Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday July 11 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 91° Partly cloudy. High 91F
Up to 2 inches of rain from the remnants of Hurricane Beryl is expected across southern New Jersey during downpours on Friday as storms sweep across the state with more wet weather on Shabbos as well, forecasters say

- Biden at press conference: "I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if she's not qualified to be President."

- Axios reports that Donald Trump Jr. is set to speak at the Republican National Convention right before his father announces his vice presidential running mate, suggesting that President Trump may have chosen Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) for the position.

- FAA news Headline says the vaad schedules meeting to ensure control over lakewood media $500,000 in uez funds will be used to gain control of the lakewood media. See article Here 

- President Biden's campaign is discreetly measuring Vice President Kamala Harris's viability against former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, the NYT reports.

- 45 girls still waiting to get accepted into local HIgh school

-For this coming Elul zman theres approximately 8 new Yeshivos opening for Bais Medrash age bochurim 

- PSA: Those who plan on fasting tomorrow erev shabbos Parshas Chukas  full or half day following the call of the moetzes should have in mind  for kabolas taanis during Mincha 

- The Jury in the case of Reb Osher Eisemann has been selected and the trial is underway

- President Joe Biden is scheduled to hold a solo news conference at 6:30 p.m., taking questions from the White House press corps. He aims to demonstrate his capability to serve another four years to the American public.

- Free Slurpee Day today Thursday, 7/11, you can get a free frozen drink at 7-Eleven. Stop in a participating 7-Eleven, Speedway or Stripes store on Thursday, July 11, to get a free small Slurpee (while supplies last) on the convenience store chain's 97th birthday.

-Giyus Update: Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita slammed Gallant’s announcement regarding the imminent conscription notices “One fool comes and issues recruitment orders. We have already said several times that we are obliged to give our souls for this.” he added for a bochur even one day serving in the IDF is shmad. 

- The Lakewood Fire Tower’s watch has ended. The 136-foot structure off Massachusetts Ave , first built by Jersey Central Power and Light Company in 1944 for a sum of $360, was decommissioned in early July and will be fully demolished later this year, first responders and state officials told NJ Advance Media this week. There are plans to build a new tower in Jackson Township and to use aircraft to survey for wildfires until then. But it’s unclear what will happen with the property, off Massachusetts Avenue which  is owned by NS Holdings, LLC and was leased by the state. Now that the lease is ending, the property owner asked for the tower to be removed. Tax records show the property, a third of an acre in a multi-residential zone, was bought in 2015. “I don’t know if they own an adjacent property and plan to do a larger development …I don’t know if they know what they’re going to do with it, and if they do (develop something) they can come to one of our land-use board meetings,” said Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles.

- Israeli Opposition Leader Yair Lapid called on the government to denounce Rav Dov  Lando’s call, to ignore the notices “Where are all the ministers and MKs from the right who kicked and screamed against calls for refusal (which never happened)?” Lapid wrote on X. “Rabbi Lando’s words are the most explicit call for refusal so far. The prime minister and his ministers must explicitly condemn it 

- Trump calls out Pelosi, claiming she wouldn’t withstand a debate with him for more than five minutes.

-Faanews article It seems that Lakewood developers are hard at work doing all they can to ensure that we do not receive adequate traffic improvements, a FAA News investigation reveals. More

- Biden's top Jewish supporters express doubts about his re-election chances on a private Zoom call, despite a campaign staffer's efforts to reassure them, saying Biden is "busy, in control, crushing it", Jewish Insider reports.

-Boys from Yeshiva Shagas Aryeh in Lakewood visited Satmar Rebbe Rav Aron in Kiryas Yoel.

Video: Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita on Giyus


  1. I live in Lakewood for over 40 years and don't remember ever a grass fire, the fire tower is just another way of seeing how backwards minded the people who run Lakewood are

    1. There was a massive wildfire in Lakewood in 2021

    2. Anon 10:59,

      You have a very poor memory. Try getting yourself more sleep before you post dumb comments. You might actually remember things better.

  2. The whole Lakewood township is farcocked

  3. What kashia did thee Rebbe ask the boys ??
    That would be most interesting.

  4. "Stop in a participating 7-Eleven, Speedway or Stripes store on Thursday, July 11, to get a free small Slurpee (while supplies last) on the convenience store chain's 97th birthday."

    Better yet, have some dignity and don't run somewhere for a free cup of pishvasser. You're בני מלכים and don't have to fall for this nonsense.

    1. Bnei malochim don’t write and express themselves in such an impolite way . Correct or you disagree? Just wondering

  5. Hefkervelt ! Seriously, no mention about almost a 1,000 camp malka girls stranded in the poconos??????

    1. What for? Those who daughters go there know some version the story. Those who don't aren't so desperate for loshen hora, motzey shem ra and general mud slinging

    2. They sent a email that they only have a TCO for 450 campers and staff and can't accommodate everyone they are sending other divisions home

  6. 45 President waiting to become President again,
    45 girls still out of high school,
    45 Rebbe waiting for his new Bais Medrash,
    I guess 45 is the new number to aspire to

    1. 44 was supposed to be the right number for Mashiach to come many years ago already as YOU will see below in the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM that Hashem sent to the world the minute Obama was elected president

      President Barack (Husaine) Obama is the 44th President of the USA. The numerical value of his last name is 44. The 44th word in the Torah is Choshech (Dark). It says the word Eved (servant) 44 times in the torah & the numerical value of Dam (Bloodshed) is also 44. Now we can & should get ready for the Bloodshed of Milchemes Gog U'Magog before Mashiach comes. Hold yourselves in as he negotiates with terrorists, as the relationship between Israel & America is slowly separating (in president Obama's inauguration speech he welcomed in every terrorist country from Iraq to Iran etc... & told them if you join America & expand the land then we will assist you in all our programs AKA Social Security, Medicaid, HUD Foodstamps etc...)

      President Barack (Husaine) Obama is what we need for moshiach to come. You see before Moshiach comes the whole entire world is going to be against Israel & the jews. Now, you can't just have President Bush & the United States go against Israel, you need a Muslim i.e. Bnei Yishmael to rule America & THEN go against Israel. The way Judaism works is that if your mother is jewish then you are jewish. Muslims are just the opposite, if your father is Muslim then you are a Muslim & that is what Barack Obama is. (a Muslim from his fathers side) Now with America under Muslim/Bnei Yishmael rulership Moshiach can come.

      Very sad we didn't take Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation back 15 years ago already and then we wouldn't be in the current Hamas gaza war and coronavirus pandemic mageifa that happens and could've been completely avoided

      Let's hope we finally stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and openly confess to Hashem and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov

  7. 45 is what Hashem asks of us.
    מה ה׳ שואל מעמך…

  8. Biden was mekayem "ad delo yada" during tonight's big boy press meeting.

  9. He will Come when our communities (that's your extended family & bosses) becomes public paragons of virtue to the outside world.As is brought down.
    So get over it. It ain't happening.Until you get us to start ostracizing those who aren't.
