Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday July 10 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 90° partly cloudy this afternoon. High around 90F.

Excessive Heat Warning Until Wed 8:00 pm  heat index, is showing values of up to 108 degrees.
forecasters Warn Of 'heavy' storms as Beryl's remnants hit NJ. Showers and thunderstorms are likely tonight, mainly between 2am and 5am. Some of the storms could produce heavy rainfall.

- Nearly half of Jewish voters have felt at risk because of their religious identity while living in the Empire State — while more than a third said that New York is no longer a safe haven for their people, a shocking new poll reveals.
The survey conducted for the pro-Israel New York Solidarity Network found that 44% of the 1,200 Jewish voters in New York City and other counties queried said they have felt unsafe, as did 67% of identifiable Orthodox Jews.

- Heavy bumper to bumper traffic on Central ave tonight 

- More than $85 million has already been pledged for Keren Olam Hatorah, the newly established fund aimed at providing critical support to yeshivos and kollelim in Eretz Yisroel.

- Gas prices go up in Lakewood following July 4th weekend average is $3.60 a hallon

- B"H The R"Y Rav Feigenbaum has been alert please continue davening for Tzvi Menachem ben Chana Yitta

- The Jackson library will be closed for at least two weeks due to HVAC issues

- Giyus Update: Sefardi Roshei yeshiva issue strongly worded letter instructing yeshiva bochurim to not show up at all at recruitment centers to ignore the letters and to bear the financial burden and even to be jailed for it. See below.

- The Toms River Regional Board of Education has announced it will sue the state of New Jersey over the state's aid cuts to the district, calling the cuts "legislative child abuse."

- United States to deploy Tomahawk cruise missiles and other long-range weapon systems in Germany 

- Giyus Update: Israeli media reporting that Rav Moshe Hillel HIrsch will be instructing the vaad hayeshivos to tell bochurim not to show up for draft requests after the army formally begins sending out notices. 

-Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron gives interview to Hebrew Mishpacha magazine says theres no su h thing as second class  bochurim there is no situation where we are allowed to give up on even one bochur to serve in the army, on the contrary we must protect the weaker ones from falling into the draft

- BDE Petirah of rebbetzin Sara Shlesinger a"h wife of Rav Shmuel Akiva Yaffa Shlesinger shlita Chief Rav of Strasbourg, France and daughter of Rav Chaim Tzvi Kriger ztl of hisachdus Harabinim she was 90, Her son is Rav Yisroel Dovid Shlesinger of Monsey. The levaya is taking place today in Yerushalayim on rechov Sorotzkin with kevura on Har Hamenuchos

- Following their previous denials of Chestnut Holdings application, the Lakewood Planning Board on Tuesday night reversed course and approved the application. Board Chairman Moshe Neiman claimed that the reason for changing the vote is that the application is fully conforming and a denial would be beyond the Board's jurisdiction. However, in coming to this conclusion, the Board ignored a letter from the neighbors' attorney stating otherwise. The neighbors have 45 days to file a lawsuit full story on Faanews  

- Bill O’Reilly says he’s 90% certain former President Donald Trump will choose Florida Sen. Marco Rubio to be his running mate. But O’Reilly believes former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley would guarantee Trump a winning campaign.

- Ocean county fair opens today July 10 -July 14 at the Fairground in Berkeley Township, New Jersey Route 530, Bayville, NJ 08721 hours 11-5 admission $10 

- On Tuesday night, Lakewood Township’s Planning Board adjourned hearing Menachem Gutfreund's application for a major child care center on Spruce Street between Washington and Vine Avenue's, as the Board questioned the credibility of the developers' traffic report and decided to retain their own independent traffic report.

- Barron Trump makes an appearance at the Miami rally last night

- Nancy Pelosi suggested that President Biden should reconsider his decision to stay in the race, the strongest public push yet from a senior member of his party for him to weigh dropping out.

-George Stephanopoulos said when asked , “Do you think Biden should step down?”  “I don’t think  he can serve four more years,”

- A wedding took place  yesterday at Viznitz Bnei Brak R' Mendele, it lasted for 15 hours and went until 6:15 am with thousands of chasidim participating 

- Update on newly Kosher Certified Skittles Littles: An OU spokesman tells DansDeals that,
“Skittles Littles Original are kosher even without OU on packaging. This applies to both bags and tubes. No special code or date needed. There will soon be an OU on them but they are acceptable already as of now. Only applies to:
1) Skittles Littles Original
2) When it’s a Product of the USA.”


  1. PSA the Jackson library will be closed for at least two weeks due to HVAC issues.

  2. The corruption that this town breeds. Than they go walk around like they're holier than thou!!

  3. Didn't Bill O'Reilly announce that he has inside 'sources' that Biden was gonna drop out? He's just desperate for publicity, and but a reliable source for anything

  4. This is an outrageous decision by the Planning Board. After multiple denials, they suddenly approve the project despite clear evidence of non-compliance with zoning laws. It’s appalling that they ignored a letter from attorneys representing the residents, which clearly stated that the Board lacked jurisdiction. The way they deferred to the applicant's engineer for guidance, instead of adhering to the correct ordinances, is highly suspicious and reeks of bias. The Board's flip-flop, especially by Chairman Moshe Neiman, undermines the trust and integrity of the entire planning process. Residents' valid concerns about traffic, safety, and lack of public amenities were blatantly disregarded. This reversal is a blatant disregard for the community’s interests and raises serious questions about the Board's motives. This decision should be challenged and overturned.

    1. Why is this project being singled out? There are similar projects all over town. Approval should not be based on how connected the neighbors are. Yes the concerns are valid, bit this is the reality of our town. If you don't want traffic and no place to sit in shul, then move. Yet hundreds are moving into town every year.

    2. huh, Because many other projects are supposed to be rejected, therefore this project can be approved?!
      The zoning board likely were subtly threatened & bribed. We used to call it: the dangerous mob.

    3. Yes, until all the others are also rejected, why is this being singled out?

  5. What happened at the rebbe court case today

  6. Since when does a SATMAR REBBE give an interview to a tzioni Hebrew paper?

  7. I thought they had the full amount when they left America. Suddenly it went down to $85m. Did some of it disappear?

    1. You thought wrong. Mikvah neiyas is not always accurate.

    2. Might as well schnor from the regular yidden.
      Never pass on additional money.

  8. Gas prices are higher because of the summer gas formula in NJ which is more expensive. When taking that into account, gas prices actually dropped.

    Summer-blend gas is used in New Jersey during the summer months and has a lower Reid vapor pressure (RVP) than winter-blend gas. This lower RVP prevents the gas from evaporating too much when temperatures are high, which could cause the car to stop running. Summer-blend gas also has 1.7% more energy than winter-blend gas, which can lead to better gas mileage. However, summer-blend gas is more expensive to produce because it takes longer and the yield per barrel of oil is lower. It also contains less butane than winter-blend gas, which is a cheaper additive.
