-determined supposed] kana'us if comes from holistic heavy concern for Klal Yisrael & their destiny in the world,there something wrong with it??

    1. Can it even be possible 'something be wrong' with fullsome bonafide jews?
