Monday, September 2, 2024

Lakewood Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul 5784

עננו  העונה בעת רצון ער"ח אלול כ״ט אב תשפ"ד
Minyanim for Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul. Rosh chodesh is Tuesday & Wednesday, Please post additional minyanim & corrections  in the comment section

- BMG 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm in the Botei medrashim  Beren, Klein Gestetner, Bais Sholom, Bais Shmuel. 6:30 in the Yoshon B"M,Bais Shalom,Bais Shmuel Princeton. 

- Woodbourne Shul Yom Kippur Katan at: 1:45, and 6 with additional minyanim as needed 

Updated list with minyaim times at lakewood lunch Here

Satmar Forest Ave the Ravs Minyan is 1pm other minyanim 1:40,2:30,3:30,4:30,5:30,6:30,7:30

Bais  Elazer Kahanows shul 1:05

- Ishay Yisrael 1:10 pm 110 Miller Rd

- Kol Aryeh 1:30 and 5:00pm
- Central Court 1:35 and 6:30

-Somerset walk- Mincha Yom Kippur Katan 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm

- -Kol Shimshon 1:45 pm 7:00 pm

- Coventry 1:35

- B"M Lutzk 1:45,5pm.,6pm,7pm 

-Chateau Park 1:30

Chasam Sofer 490 Manetta 1:30

Mordys Shteibel 1:30

-Chateu Park sefard  6:30pm

Rachmistrivka 7pm

-Lev Avos 1:30 pm

-Alumni B'M 1:45 pm

-Arlington 1:45

-B"M Westgate 1:30

-Bais Shabsi 1:45 and 6:30

-Kehilas Hearsthstone 1:45 & 6:30 downstairs

- Ohr Yoel Meir (williams st. shul) 6:50PM

- Columbus shul 1:40 pm

-B"M Kelmwoods westgate 2:45 pm (Ezras Nashim open)

- Kollel Choshen Mishpat 625 forest 3:00 pm

- 160 airport road 4:30

- Babad Toms River 5:30
-Yeshiva Birchas Chaim Vine st 6:00 pm at new B"m with Talis and Tefilin K'minhag Telz

- Kehilas Hearthstone 6:30 pm

-Zichron Shneur  6:30 pm

- Hampshire Heights 6:30

- Bais Shabsi 6:30

Brealov 6th st 6:40

- Breslov Shul County line 6:40
- Chust Ridge area 6:45

- Ohr Akiva  rain tree 6:40

- Prospect Square  2 Nussbaum (6:40 pm).

-Satmar on Forest ave every hour from 1:30, 2:30 etc.. till shkiah

- Lakewood Residence courtyard shul /1st between forest and madison-direct entrance to shul) at 6:40 pm (ezras nashim too)

- Tal L'Yisrael 477 James St. 6:45 PM (Ezras Nashim open)

Hearthstone Tiferes Shmuel  (941 Princewood Ave)

Ohr Yechezkel 6:30 pm

Sharei ish Jackson 7:40

Spinka 615 Bergen Avenue 8pm

1 comment:

  1. Spinkalakewood: היום
    ער"ח אלול לקראת ימים נוראים הבעל"ט למעורר רחמי שמים וישעות הכלל והפרט
    מנין תהלים בציבור בשעה 5:30
    יום כיפור קטן בשעה 7:30
    ואח"כ מנחה
