Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Herskowitz Campaign Robo Call for Early Voting.

 Hershel Herskowitz for Lakewood Township Committee. Early voting at Lakewood municipal building this week until 8pm


  1. When did the tuition matter become the most prominent issue in Lakewood? For most of us, it seems that concerns like traffic, congestion, and overall quality of life take precedence. Regrettably, these issues have worsened under the leadership of Vaad-appointed representatives. Vaad leaders often point fingers at the county and state for problems they've caused . If you don't want to see further damage, think twice about promoting Vaad appointees to higher positions. The tuition matter is not our primary concern and its mot likely that the Vaad will have any positive impact.

  2. Actually, it is the Vaad that is preventing tuition relief. The state passed a STEM program that pays frum public school teachers of a nonpublic school's choice, to teach in the mosdos. Each teacher would save the school $35,000. The NJEA is behind it because the money will go to its teachers. But the mosdos don't want anyone that they are not paying to teach in their schools, even though the law allows them to fire the public paid teacher if they go against their religious doctrine.

    1. Im sure there are some Mosdos that dont mind having college educated certified public school teachers in their schools as full time teachers and role models fir their students You are certainly welcome to send your children to those Mosdos. It is not what I or most of my friends want .

    2. Limudei Chol teachers aren't full time teachers.

      And since when did this become a thing? Not so long ago, all schools had public school teachers teaching Chol in the afternoon. From Satmar to YOB. Nobody complained. Since when did we become frummer than previous generations?

    3. Nobody was given a choice in the matter besides the owners

  3. If you dont underdtand that 50 years ago the street eas a lot more normsl and cleaner than today. Then it wasnt such a orobkem using public school teachers
