Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Wednesday November 1 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 50° Cloudy skies Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 50F

Freeze warning tonight Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. from midnight to 10am Thursday 

- Fire breaks out at an apartment complex on Sampson avenue in Lakewood 

- Toms River elections the TRJCC is not supporting any one candidate in the upcoming Toms River mayoral and council elections on November 7th. after consulting with rabbonim. 

- Daily Tehillim for children at 6:45 PM, including stories and Divray Chizuk, led by the renowned Reb Aaron Brustowaky Shlita, live on the Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 option 9

- Clocks fallback this motzei shabbos as Daylight saving time in the U.S will end on Nov. 5 at 2 a.m. local time, pushing clocks back an hour.

- Think that you are voting "for the individual and not for the party?" Think again! 
 Ned Thompson republican candidate for assembly "The only way that you are going to get tuition relief is the fact that you have to have a republican majority in a video message the assemblyman said: "What i brought to lakewood my entire career is the truth and my opponent is offering a relief of tuition for the private schools , school choice basically which  we have supported for the last 15 years by all republicans the only way that you are going to get tuition relief is the fact that you have to have a republican majority which we are closer to than we have been in 20 years we will bring tuition relief as we have been supporting it, the NJEA the teachers union will not allow the democratic party to vote for tuition relief it takes money out of their pocket it takes members off their rolls they will never support that and are the largest backers of the democratic party in the state of New Jersey vote republican that's the only way that you will get tuition relief and a bill passed.

- MDY Daf Yomi  members will spend a shabbos together this week with R' Eli Stefansky at the Armon Hotel in CT
 - Rav Shaul Alter shlita is will be attending an evening of chizuk at the Boca Raton Synagogue next week Monday

- Interview with APP Vaad spokesman makes no mention of fixing the formula or the almost 300 million soon owed by Lakewood taxpayers but only concern is that the board is working in unison "the school board is a large group and right now the school board itself seems to be working in unison together and we did not want to do anything to disrupt that,” Weisberg said. “We have had contentious school boards in the past and they have not worked particularly well.”

-Tuesday night, the Jackson Township Council voted to formally settle a lawsuit filed in 2017 by Agudath Israel which claimed that the Council had deliberately passed zoning regulations making it impossible for Orthodox Jews to build schools and dormitories and eruv in a statement Agudah said  Significantly, none of the current council members sat on the Council when it was originally sued. Agudath Israel’s New Jersey Office is very grateful to the current council members for their willingness to work together with the community in reaching this favorable result. Agudath Israel is also grateful to Mayor Mike Reina, a longtime partner and friend of the Jackson community, for his support. FAA news points out  that actualy  Mayor Reina just so happens to be the guy who signed these very same anti-semitic ordinances into law. In fact, this point was highlighted by Agudath Israel in their court filings. More 


  1. Something to think about when you vote for Ned..

    1. That is coming from a rabidly pro Schnall site so you should know to take it with a grain of salt . I googled the Asbury Park Press which they claim is is their source. It gives a very different reason for why he isn't running again.

    2. Actually, maybe you need help with Googling -
      try this article from the APP

      Some quotes

      "I've been really happy doing the Assembly job," Catalano, 74, said. But, "my heartstrings weren't being pulled upon anymore by Trenton. When you're in the (Republican) minority, and you're trying to do what's right for the people, it's very difficult to get any bills, partisan or nonpartisan,… to a committee or onto the Assembly floor."

      "I didn't feel like being in Trenton, I was able to give back to the people. You would want to do something and you'd never see it done."

    3. So twiddle your thumbs & give up
      OR cause the change to happen

  2. Is anyone going to speak about the censorship of all media to any party that runs not approved by the VAAD? What is wrong with having a discussion of ideas? Just making like the other side does not exist is just plain wrong. They dont allow the other side to exist. Nobody allows for Schnalls or other opponent to advertise in most mainstream print or website/social media.

  3. The Va’ad claims that a contentious BOE doesn’t work out well

    Perhaps, for that reason, the Va’ad should bend its interests to that of the ‘Fixing the Formula’ party. Why do they demand others bend over in the name of Achdus? Maybe they should bend over for the Tzibur, just for once?

  4. " Ned Thompson republican candidate for assembly "The only way that you are going to get tuition relief is the fact that you have to have a republican majority in a video message the assemblyman said: "What i brought to lakewood my entire career is the truth and my opponent is offering a relief of tuition for the private schools , school choice basically which we have supported for the last 15 years by all republicans the only way that you are going to get tuition relief is the fact that you have to have a republican majority which we are closer to than we have been in 20 years we will bring tuition relief as we have been supporting it, the NJEA the teachers union will not allow the democratic party to vote for tuition relief it takes money out of their pocket it takes members off their rolls they will never support that and are the largest backers of the democratic party in the state of New Jersey vote republican that's the only way that you will get tuition relief and a bill passed."
    Just to clarify, if by some stretch of the imagination Schnall ends up being the tie - breaking vote there is nothing stopping him from joining the Republicans to vote for vouchers. Being registered as Democrat really doesn't mean anything.
    That being said it stretches the imagination that Schnall being in the assembly will magically make vouchers more likely to happen. Their gaslighting in advertising to get everyone to vote for him is quite sad. However I am not sure why Mr. Hefkervelt posts everything ned thompson says as if any of it is a valid concern.
    I have no opinion on this particular race but the politics and deceitfulness on both sides must be criticized.

  5. This shcnall campaign seems like aguda pushing themselves into Lakewood after they raitzed uhn the akum in Jackson we don't want them having any control of Lakewood the bnei Torah of Lakewood are opposed to their hashkafos
    Stay out of our lives

  6. CHAS V'SHALOM that Schnall should end up as the tie breaking vote. That would cause both parties to hate us. On a general level after his whole campaign line is that Republicans can't get anything done etc. and unseating a safe Republican seat he is going to have major difficulty working with them. They certainly aren't going to run to put their efforts into supporting some Schnall sponsored legislation. Or anything else that Schnall is heavily identified with.

  7. Talking about fixing the formula why isn't there any discussion of why cedar bridge development isn't paying taxes?? It seems even Mr hershkowitz won't discuss the great big elephant in the room..... When The 200 acres were gifted away they are worth approximately $200 million today even without all the development on it it's worth multiples of that if they were just taxed like all of us without tax abatements etc it would take care of much of the formula problem....

    1. Get him elected.Then this can be dealt with

    2. I don't think you can backtrack on a tax abatement.

  8. The Democratic Party stands for abortion, LBGTQ, etc. which are all kneged Hashem. Whoever votes for them is anti G-d and whoever does nothing is also anti G-d as it will only strengthen them we need to vote against them as a macha against what they stand for and as showing that we stand for Hashem Yisborach.

    1. How nice! You know everything.

      But a vote for a candidate isn't a vote for a party. A candidate who is kneged Hashem is one thing. But Schnall is not.

    2. The only LGBTQ that we should be voting for is: Let’s Get Biden To Quit!!!

    3. A vote for a candidate is a vote for a party. Whatever that candidate may believe if they expect to bring in money by being a member of that party then they aren't free to vote as they please. They need to follow the party line. Otherwise they will be treated like a member of the opposing party

    4. So now you are accusing him of taking money from the Democrats.

      Continue with the lies


    5. That's what his entire campaign is about
      anything else?


    6. Ask Murphy & Sweeney
      They're rolling with laughter
      Which idiot claimed earlier that a vote for Schnall isn't a vote for a party!?
      All of a sudden

  9. The adirei hatorah of Lakewood will NOT be voting Democrat for assembly they olam in yeshiva are very upset and feel taken advantage of by the campaign of deception

    1. B'H! Don't be fooled the bnei Torah can't be bought off with a nice kollel check. Great to hear the oilam sees through the lies!

      Kol hakovod

  10. This town has a herd mentality. This is why this town will overwhelmingly vote for Schnall. The question is will it be enough for him to win. No one out of Lakewood will vote for him. He needs a massive Lakewood turnout to win.

    1. that is wrong. in previous elections lakewood did not vote overwhelmingly for the vaad endorsed candidates like murphy, mcgreevey and corzine.

    2. You have attitude..... Reality is Lakewood is a town which has the Busiest people in the world Large families working hard we all know we're getting ripped off but we don't have time to deal with it

  11. Vote Hershel for township and Eisenbach Morgenstern Schubert for Boe
    Thompson for assembly

  12. Don't vote for any vaad swamp endorsed candidates
